Poor Michelle Obama Has Sad Tale Of How Racist America Has Been To Her

Nature hasn’t been kind to Michelle Obama, what with her physical appearance and all, but she has otherwise lived a privileged life. She won’t complain about her hideousness but for some reason she wants everyone to believe she is constantly victimized by racism and hatred. In this latest hate crime, a white woman cut in front of her at an ice cream store because only black people have ever had this happen to them. What’s next, the racist tale of how a white McDonald’s employee forgot to put the fires in her drive-thru order?

Michelle Obama had her friend Denielle Pemberton-Heard on her podcast, which gave the former first lady a chance to bitch about how much racism she has faced.

“What the white community doesn’t understand about being a person of color in this nation is that there are daily slights, in our workplaces where people talk over you, or people don’t even see you,” said Michelle.

Yes, absolutely nobody else in this country has ever had to put up with other people being rude. I’m glad somebody finally had the courage to point that out.

That led to this sad tale of getting ice cream with Pemberton-Heard and her two daughters:

“We were stopping to get ice cream, and I had told the Secret Service to stand back because we were trying to be normal, trying to go in. It was Häagen-Dazs, wasn’t it? There was a line, and… when I’m just a black woman, I notice that white people don’t even see me. They’re not even looking at me. So I’m standing there with two little black girls, another black female adult, they’re in soccer uniforms. And a white woman cuts right in front of us to order. Like, she didn’t even see us,” said Michelle.


“And the girl behind the counter almost took her order. And I had to stand up, because I know [Pemberton-Heard] was like, ‘Well, I’m not gonna cause a scene with Michelle Obama.’ So I stepped up and I said, ‘Excuse me?’ I was like, You don’t see us four people standing right here, you just jumped in line?’” Michelle said.

She should have said “Oh no you di’ent” while she took off her big hoop earrings and fake nails.

“She didn’t know it was me. All she saw was a black person, or a group of black people, or maybe she didn’t even see that, because we were that invisible,” said Michelle.

Chances are this never happened mostly because there’s no way the Secret Service would have let the first lady and first daughters go get ice cream without clearing the store. Even if it did happen, so f*cking what? Almost every person on the planet has experienced someone cutting the line in front of them. I myself have had this happen more than a few times. Somehow I have managed to muddle on with my life.

It turns out there was even more “racism” poor Michelle had to endure:

“I can tell you a number of stories like that, when I’ve been completely incognito, during the eight years in the White House, walking the dogs on the canal, people will come up and pet my dogs, but will not look me in the eye. They don’t know it’s me,” Michelle said.

Again, I’m calling bullshit. Michelle Obama was the most famous woman in the world at that point and she would have been surrounded by Secret Service agents. Everyone knew who she was. Whether or not they cared is a different story but they knew it was her.

Michelle keeps trying to say that she is invisible because she is black. She sticks out like a turd in a punchbowl. She looks like Lebron James in a dress. Nobody has ever not noticed her. I do get why they wouldn’t want to look her in the eye and it’s the same reason the Argonauts didn’t want to look into Medusa’s eyes.

“What white folks don’t understand is, like, that is so telling of how white America views people who are not like them. You know, we don’t exist. And when we do exist, we exist as a threat. And that — that’s exhausting,” said Michelle.

No, Michelle is exhausting. This is the former first lady saying that all white people are racist, which is something she recently said at the DNC. She does remember that “racist” white people elected her invisible black husband to the White House twice, right?