Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables, nothing bites quite so hard as the razor-sharp teeth of reality saying that it’s Monday again…

Tipping Point? Man Shot-Dead in Portland for Backing Trump

By Mike Whitney/The Unz Review

After 4 years of the most vicious, hyperbolic and incendiary character assassination campaign in the nation’s history, the media finally claimed its first fatality in a shootout in Portland on Saturday night. The victim–whose name has not yet been disclosed– was shot by an (allegedly) Antifa member who saw the man’s hat as sufficient provocation to gun him down in cold blood. This is the first incident in which the hysteria generated by the media and its accomplices in Democrat party can be directly linked to a political assassination justified on the basis that the victim espoused political beliefs different than those of the perpetrator. Simply put, he was killed because he was identified as a Trump supporter and, thus, “fair game”.

The media has fanned the flames of political hatred and retribution from the very beginning; from advising the public to reject the results of the 2016 elections to openly challenging Trump’s legitimate right to govern the country. They have fueled the animosity towards Trump by denouncing him as a fascist, a racist, a homophobe, a misogynist and a Russian agent. The media has employed all of its prodigious powers of persuasion to relentlessly demonize Trump, and they are responsible for the highly-charged and toxic atmosphere in which a tragedy– like Saturday’s shooting– became unavoidable. They cleared the path for a confrontation in which a self-righteous perpetrator felt entirely-justified in killing an unarmed man whose only crime was that he openly supported the president of the United States. There is no way to overstate the media’s culpability in this shocking incident.

This was not a robbery, a mugging or a clash between gang members. It was a political “hit” executed by a remorseless assassin who believed he was fulfilling his moral obligation by exterminating someone he considered an enemy of humanity. The media is as guilty of this crime as if they had pulled the trigger themselves. The blood is on their hands.

Unsurprisingly, the killer’s colleagues — gathered in downtown Portland for their nightly rioting session– were thrilled to hear the news that a Trump supporter had been shot-dead by one of their own.

“I am not sad that a f—ing fascist died tonight,” a woman barked into a bullhorn at the downtown riot. Her statement was greeted with cheers of enthusiasm from the bloodthirsty crowd.

Earlier in the evening, the group had laid siege to a gas station protected by a frightened owner who was verbally abused and physically threatened for having the audacity to protect his own property. For this, he was spat upon and denounced as a “Nazi”, which is the moniker attached to anyone who doesn’t ascribe to the prevailing anarchist doctrine that all property is a crime and that anyone who defends himself or his belongings is an enemy of the people. Thankfully, the owner was not beaten or killed like the unlucky victim just blocks away who was fatally wounded by a man (allegedly) connected to this same group of cutthroats.

It’s worth noting, that there is evidence that the killing was both intentional and premeditated. Just seconds before the gun was fired, an accomplice, who accompanied the killer said:

“Hey! Hey, we got one right here! We got a Trumper right here!

Read the entire article HERE.

Federal government sends employees from top US nuclear lab to insane reeducation camp for white privilege

Via The Post Millennial

Newly leaked documents reveal that the US Federal government sent white, male employees from the top nuclear weapons lab for reeducation about their white male privilege.

Sandia National Laboratories made their white, male executives attend this reeducation program at a resort in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was called “White Men’s Caucus on Eliminating Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia in Organizations.”

According to documents, the white men were instructed to make a list of things that are part of white, male culture. A board reveals the words ” MAGA Hat,” “KKK,” “Aryan Nation,” “mass killings,” “no rhythm,” “power,” among others.

A document details those things which are categorized as “white privilege,” “male privilege,” and those that are “heterosexual privilege.”

The section on white privilege contains these assumptions “I do not need to ask myself if each negative episode or situation I experience has racial overtones.” Another assumption is that the participants in the reeducation seminar “routinely witness and benefit from the many positive white male role models displayed in the media, politics, and entertainment that far outweight the Tim McVeighs and Ted Kaczynskis of white maleness.”

The area on male privilege notes that men are more able to take on a heavy workload without considering additional responsibilities and obligations outside of work, and can “take up more time, get more respect, and be listened to more often than a woman.”

White heterosexual privilege notes that photos of family can be freely displayed without concern for what others will think, and that a straight person doesn’t need to “edit” what they say about, for example, what they did last weekend.

The reeducation was led by a company called White Men As Full Diversity Partners, which claims “We work with business leaders to reveal the unconscious biases that weigh heavily on women, people of color, LGBTQ+ and other frequently marginalized groups. When these biases are brought to the surface and understood for what they are, leaders can begin to disrupt status quo thinking that assumes everyone is just like them.

“Through this process,” they claim, “we create courageous leaders. Courageous leaders aren’t afraid of someone else’s good idea, realizing they aren’t all-knowing and all-seeing. Instead, courageous leaders come to work every day and say, ‘I don’t know, but let’s go find out.'”

The disenfranchising roots of white maleness were exposed, such as “a tendency to rugged individualism,” “operating from principles and conscience,” a “focus on hard work, action and task completion,” and “striving toward success.”

These apparently were considered undesirable traits for those working in a nuclear weapons lab, primarily because these traits are associated with white maleness.

The nuclear lab workers were made to recite “white privilege statements” and “male privilege statements.” They include things like having “easier access to the system,” “loiter[ing] at Starbucks without having the police called,” “not being rejected for a loan,” and the assumption that local schools are a good fit for their kids.

Read the entire article HERE.

Meet the Democrats’ Newest Strategist

Via American Greatness

For Vicky Osterweil, “Looting represents a material way that riots and protests help the community.”

