Wednesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables, President Trump now says that wearing masks is patriotic – do you agree?

Where Will You Draw The Line? 

By Ben Garrison/GRRR Graphics

Wearing an ineffective and downright harmful mask is now a daily event for most Americans.

Bill Gates and his paid-for medical tyrants along with the globalist Illuminati got their way on this one. Mass compliance through fear is working for them. They are accustoming us to do what we’re told while giving up our freedom. What do you think they’ve been discussing at all those Bilderberg meetings?

They own the mass media, which has drummed out a steady beat of fear for many months now. They don’t tell us about their satanic pedophiles at the top. They don’t tell us about the mass theft by the Fed that benefits only them—the global elite. They lie and exaggerate as they fan the flames of COVID-19 hysteria constantly—and they blame it all on Trump. Their planned scamdemic has succeeded just as Gates’ supercomputer predicted it would. Things are going according to plan.

Isn’t it strange how the top .001 percent—the unelected elite who own most of the world—now shut down businesses and run our lives over a medical issue. Our elected officials go along for the ride. Most governors and big city mayors are puppets of the globalists.

Many of us have complained loudly about the masks. I made a scene at the local post office. All the sheeple there were complying dutifully. I shouldn’t call them sheeple—they HAD to wear them if they wanted to carry out their postal business. I did not—my mail went back to the truck. They sported their face mufflers as they lined up next to signs that tersely ordered them worn. People obey ‘authority,’ and when the mass majority obeys, then everyone else complies.

The time for resistance is over. The mask pushers won. It reached critical mass. Anyone objecting is now seen as a nut job. I got treated like that at a grocery store. I was the ONLY one without a mask and the checkout clerk barked her orders at me to obey social distancing. I was a disease in her eyes. The globalists managed to divide and conquer humanity in a mere few months.

We’ll see this pattern repeat itself with a mandatory vaccine. Will this be the final line in the sand? Will Americans finally grow a backbone and yell, “NO!” If they don’t, we’ll move onto Gates’ next step: A worldwide digital ID. What comes with that? A cashless system. A social credit system. The Chicoms already has part of this plan in place. Gates, the central bankers, Silicon Valley, the socialists, and the big globalist corporations want to control every aspect of our lives. Their high-tech noose is around our necks. The time to start kicking is now—not after we drop.

We’ll see their mark of the beast. No buying and selling until one is part of their demonic control grid. And, like communist China, there will be concentration camps. The Chicoms are rounding up millions of Chinese Muslims right now and forcing them onto trains….gulag bound.

Think that can’t happen here? It will. All we have to do is keep complying.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

Trump Says It Is ‘Patriotic to Wear a Face Mask When You Can’t Socially Distance’

Via True Pundit

After months of refusing to wear a mask in public, Donald Trump recently broke that trend and on Monday, he tweeted that “many people say that it is Patriotic to wear a face mask when you can’t socially distance.”

Trump posted a photo of himself wearing a mask, and wrote, “We are United in our effort to defeat the Invisible China Virus, and many people say that it is Patriotic to wear a face mask when you can’t socially distance. There is nobody more Patriotic than me, your favorite President!”

The president has had a contentious relationship with masks and in an interview on Sunday, he shot down any speculation that he would declare a national mask-wearing mandate, telling Fox News’ Chris Wallace, “I want people to have a certain freedom and I don’t believe in that, no.”

President Trump first appeared in public wearing a mask on July 11, when he visited Walter Reed hospital. Prior to that visit, he said in a Fox News interview, “I think it’s fine to wear a mask if it makes you feel comfortable.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Fear : A Great Motivator Helps Keep Sheeple Under Wraps

Via The Sons Of Liberty

Watching what is happening in the united States today, I can’t help but surmise that the portion of the population complying with “mask recommendations” are doing so out of fear. Whether it is fear of contracting the coronavirus, fear of government retaliation, aka law enforcement being called, fear of assault and battery by deranged individuals if you don’t wear a mask, or because the lamestream government-controlled entertainment propaganda media has bombarded the populace with fear porn, Americans are being ruled by fear – not knowledge, not facts, and certainly not scientific knowledge and facts. What we are seeing is that fear is a great motivator and needs to be addressed among Americans.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” This goes back to the tendency for humans to take the path of least resistance. Sometimes, it is easier to submit, alter one’s normal behavior, or do nothing than it is to fight for blessings bestowed upon one by God. It also comes down to fear – fear of retaliation; fear of losing one’s possessions; fear of losing respect; as well as other fears. But, as President Harry S. Truman once said, “When even one American – who has done nothing wrong – is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth – then all Americans are in peril.” It matters not what the fear is; what matters is the reaction to that fear. More importantly, the temperance of our fear should come from our belief and faith in Our Lord.

