Condoleezza Rice Might Be The Next Cleveland Brown’s Head Coach

Being a Detroit Lions fans is tough and I know because I’ve been rooting for this unsuccessful franchise my entire life. Lions fans don’t have any expectations of post season success, or even making the playoffs, but we do have some comfort knowing that the Cleveland Browns are are slightly worse than our team. In what qualifies as a Super Bowl win in Lion Country, the Browns are considering making former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice their next head coach. It kind of makes all of the Lion’s poor coaching choices look one step less bad. It ain’t much, but it’s something.

ESPN reports:

Browns general manager John Dorsey said last week that he was open to hiring a woman as Cleveland’s next head coach, and one prominent name is on the team’s wish list to interview.

The Browns would like to interview former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for their head-coaching job, a league source tells ESPN.

A potential interview hardly means the Browns will hire Rice, but they are interested in talking to her about the job and seeing what she could bring to the position and the organization.

“She’s an amazing person,” said a Browns source.

That’s debatable, but even if she is “amazing” does that mean she’s fit to coach an NFL team? Rice herself doesn’t think so. In a Facebook post she indicated that she’s unqualified for the job, which probably means she wants it:

Well, the Browns definitely needs some ideas. They didn’t win a single game last season and are 3-6-1 this year. The fact that Rice thinks a “prevent defense” is a play call and not a defensive scheme shows she is ready to step in as the Brown’s next hapless head coach.

Rice may not have experience coaching football at any level, but she does have a background in FUBARing the sport, which makes her a nice fit for the Browns. Rice was an original member of the College Football Playoff selection committee and look what a clusterf*ck that is.

Hiring Rice as HC might actually help the NFL’s sagging ratings by pulling in liberals. The left, who normally doesn’t care about football, showed a keen interest in America-hating kneeler Colin Kaepernick and mediocre gay player Sam Smith, so maybe a black female head coach would grab their attention as well. Then again, liberals usually just like to bitch about stuff on social media and probably wouldn’t actually watch an NFL game.

There are a few things working against Rice on this one however. Yes, she is a woman and is black, but she served as Secretary of State under George Bush Jr. so her femaleness and blackness are not recognized by the left. The only way to truly be black or female in the eyes of liberals is to fully embrace the idiocy of the left. Anything else gets a person’s race and/or gender card pulled immediately.

As a Lions fan, it is exciting to me that the Browns would even consider Condoleezza Rice for the job, but deep down I know how it goes. Rice would come in, lead the Browns to Super Bowl victory in her first season, and us Lions fans wouldn’t even have, “At least the Lions don’t suck as bad as the Browns” any more. The one thing consistent with rooting for the Lions is, there will be disappointment.