Hillary Clinton And AOC Agree That Republicans Are ‘F*ckers’

With so many factions in the democratic party, it’s not often they agree but one unifying message is that Republicans are “f*ckers.” Great grandma Hilary Clinton and petulant toddler Alexandria Ocasio Cortez have bridged the age and ideology gap to agree with Joe Biden’s official position that Republicans are the party of f*ckers. Maybe this is what Joe was talking about when he said we have to come together as a nation.

It was not outrageous when Joe Biden’s proposed Deputy Chief of Staff, Jen O’Malley, characterized Republicans as f*ckers or when a member of his inauguration committee, Stephanie Cutter, doubled-down on that characterization, but the shit hit the fan when Republican Marco Rubio called out the hypocrisy of it all:

Taking a rare break from bithcing about the 2106 election, Hillary Clinton sent this utter failure of a slam-dunk attempt:

It’s a good thing Hillary lost 2016 fair and square because she’s not all that bright and should never have been president. Nobody is offended by a curse word, Rubio is pointing out how full of crap Biden is for calling for unity when high-level aides of his are attacking Republicans.

Speaking of people who are on the dumb side, AOC also thinks Republicans are f*ckers. And because her idiocy is narcissistic, she made it all about herself:

That Congresswoman of which she speaks is her and it’s a complete lie. Back in July the fake news reported that Republican Rep. Ted Yoho called AOC a f*cking bitch, but nobody actually heard it including AOC. Yoho explained that what he actually said was that AOC’s agenda was “bullshit” which is a proven scientific fact. Also, Rubio was nowhere near AOC and Yoho when this happened, so that’s a lie too.

And speaking of AOC’s bullshit agenda, Marco Rubio used it to kick her in the clam with this awesome comeback:

Sick burn, bro.

What the democrats are doing here is trying to flip their terribleness onto the Republicans. Biden’s camp called all Republicans “f*ckers” while pretending to unify the country. When Republicans called them out, suddenly democrats say Republicans are the ones being offensive and hypocritical. If that doesn’t prove democrats are the biggest f*ckers of all, I don’t know what does.