Oblivious Biden Mumbles Through Speech With Mask Dangling From His Ear

Joe Biden thinks wearing a mask for no particular reason is what leadership looks like. Much of his basement bunker campaign has been attacking President Trump for not wearing a mask when it isn’t necessary and patting himself on the back for wearing one outdoors yards away for anyone. Crazy Joe may be a little confused about what leadership looks like, but he certainly knows what senility looks like as he just gave a speech with a mask dangling from his ear, completely oblivious.

This is the guy democrats think will save them from the evil Trump monster:

Hey Joe, you got something on your face. This is really like the classic fable The Emperor’s New Clothes. There is not one liberal out there who will say anything to Joe, no matter how ridiculous he looks. If he showed up to a town hall complete naked, they’d all pretend like everything was normal.

In this mask-dangling speech, Biden basically gave Trump shit for wanting the country to open back up and said if he was in charge, no business would be allowed to open unless they meet strict coronavirus guidelines.

He also butchered the English language, which he can’t even blame on the mask since it was on his ear.

“I don’t want to get too wonky here,” said Biden right before he twice pronounced “guarantee” as “gan-tee.”

“It has compono parts,” Biden said of his plan to keep the lockdown going.

What’s a compono? I bet it’s Hawaiian for white guy with a mask on his ear.

Seriously, doesn’t he feel that think swinging around on his head?

Biden was also reading off of a script with the mask hanging in his line of sight and still didn’t notice it. On top of being clueless, we now know that Joe has no sense of feeling and is blind.

This Biden mask fiasco comes just one day after House democrat Jerry Nadler had his own battle with personal protective equipment:

Putting on and removing one of these masks is easier than tying one’s shoes. Obviously Nadler wears slip-ons because he’s much too fat to see his feet, but the point is, this is a simple operation that neither he nor Joe Biden can seem to master.

These are the same people that insist they would have stopped the coronavirus from spreading, Sure, when President Trump banned travel from China, the epicenter of the pandemic, they called him a racist xenophobic meanie, but they insist that their leadership would have made a difference.

And according to Biden, leadership is based on wearing a mask, something President Trump doesn’t often do, especially when it’s completely unnecessary.

There are many ways in which Joe Biden has disqualified himself from being president, but giving an entire speech with a mask dangling off his ear, unaware, proves he is completely disconnected from reality. Someone this clueless shouldn’t be in charge of the nuclear codes, the economy, or even a bowl of sea monkeys.