Skinhead Demands More Race Riots But It’s Okay Because She’s A Democrat WOC

Generally speaking if a skinhead was demanding race riots in our city streets it would be an outrage but when that skinhead is black Loon Squad member Rep. Ayanna Pressley, suddenly it’s a message of empowerment. The “Shemp” to AOC’s, Rashida Tlaib’s, and Ilhan Omar’s “Moe, Larry, and Curly” says that as long as she hates America there should be racial grievance riots and looting in the streets. In fact, she’s demanding it because crazy leftists rarely ask politely for anything.

Despite the fact that democrats from mayors up to Congressional leadership have supported the George Floyd race riots, the liberal media insists that nobody from the donkey party is actively encouraging this violent destructive behavior. Let’s see how they spin this Ayanna Pressley appearance on MSNBC.

Pressley started out with something that would be a threat if a Republican said it about any of the Loon Squad members:

“I’m looking to the public. This is as much about public outcry and organizing and mobilizing and applying pressure so that this GOP-led Senate and that these governors that continue to carry water for this administration, putting American peoples in harm’s way, turning a deaf ear to the needs of our families and our communities – hold them accountable,” said Presley.

That was a veiled threat against Republican Senators, calling on people to “hold them accountable” but there was no cover on what she demanded next:

“Make the phone calls, send the emails, show up. You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives and unfortunately there’s plenty to go around,” Pressley said.

Having observed the liberal media for quite some time it’s likely they will spin this, if they don’t just ignore it, as Presley calling for more “peaceful protests.” The problem with this is that the protests have never been peaceful and Pressley used the word “unrest” which doesn’t convey an act of peace.

“Unrest” is violence. It’s anarchy. It’s destruction.

Here’s the actual definition of unrest: a state of dissatisfaction, disturbance, and agitation in a group of people, typically involving public demonstrations or disorder.

Disturbance, agitation, and disorder are not words associated with peaceful protest. Throw in the fact that the unrest since a black guy on drugs died of a heart attack in Minneapolis have been racial in nature and this is a sitting U.S. Representative demanding that people take to the streets for even more race riots.

When Pressley became a Representative of the people she swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, yet here she is telling the people to destroy, steal property, assault police officers, and set shit on fire. Democrats, including Pressley, have accused President Trump of betraying his oath of office without proof, but this is iron-clad evidence that she has betrayed her oath.

When President Trump offered his support to people of states like Michigan and Virginia to stand up for their Constitutional rights, democrats and the liberal media flipped out and accused him of trying to incite violence. Ayanna Pressley is trying to incite violence by demanding unrest in the streets but you won’t find a democrat or fake news pseudo-journalist pitching a similar fit.