Joe Biden Claims Mass Shooters Disproportionately Target Transgender Women Of Color

Remember the great transgender massacre of 2017? Joe Biden does, even though it never happened. In fact, the democratic party nominee for president is convinced that most mass shootings target transgender women of color. Because the liberal media is propping up this senile empty can of a human being, nobody has asked him to provide evidence of any of the transgender massacres and that’s the way Joe likes it. Hell, nobody even asked him to explain how someone born with a penis is a woman.

To celebrate the 4th anniversary of the Pulse nightclub terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida, Shotgun Joe released a statement reaffirming his opposition to the 2nd Amendment:

Four years ago, as members of the LGBTQ+ community were gathered together for “Latin Night” at Pulse nightclub during Pride Month, a terrorist armed with a semi-automatic rifle opened fire. He killed 49 innocent people and injured many more — at the time, the deadliest mass shooting by a single gunman. And still today, it remains the deadliest attack on the LGBTQ+ community in American history.

It was nice of Joe to reluctantly admit this was a terorist attack but he totally left out the part about how the shooter, Omar Mateen, pledged his allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. You know, that “austere Muslim scholar” that President Trump ordered be killed “like a dog.”

Biden also didn’t mention that this was a radical Islamic attack on Americans and not a homophobic hate crime.

Speaking of which, Biden really does believe that black dudes in dresses are the biggest victims of mass shootings:

Sadly, all these years later, terrorism, mass shootings, and hate crimes continue to rip apart our American communities. Our places of worship have been attacked, Hispanics have been targeted in places like El Paso, the death toll from mass shootings continues to mount, and LGBTQ+ people, particularly transgender women of color, are disproportionately targeted by violence.

When Biden speaks, it’s not always clear what he’s saying. When one of his more lucid staffers writes out his “thoughts” however, it’s easy to understand what he’s trying to say. In this statement, he says the “death toll for mass shootings continues to mount” and that “transgender women of color are disproportionately targeted” by said mass shootings.

Where are those brave liberal media fact-checkers on this one? Oh yeah, I forgot, they want him to beat President Trump and will not draw attention to his lies or deteriorated mental state.

While Biden wouldn’t blame radical Islamic terrorism for mass shooting the hell out of transgender women of color, he did point a finger at Republicans:

The inaction of Republican lawmakers to address the scourge of gun violence in America is unacceptable, and Jill and I stand with the survivors of mass shootings and all the family members of victims to support the #HonorThemWithAction campaign.

Joe Biden was vice president of the United Sates for 8 years and was even put in charge of gun control by Obama and yet did nothing to stop gun violence or protect transgender women of color. In the first 2 years of the Obama/Biden reign of uselessness both chambers of Congress were controlled by the democrats. They could have passed any bullshit legislation that they wanted (and did with ObamaCare) but didn’t do one thing on gun control or transgender silliness.

Blaming the inaction of Republicans to move on these fronts is ridiculous since the GOP supports gun ownership rights and doesn’t think dudes with wangs are women. The democrats however hate gun ownership and think wangs are progressive vaginas, so it’s their inaction he should be furious over, including his own.