AOC And Kayleigh Called ‘Bitches.’ Guess Which One Is An Outrage

This is the 2020 Bitch Battle we’ve all been waiting for. In two separate incidents it is reported that dingbat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany were called “bitches.” The competition comes from which one of these incidents the liberal media will turn into a misogynist outrage. The smart money’s on democrat woman of color AOC over white Republican Kayleigh, because that’s how things work in the fake news industry. It doesn’t even matter that the AOC “bitching” was fake and the Kayleigh one was captured on video.

Let’s start with AOC. This is something The Hill reported on:

Tensions flared on Capitol Hill this week when a Republican lawmaker challenged Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) on issues of crime and policing in an unusual — and decidedly personal — confrontation on the Capitol steps.

Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) was coming down the steps on the east side of the Capitol on Monday, having just voted, when he approached Ocasio-Cortez, who was ascending into the building to cast a vote of her own.

In a brief but heated exchange, which was overheard by a reporter, Yoho told Ocasio-Cortez she was “disgusting” for recently suggesting that poverty and unemployment are driving a spike in crime in New York City during the coronavirus pandemic.

“You are out of your freaking mind,” Yoho told her.

Ocasio-Cortez shot back, telling Yoho he was being “rude.”

The two then parted ways…A few steps down, Yoho offered a parting thought to no one in particular.

“Fucking bitch,” he said.

While The Hill says a “reporter” heard this, that reporter is not named and AOC didn’t here it as she learned of it after the article was published. Also, early in the confrontation, Yoho used the word “freaking” and then switched it up to “f*cking.” It doesn’t seem likely.

Yoho’s office clarified things to The Daily Caller:

“Congressman Yoho had a brief member to member conversation on the steps of the Capitol. As you know, these conversations happen frequently when the House is in session. He did not call Rep. Ocasio-Cortez what has been reported in the Hill or any name for that matter. It sounds better for the Hill newspaper and gets more media attention to say he called her a name – which he did not do. It is unfortunate that Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is using this exchange to gain personal attention. Instead, he made a brief comment to himself as he walked away summarizing what he believes her polices to be: bullshit,” Yoho’s office said.

Meanwhile during a White House Press briefing today, a reporter called Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany a “lying bitch” and it was captured on video:

That reporter is Kimberly Halkett from Al Jazeera and she too denies saying “bitch” with this explanation:

Besides the fact that you can clearly hear her saying “Okay, you’re a lying bitch” her explantation falls flat for another reason: “Okay, you don’t want to engage” has 8 syllables and what she said on tape only had 7 syllables which is coincidentally enough the same number in “Okay, you’re a lying bitch.”

Prediction: the liberal media and democrats will flip the hell out and demand that Ted Yoho resign, while completely ignoring the attack on Kayleigh McEnany. Also, I bet AOC puts “F*cking Bitch” on a t-shirt and sells them as a campaign fundraiser.