‘Alabama’ Is Now Racist And Must Be Stricken From History

Alabama is a state in the southern part of the United States and was once part of the Confederacy, which, according to the leftist racial grievance mob, makes it inherently racist. There is a national park in California named Alabama Hills and, because a black guy on drugs died from a heart attack, must be renamed according to that same racial grievance mob. If anything named after a Southern state is now on the chopping block, Good Times mom Florida and mediocre actress Virginia Madsen are screwed.

The LA Times brings us the legates in liberal insanity:

The push to change racially offensive place names has reached the birthplace of western movies: the high-desert badlands of gullies, canyons and outcroppings at the foot of Mt. Whitney known as the Alabama Hills National Scenic Area.

The 18,600 acres of rough and rocky hills on the east side of the Sierra Nevada, along Highway 395 and about 140 miles north of Los Angeles, have appeared in more than 700 movie and television productions since the silent 1920 western “The Round Up,” starring Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle.

Yes, we have reached peak idiocy when “Alabama” is considered a racially offensive name. Weirdly enough, just a year ago both of California’s Senators, Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, co-sponsored a bill to have Alabama Hills designated an official federal scenic area. Neither of them had any problem with the name at the time.

Now that everything is outrageous, Feinstein told the LA Times that she plans to talk with Kamala Harris to discuss “our options.” It wasn’t racist a year ago, but now it is because of stuff and things.

While California democrats are dragging their asses on this, one liberal fruit loop is ready for action.

“We’re going to formally begin the process of renaming this place at our next meeting. It may ultimately require an act of Congress, but I don’t think it will take long to get that. There will be a lot of support for this,” said Wendy Schneider, executive director of the nonprofit environmental group Friends of the Inyo.

Congress can’t even pass a police reform bill that every member in theory supports. What are the chances they will rename a federal scenic area because 5 dipshits think “Alabama” is racist?

Like everything else stupid in this country, this is Trump-related. Anthony Kronman, former dean of Yale Law School, named after a slave trader, thinks that the President’s racism is why all American history must be destroyed.

“What is remarkable about all this is that what was until recently a smoldering, sporadic question has swept the nation like a prairie fire. It has become a prism through which so many issues of race and reconciliation are now focused and bear so much weight. I do think all of this has been accelerated by the deep divisions within the nation that President Donald Trump has managed to produce within four years,” said Kronman.

And for the record, this is how Alabama Hills got its name:

It was named by Southern sympathizers in Owens Valley after the Confederate warship Alabama had sunk the Union man-of-war Hatteras off the coast of Texas on Jan. 11, 1863.

Also for the record, the U.S.S. Alabama was a WWII battleship that helped liberate the Philippines including delivering a battery to the island of Negros. That’s gotta be pretty racist too, huh?

Finally, for the record,  “Alabama” is just a name and not racist. Owning slaves, segregation, and burning crosses, things democrats have done, are racist.

Clearly we have to stop humoring leftists who think everything, except them, is racist. At this rate, nothing will have a name because all people, places, and words are offensive in some way.