Trump And Racism Have Made Michelle Obama Depressed

Michelle Obama spent 8 years as first lady, traveling the world in luxury and going on lavish shopping trips on the taxpayer’s dime. Since leaving the White House, her and her deadbeat husband have been showered with tens of millions of dollars for no particular reason and the bought a $14 million mansion in the Hamptons. Yet somehow this is all very unfulfilling to her. Apparently she gots a major case of the sads because of Trump and racism and stuff.

Michelle Obama has a podcast, which may be the least exciting news of all time. I don’t know if you have to pay for it but I do know you have to listen to it, so I’m going to take NPR’s word rather than subject my ears to this thing.

Michelle Obama said that she’s dealing with “some form of low-grade depression” due to the coronavirus lockdown, racial strife in the U.S., and the Trump administration.

In the second episode of her new podcast, the former first lady spoke with her friend Michele Norris, the former longtime host of NPR’s All Things Considered.

Obama described trouble sleeping and periods throughout the lockdown in which she has felt down. “Spiritually, these are not … fulfilling times,” she said.

“I know that I am dealing with some form of low-grade depression. Not just because of the quarantine, but because of the racial strife, and just seeing this administration, watching the hypocrisy of it, day in and day out, is dispiriting,” said Michelle.

Hypocrisy in the Trump administration? Hypocrisy means to basically say one thing but do another, you know, how all democrats are. Trump has no filter and does exactly what he says he’s going to do. Obama on the other hand had two terms of not living up to his promises and his pretend ideals.

A good example of hypocrisy would be Michelle Obama being “depressed” by racial strife now, but not when her husband was president. There were race riots raging across the country in Ferguson, Baltimore, Portland, Charlotte, Cleveland, etc.. I guess she must have plus forgot that Black Lives Matter formed under Barrack’s watch because there was so much racial strife because again, he failed to live up to his promises.

Obama said that she hasn’t been moving around as much during this time, so she’s not knock-out tired at the end of the day, and she goes to bed later. “And I’m waking up in the middle of the night, cause I’m worrying about something, or there’s a heaviness.”

I think she’s talking about her balls.

If you feel bad because Michelle is depressed, don’t worry, she knows how to fix it.

“I’ve gone through those emotional highs and lows that I think everybody feels, where you just don’t feel yourself and sometimes I’ve, there’ve been a week or so where I had to surrender to that, and not be so hard on myself,” Michelle said.

Hard on herself? There is no other person on the planet who is more in love with herself than Michelle Obama. Every interview, every memoir, every appearance from Michele is an ode to herself about how truly spectacular she thinks she is.

Want proof? Michelle is depressed over COVID-19, Trump’s presidency, and racial unrest because she believes they are all about her. Only an egomaniac is personally offended by broad social trends.

Yesterday Def-Con News told you about how billionaire Oprah Winfrey was complaining that poor white people have an advantage over her and now wealthy Michelle Obama is bitching that things that don’t affect her are making her sad. Rich liberal black women really got it rough, don’t they?