‘Peaceful’ Protesters Tear Down Abolitionist Statue And Beat Up Gay Democrat

Those “peaceful” protests got even more peaceful yesterday when leftists in Wisconsin tore down a statue of an abolitionist and a women’s suffrage memorial and then beat the hell out of a gay progressive democratic state senator. The news assures us this was a mostly peaceful ass-whopping as well as mostly peaceful destruction of anti-slavery and pro-women rights monuments. With that the left is now for racism and sexism but against LGBT and leftism.

The Wisconsin State Journal reports that a scumbag black activist created a disturbance in a restaurant in Madison and then resisted arrest, necessitating the police to physically carry him out to the squad car. This was too much for Black Lives Matter and assorted leftist agitators so they took to the streets to exact their revenge against a racist system that arrests people for crimes they committed.

“This is not a peaceful protest, so if you came out here for a peaceful protest, you missed it. We’re done being peaceful. Now we demanding justice,” screamed one of the losers.

Protesters wrapped chains around “Forward,” the bronze statue of a woman located at the State Street corner of Capitol Square, and pulled her down around 10:45 p.m. The sculpture is a replica of a Jean Pond Miner sculpture cast in 1893 and installed in the Capitol in 1895 that was designed as an allegory for devotion and progress, the embodiment of her home state.

Protesters set their sights on another statue, one of Col. Hans Christian Heg at the top of King Street, tore it down and dragged it into Lake Monona. Heg was a Norwegian immigrant and journalist who died of his wounds at the Battle of Chickamauga fighting to preserve the United States and end slavery.

But the crowning jewel on this shit-cake of confusion came when the mob beat the stuffing out of one of their own:

Some protesters punched State Sen. Tim Carpenter, D-Milwaukee, in the face after the lawmaker tried taking a picture, according to multiple reporters on the scene. Carpenter had been headed to the Capitol to get some work done late Tuesday evening when he was attacked.

Carpenter is a gay and considered a far-left progressive lawmaker.

These George Floyd “protests” started out with the destruction of Confederate states and attacks on the police but have moved to annihilating symbols of anti-slavery, the women’s movement, and gay allies.

One of the protesters explained this was necessary to get people to listen.

Protester Ebony Anderson-Carter said the anger and destruction was spurred in part because state and local officials refuse to listen to protesters’ calls for change.

She said while the Forward and Heg statues stood for good causes and movements, those in power are not taking that same stand with the Black Lives Matter movement. Having those statues prominently displayed in Madison creates a “false representation of what this city is,” she said.

“I just hope some people realize that sometimes you need to talk to people in a language that only they understand. Stop trying to make us speak to you in your language,” said Anderson-Carter.

So if there were an ebonics translator, the mindless destruction and violence would stop?

For the record, here’s what that black activist did to get arrested in the first place:

Chasing white people around in restaurants and calling them racist through a bullhorn with a baseball bat over your shoulder will get you arrested every time.

Taking down an abolitionist statue, a women’s suffrage statue, and beating up a gay lefty sounds like something a group of neo-Nazis would do expect I’ve never heard of neo-Nazis doing anything like this. Actual Nazis, yeah, and that appears to be where the left is drawing inspiration from.