Nancy Pelosi Goes Off On Journalist For Trying To Ask Legitimate Question

Democrats have an agreement with the liberal media to never ask them tough questions or hold them accountable for their hypocrisy and lies. This is not an unwritten agreement, they signed it in blood after the goat sacrifice. Nancy Pelosi is in good legal standing after she went off on a PBS journalist for trying to ask her a legitimate question. It was a clear violation of their unholy pact and I’m sure the journalist will be dealt with appropriately.

Pelosi and the democrats have blocked the Republicans’ coronavirus relief package because they want to make sure everyone in this country suffers until the election, when they feel like the suffering they’ve caused will deliver them a big victory.

Judy Woodward from PBS had some questions about Pelosi’s evil plan:

“The other point Republicans are making is they are now showing flexibility in money for state and local governments. This is again a difference, democrats want more money, Republicans want a lot less, they are saying they are willing to show flexibility and they’re also saying that a lot of the money passed in the Spring, Madame Speaker, has not even been spent yet,” said Woodward.

Pelosi had heard enough and interrupted Woodward as she was trying to find out why Pelosi won’t negotiate or comprise on anything.

“If you want to be an advocate for them, listen to what the facts are,” shot Pelosi.

“I’m playing devil’s advocate, I’m trying to ask you for your position,” said Woodward.

“No,” disagreed Pelosi.

Woodward was simply trying to ask a legitimate question that Pelosi didn’t like so the democrat accused this established member of the liberal media of being an undercover GOP operative. That seems sane. Not!

I’m sure Woodward is now on a blacklist that will keep her from ever asking a democrat another question. I’m also sure that Woodward will be informed of her presence on this list by having a dead crow left on her porch.

It must be that time of the month for Pelosi (when her Botox wears off, not that other thing) because she was in a really pissy mood. CNBC’s Jim Cramer also asked why Pelosi is completely unwilling to compromise with Republicans on coronavirus relief.

“Why can’t you go across the aisle and say, Rep. Lewis, civil rights legend, would have loved it if we could do something for the totally disenfranchised in this country. Can we give a huge chunk of money to the people who are disenfranchised, to the minorities who want so badly to stay in business and can’t? And the people who are trying to go to college or who have student loans who are minorities, who are the most affected because they have the least chance in our country? That’s gotta be something that both sides can agreed to,” Cramer asked.

Now wait for it…

“Perhaps you mistook them for somebody who gives a damn, for what you just described. That’s the problem. See the thing is, they don’t believe in governance. They don’t believe in governance. And that requires some acts of governance to do that,” snapped Pelosi.

At least that time she went off on Republicans instead of a journalist, but clearly Cramer will be dealt with for his insolence. Maybe he’ll only be allowed to interview AOC for 6 months. Listening to her inane drivel should teach him a lesson.

It’s a good thing democrats have that contract with the liberal media or someone might scream that Pelosi is threatening the free press and degrading democracy like they would if Trump went off on a journalist like this.

Still, that’s 2 questions from the liberal media that Pelosi didn’t want asked so she’ll have to do something about it. I understand she will be introducing the Comply Unwaveringly with Nancy’s Tantrums (C.U.N.T) Act of 2020 that would make it a federal crime to ask her a tough question.