Boston Considers Removing ‘Racist’ Abraham Lincoln Statue

First they came for the Confederates, then it was Christopher Columbus, and now angry America-haters want to take out a “racist” statue of Abraham Lincoln. Honest Abe, the first person in this country to recognize that black lives matter, is now threatened by Black Lives Matter, demanding his removal. Sure, he freed the slaves, but what has he done for the black community lately? Clearly this monument destruction campaign has nothing to do with race and everything to do with ignorance and entitlement.

The Boston Globe reports:

For more than 100 years, the statue of Abraham Lincoln has stood in Park Square in tribute to the president known as the “Great Emancipator.” Lincoln towers over a half-clothed Black slave who is down on one knee, one of the president’s hands extended over the man who has broken shackles on his wrists. On the statue’s pedestal is the inscription: “A race set free and the country at peace. Lincoln rests from his labors.”

Black activist Tory Bullock however doesn’t care for the statue and has started a petition to have it removed. His problem with it is that he doesn’t want to look at a statue “of a Black dude on his knees.”

Does the name Colin Kaepernick ring a bell?

“All I remember is what I felt, and what I felt was ‘Wow, that’s a Black dude with a white dude standing over him like he’s a coffee table. And he just made me feel like something’s wrong,” said Bullock.

Is it possible this black activist has no idea who Abraham Lincoln was or what he did? He definitely doesn’t know who the black person in the statue is. It was pointed out to Bullock that the kneeling black person was a real-life freed slave who went on to have an amazingly successful life.

“If he’s free why is he still on his knees? No kid should have to ask themselves that question anymore,” said Bullock.

Here’s a thought: Maybe the black “dude” is kneeling because this is a piece of art that symbolizes things and not a photograph that documents actual events. Perhaps slavery is represented by being down and, with Lincoln removing the shackles, the former slave can now rise up. And that’s the thing, the black man isn’t kneeling in subjugation, he is getting up and even Lincoln’s hand is guiding him to get on his feet.

Again, has this activist never heard of Colin Kaepernick or seen any of the peaceful riots taking place across the country? Black people are keeling all over the place to show their hatred of police and America. It’s literally the latest craze among perpetual victims and aggrieved morons.

Bullock is lucky that his petition and plea to the city of Boston has found favor with the city’s leftist Mayor, Martin J. Walsh:

Walsh, who on Friday declared racism a public health crisis, is in favor of removing the statue, his office said, and is willing to engage in a dialogue about its future in Boston. The mayor is interested in potentially recommissioning the statue into one that recognizes equality, his office said, adding that since the statue is a memorial that falls under the Arts Commission, the administration is actively looking into what those processes would entail.

Oh, there’s a public health crisis alright, but it ain’t racism. It’s the Mayor agreeing with leftist kooks that a statue of Abraham Lincoln, the guy who freed the slaves and fought a war to free the slaves, is racist and must be removed. This newest pandemic is idiocy and democrats across the country are working overtime to spread it.