Democrat Tim Kaine Claims United States Invented Slavery

Americans have invented many great things like the lightbulb, airplanes, and Snuggies, but slavery ain’t one of them. According to history revisionist Senator Time Kaine however, Americans did invent slavery despite it being something that was practiced since before recorded history. The Virginia democrat can’t be faulted for his ignorance because he is a liberal trying to give other liberals another reason to hate the United States. When it comes to America-hating facts no longer apply.

This is Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s bitch-boy running mate in 2106, giving a factually-challenged speech on the Senate floor on Tuesday:

This was pretty much Kaine mimicking Black Lives Matter talking points that all cops are racist and police department must be defunded. To back up this bullshit, Kaine needed to prove that the United States is the most racist thing that ever was.

“The United States didn’t inherit slavery from anybody. We created it,” said kaine.

Huge, if true.

Here are some fair questions: Who built the pyramids? Who built ancient Greece and Rome? Who were the gladiators? Who were the Romans feeding to the lions?

The real truth is that slavery goes back before recorded history. The Code of Hammurabi, which dates back to 1754 BC in ancient Mesopotamia, was very concerned with slavery and had several laws related to the practice.

The United States wasn’t established until 1776 which is about 2000 years after the first recorded evidence of slavery. On top of which, if slavery didn’t exist until the U.S. created it, how were our Founding Fathers debating the practice as they were drafting the Constitution, AKA the blueprints for the United States?

Kaine’s claim gets even dumber because the original colonies that would eventually become America were largely British settlements. Britain practiced slavery and didn’t outlaw it until 1833, 57 years after we declared our independence. The United States did inherit slavery and it was bequeathed to us by our crazy great uncle, the British monarchy.

Because he’s a special kind of stupid, Kaine double down on this idiocy and indicated that he thinks slavery might still be in practice in this country:

“We created it and we created it and maintained it over centuries,” said Kaine.

Again, history begs to disagree. If slavery was created by the United States in 1776 as Kaine claims and it was maintained for centuries as he also claims, that means that he thinks slavery was still going on at least until 1976. Centuries with an “s” is at the bare minimum 2 centuries, so Kaine thinks slavery was still going on when Soul Train was a big hit on TV.

In fact…

“In my lifetime, we have undone some of those practices but we never went back to undo it,” Kaine said.

Kaine was born 1958 and says that some, but not all, slavery practices were stopped in his lifetime. Which slavery practices were still going in that 1958-1976 time period? Actually a better question is: Does Tim Kaine realize that all forms of slavery were abolished in 1863, well before his lifetime began? No really, we fought a war about it and everything. It was in all the papers.

Finally, how the hell do you undo something that happened? You can abolish slavery, which the Republicans did, but you can’t make it so democrats never owned slaves in the first place. Maybe Tim Kaine’s speech was for an appropriations bill to fund a time machine so he can go back to colonial America and stop his party from establishing themselves as the biggest racists this country has ever known.

Then again, maybe not:

Kaine flashed the “OK” hand gesture, which liberals tell us is a symbol for “white power.” Obviously this was a racist dogwhistle to signal to his fellow democrats that that if they can retake the Senate and White House, they will reinstitute some of those banned slavery practices they all miss so much.