WATCH: Rep. Mo Brooks gives a MASTER CLASS in how to talk to CNN reporters

On Saturday hack CNN reporter Jim Acosta approached Congressman Mo Brooks to ask him about the riot on January 6th, because that’s all democrats want to talk about these days. But Mo Brooks was having none of it. This from,.

Click HERE to play the short instructive clip.

Acosta asks Brooks about January 6th and get this response…

“I do not do interviews with CNN because I do not trust CNN to be honorable or truthful.”

Acosta presses again……

“I’ve already said what I’m going to say. I don’t trust ya’ll to be truthful or honest.”

And again…..

“I do not trust CNN to be truthful or honest so I do not engage with CNN.”

And again….

“I do not trust ya’ll to be truthful or honest with anything CNN does.”

And again…

“Oh you guys will lie through your teeth any chance you get.”

Mo Brooks then rides off into the sunset. I think I heard a ‘see ya’ right there near the end.

Name, rank and serial number. And that my friends is how you handle a CNN reporter, especially the loathsome Jim Acosta.

A beautiful lesson indeed. Short, to the point, replete with example after example after example, and memorable. I bet everyone is now ready for the test.