Nancy Pelosi Accuses Republicans Of Murdering George Floyd

George Floyd was on illegal drugs and died of a heart attack when he resisted arrest while a police officer subdued him. Wether you think he was killed by the police officer or not, the fact remains that he died in a liberal city run by democrats in a liberal state run by democrats. Nancy Pelosi however says that Republicans murdered George Floyd because they are trying to pass a police reform bill authored by black Senator Tim Scott. Pelosi and the democrats love to pass the blame but this is stretch even for them.

The GOP has presented the Justice Act in the Senate that was authored by South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, a black guy. Because Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer does whatever House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tells him to do, he has vowed to block the police reform legislation. Pelosi was on CBS radio calling the Republican’s bill, written by a black man, irrelevant and “unsalvageable.”

“For something to happen, they’re going to have to face the realities of police brutalities, the realities of the need for justice in policing, and the recognition that there’s many good people in law enforcement, but not all. And that we have to address those concerns. So, when they admit that, and have some suggestions that are worthy of consideration — but so far they were trying to get away with murder, actually — the murder of George Floyd,” said Pelosi.

If Republicans are trying to get away with the murder of George Floyd, as Pelosi has stated, that means she believes that Republicans murdered George Floyd.

CBS radio host Steve Futterman let Pelosi’s outrageous accusation go without challenge, pivoting instead to asking if Pelosi approves of the leftist “Defund the Police” movement. Apparently she does.

“I think people mean different things. Of course, public safety is our first responsibility. We have to keep the American people safe; but we want to do it in a way that keeps everyone safe. And there are many ways to do that. Does it mean police officers should be social workers? Does it mean they should be referees in family disputes, and the rest? No, maybe we can distribute some resources in a way that really meet the safety needs of the American people,” Pelosi said.

She wants to replace cops with social workers, which means that yes, she does support defunding and dismantling the police. While the Republicans had nothing to do with murdering George Floyd, if Pelosi and the democrats defund the police, she will be responsible for thousands of deaths. She’ll still blame it on the Republicans and the liberal media will have her back, but that blood will be on her hands.

Later in the interview Pelosi accused President Trump of killing “people in color” with the coronavirus. She didn’t explain who “people in color” are but presumably they aren’t in black and white, so Asians maybe. Who knows? This broad is out of her mind.

Democrats are outraged when anyone suggests they murdered people they actually murdered like Mary Jo Kopechne or Vince Foster, but it’s fine for them to baselessly accuse Republicans of murdering George Floyd. This is more of the double-standard the left enjoys and definitive proof that they are the most bullshit people on the planet.