Miniature Golf, Miniature Riot: More than 300 teenagers Go Berserk

By the title of this article I guess you can pretty much figure out who caused the chaos at a miniature golf and arcade facility in Memphis.

Via WMC 5 

Mayhem ensues after hundreds of teens dropped off at Mid-South putt-putt facility

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) – Scenes from a chaotic night at the Golf and Games Family Park on Summer Avenue are being shared all over social media.

In video posted on Facebook you can see dozens of teenagers throwing objects at employees, spitting on people, and destroying property.

Spitting on people . . . in these days of China Virus shouldn’t that be attempted murder? I think so. Memphis has an ordinance that states all people must wear masks when inside a public building. Guess they didn’t get the memo. And let’s not get started on the social distancing thing.

Memphis police were also called to the scene.

Investigators say the business reported parents were dropping off kids in the parking lot until there were more than 300 people at the business.

What? I mean, how many cars did they have to steal to transport that many aspiring thugs to a minor league riot, which will help prepare them for major league riots as they grow older. IF they grow older.

After someone threw a firework in the crowd and caused a stampede, the business decided to close without issuing refunds.

A 13-year-old was issued a juvenile summons for disorderly conduct.

My guess is that it’s this thugette throwing various items over the counter at the staff. But out 300 + little criminals they only arrested ONE!

In a statement also posted to Facebook, the Golf and Games Family Park said it is thankful nobody was hurt and is working with authorities to identify anyone involved.

It also says that from now on, all minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, anyone left unattended will be asked to leave.

Hey, it’s the age of rioting but I guess there’s always room for one more.

And what caused all this? Apparently one of the young thugs claimed a video game malfunctioned and she lost her fifty cents, or whatever those things cost these days, and then this. Totally reasonable reaction to the loss of a few cents.