Fear is a powerful motivator. It can cause otherwise good people to advocate for wrong-doing. History abounds with examples – Nazi Germany, Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Lenin and Stalin’s Russia, etc. When people fear being denied something on the basis of standing up for their rights and/or the rights of others, they are prone to alter their behavior to avoid confronting those violating their rights in the belief they are retaining their rights. In reality, you are surrendering to fear using the illusion of retaining your rights to justify cowardice. For example, if you cross the street to avoid an illegal search by police on one side of the street, you may believe that you have retained your rights; however, you have not. The violator continues to violate the law while you have condoned his behavior out of fear to confront the violator. This is not the best example. However, when one alters a normal behavior to avoid having a right infringed or unlawfully taken away, one is condoning the violation out of multiple fears that surround the possibility of punishment, having that right infringed, and confronting the unlawful behavior. Instead of continuing with your right to freedom of movement on the side of the street on which you are walking, you cross the street, altering your normal movement, to avoid having your movement restricted. It’s the same as consenting to an illegal search to retain your right to exercise your freedom of movement. In short, you are surrendering one right in order to preserve another. For the government, one freedom/right is conditional on the surrender of another. Either way, freedom is lost.

All across the United States, politicians are ramping up the fear over coronavirus once again. In fact, several cities have enacted mandatory face mask-wearing in public for all residents or face an exorbitant fine. This begs the question, “what are these politicians basing their ‘orders’ upon”?

Read the entire article HERE.

A Nation Falling Apart  

By Philip Giraldi

First they came for the toilet paper and kitchen towels, then they came for flour and now they are taking your coins. Yes, the American public sitting out the COVID-19 virus is now having to deal with what is referred as a “small change shortage.”caused apparently by hoarding. Coffee shops and other retail outlets that deal in cash have been hit hard by the shortage, finding themselves unable to make change. Apparently, people have decided spontaneously and in large numbers that nickels, dimes and quarters, as they have value as being made of metal, will somehow maintain their worth better than the pieces of paper being printed in Washington.

The government has acted decisively to meet the threat by having the Federal Reserve convene a 22 strong U.S. Coin Task Force to “mitigate the effects of low coin inventories caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.” Ironically, of course, the Fed is the source of America’s long suffering backed-by-nothing currency. As several of the major private banks, including JP Morgan and Bank of America, are represented on the Task Force as well as a swarm of government bureaucrats, one can assume that nothing will happen except possibly a decision to change the design of the coins to eliminate Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln. Sacagawea can stay on the funny looking dollar coin, which no one has actually seen in years as she represents an approved ethnic minority.

There are a lot of indications that the American stratocruiser is about to crash. My wife and I went to a local gun range last week for a refresher course. I knew how to shoot from my time in the Army and CIA but have not actually fired a weapon since 1978 and my wife learned how to use a handgun about fifteen years ago when we made the decision to have one available in the house “just in case.” To be sure, the current situation with deranged radical groups unrestrained by feckless politicians and a complicit media, our decision to re-arm as it were was based on the assumption that we can no longer rely on a demoralized and passive police force to protect either us or our property, particularly if there are any racial overtones to who is doing what to whom. So, we might have to be prepared to defend ourselves.

The first thing we learned was that it was hard to get an appointment with a trainer at a licensed range. It took us weeks to make an appointment and we only got one when there was a cancellation. It seems large numbers of ordinary Americans are looking to defend themselves because they, like us, are shocked when they see politicians ignore looting, beatings and arson even as they kneel before thugs. Meanwhile, the media endorses the process, also throwing in a blanket condemnation of the white race, which suggests that there is nothing good that will come out the other end of what it taking place.

We did our shooting training but the next hurdle was upgrading our weapons. We had a venerable 9mm automatic and an even older 38 caliber revolver. Modern handguns have better safety features and their mechanisms work more smoothly for ageing hands. We were looking for a new 9mm automatic and an AR-15 so-called assault rifle for greater reach if that should become necessary but the man at the sales desk shook his head and said “No, everything is back ordered for six months or more. Everyone is buying new weapons. Give me a deposit and I will call you when something comes available.”
So “everyone” is training to shoot and buying new weapons, and it is even being reported that break-ins to steal guns from sporting goods shops are increasing dramatically. Weapons are a hot commodity, which just might mean that the confidence among people that the state will keep them safe is at the vanishing point. Even the mainstream media has noticed the spike in gun sales, but they predictably use that fact to explain the surge in gun homicides across the country in the past several months. More weapons, per The Washington Post, means more armed racist white people are out on the streets raising hell, but it ignores the fact that the gun deaths have been overwhelmingly black-on-black, as has always been the case.

I would also suggest that at least part of the explanation lies elsewhere, in less policing as cops have figured out that they have no one on their side and are best served by doing as little as possible when the shooting starts. Policemen have, in fact, been on the receiving end of much of the recent violence. Instead of seeking help from a cop, violent crime victims should call 911 and ask the operator to have Mayor Bill de Blasio send out a social worker whenever they get attacked by irate gang bangers. The NYPD cops are apparently too busy in any event as they are guardingthe black lives matter paintwork covering Fifth Avenue in front of the Trump Tower.

Read the entire article HERE.

Twitter bans thousands of QAnon accounts in sweeping crackdown

Via The Washington Examiner

Twitter is taking new actions to curtail followers of the so-called QAnon conspiracy theory in an effort to crackdown on misinformation and harassment.

The Tuesday night announcement comes as the fringe theories espoused by QAnon’s adherents have crept into mainstream politics, with some right-wing candidates expressing support for the movement going into the 2020 election. QAnon supporters subscribe to the notion that there is a child-killing satanic cabal working to control the United States.

“We’ve been clear that we will take strong enforcement action on behavior that has the potential to lead to offline harm. In line with this approach, this week we are taking further action on so-called ‘QAnon’ activity across the service,” Twitter announced the crackdown in a thread on the platform.

“We will permanently suspend accounts Tweeting about these topics that we know are engaged in violations of our multi-account policy, coordinating abuse around individual victims, or are attempting to evade a previous suspension — something we’ve seen more of in recent weeks,” it added.

NBC News reported on Tuesday that the company has removed more than 7,000 accounts associated with the conspiracy theories. The changes will also impact some 150,000 more accounts because Twitter will stop recommending QAnon-affiliated accounts and will limit content circulation.

Twitter said the changes will be rolled out this week and “will continue to review this activity across our service and update our rules and enforcement approach again if necessary.”

“As we work at scale to protect the public conversation in the face of evolving threats, we’ll continue to lead with transparency and offer more context on our efforts,” the tech giant said.

Read the entire article HERE.

Kentucky family under house arrest after testing positive for COVID-19 

Via The Blaze

A Kentucky family is under house arrest after one of them tested positive for COVID-19. The couple must wear ankle monitors and can’t leave the house after Elizabeth Linscott tested positive for coronavirus and refused to sign papers promising to self-quarantine.

Linscott planned to visit her parents in Michigan, so she got a COVID-19 test as a precaution. Despite not exhibiting any coronavirus symptoms, she tested positive for COVID-19.

“My grandparents wanted to see me, too,” Linscott told WILX-TV. “So, just to make sure if I tested negative, that they would be OK, that everything would be fine.”

After she tested positive, the Hardin County Health Department contacted her. The health department requested that she sign documents agreeing that she would self-quarantine and limit her travel. Linscott did not sign the document.

A few days after she declined to sign the “Self-isolation and Controlled Movement Agreed Order,” the Hardin County Sheriff’s Department arrived at her home.

“I open up the door, and there’s like eight different people, five different cars,” Elizabeth’s husband Isaiah Linscott said. “I’m like, ‘What the heck’s going on?’ This guy’s in a suit with a mask. It’s the health department guy, and he has three papers for us – for me, her and my daughter.”

The authorities demanded that Elizabeth and Isaiah wear ankle monitors, and law enforcement said that they would be notified if the couple travel more than 200 feet away from their home.

Read the entire article HERE.

Progressive Parents Disappointed In How White Their Children Are

Via The Babylon Bee/Satire

PORTLAND, OR—John and Julie Newman are dedicated progressives, active in every cause and contributing regularly to Black Lives Matter. Despite this, their children, Cayden and Evergreen, have turned out wrong. “They’re just so white,” explained Julie, not hiding her disappointment. “I don’t know what we did wrong.”

John and Julie are trying to make a better world, and part of that is battling white supremacy and whiteness in general. Their kids, though, just seem to be furthering that problem. “When I think of their future,” John said, “I see them excelling in exciting careers — which is horrible, because they’re white and need to leave those opportunities for others.”

“Do they understand that they’re part of the problem?” Julie asked. “No. They don’t care. They just want to play with their Tonka trucks. That’s white privilege right there.”

John and Julie aren’t sure what to do. So far all their lectures on being anti-racist are losing out to episodes of Paw Patrol. “We want to love them,” Julie said. “But loving white children sounds like something white supremacists would do.”

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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