Her name is Vicky Osterweil. It’s a pity that she is only emerging on the scene now. Had her ideas enjoyed broad circulation even a month ago, she could have made a major and clarifying contribution to the Democratic Party’s platform.

Many commentators, from the Left as well as the Right, grumbled that the Democrats’ convention lacked a clear policy agenda. Sure, we all knew in general outline what they were about—they were “against racism,” “against white supremacism,” above all, they were “against Trump.”

But the policy particulars that flowed from these sentiments were more adumbrated than stated directly. Vicky Osterweil (formerly Willie) fills in some blanks. Too bad she didn’t have a spot speaking at the convention. She sums up so much of what the Democrats are about today.

Like Joe Biden (and like his mentor Barack Obama), she is passionately committed to “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Peeking out of his basement in May, Joe Biden saw “an incredible opportunity to transform America.”

Vicky Osterweil agrees. “[W]e need a total transformation of our society,” she writes in her new book. “This society we live in under capitalism is entirely structured around the production [and] circulation of commodities. It is a cruel system, built for the creation and revocation of things not for the flourishing of people.”

In her interview with Stephen Colbert earlier this month, Joe Biden’s running mate Kamala Harris cheerfully noted that the “protests” coruscating across the country were “not going to stop.” “This is a movement,” she explained, smiling. The riots “are not going to let up and they should not and we should not.”

Osterweil sees Harris’ bet and raises it. She, too, regards the riots as part of a “movement for liberation,” a movement that is just getting started.

I mentioned Osterweil’s new book. It is called In Defense of Looting: A Riotous History of Uncivil Action. I should note that the word “riotous” as used here does not mean “uproariously funny.” In means “having to do with riots,” i.e., violent insurrectionary action: looting, destroying property, burning things down. These are the actions that Osterweil recommends to bring about that “total” or “fundamental” transformation of society that she, like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, longs to bring about.

Osterweil’s great virtue is her frankness. You always know where you stand with her. When she says “a defense of looting,” she means a defense of that “method of direct redistribution of wealth, from the store owners and capitalists to the poor.” In case there is any confusion, she took the opportunity afforded by a respectful profile on NPR to clear things up: “the mass expropriation of property, mass shoplifting during a moment of upheaval or riot. That’s the thing I’m defending.”

Got it.

According to Osterweil, “Looting represents a material way that riots and protests help the community.” How? “[B]y providing a way for people to solve some of the immediate problems of poverty and by creating a space for people to freely reproduce their lives rather than doing so through wage labor.”

Looting, she writes, is “a practical immediate form of improving life” (though not, of course for the store owners or capitalists who are looted). Basically, it’s a variation of Willie Sutton’s response to the question of why he robbed banks: “because that’s where the money is.” A straight-talking man, Willie Sutton.

And so it is with Vicky Osterweil. “Everything in the store goes from being a commodity to becoming a gift,” she explains. “Less abstractly, looting is usually followed up by burning down the shop” and by the looters throwing out on to the street some of the items they have looted. Thus, “Looting involves not only taking wealth directly but also immediately sharing that wealth, which points to the collapse of the system by which diluted things produce value.”

Talk of the “collapse of the system by which diluted things produce value” brings us to the center of Osterweil’s argument. To bring about that “total” or “fundamental” transformation we keep hearing the Democrats talk about, Osterweil argues we need to go to the root of the problem: private property.

“The right to property,” she explains, “is innately, structurally white supremacist: support for white supremacy involves a commitment to property and the commodity form.” How could the Democrats have overlooked this jewel?

Property is racist, a form of white supremacy. It is also sexist, though that old-fashioned term does not appear in this very up-to-date book. Instead, Osterweil talks a great deal about “gender” and its involvement with politics. This is something that gave an interviewer at the Huffington Post a little thrill. “I was really intrigued,” she said, “by your argument that looting and rioting are not masculine and in certain ways are actually quite femme. [“Femme”? Alas, yes.] I would love to have you talk a little bit about why you see the idea of violence in the form of rioting and looting as not macho per se, and why we could see it as a more feminine kind of approach.”

Osterweil doesn’t disappoint. “The way that a riot empowers you is, first of all, it makes it easier to live your life because you get lots of stuff for free, and it makes it much easier to reproduce your life. But they also are experienced as joyous, communal, empowering, community-reinforcing events.” As she puts it in her book, “Riots are violent, extreme, and femme as fuck: they rip, tear, burn, and destroy to give birth to a new world.”

You can see why Osterweil describes In Defense of Looting as “an act of gratitude” to the Ferguson rioters. Pioneers that they were, they did indeed help pave the way. And you can see, too, why A Defense of Looting is also a blanket condemnation of the police (“All Cops Are Bastards” is the charming title of one chapter).

As I write, Amazon lists In Defense of Looting as its “#1 New Release.” Her publisher describes the book as “[a] fresh argument for rioting and looting as our most powerful tools for dismantling white supremacy.”

Read the entire article HERE.

What If Democrats Lose?

Via Canada Free Press

he Democrats sense they are going to lose this election. There are stark indications. First, Biden is nowhere to be found. He hides in his basement being hidden from reality by watching CNN. Then Hillary tells Biden not to concede the election under any circumstances and then Pelosi advises Biden not to debate Trump, “It will only legitimize Trump as President and give Trump an opportunity to make you look bad.”

There are also reports that the Democrats are going to cheat in Trump’s favor so as to report that Trump is conducting a fraudulent election. They can prove it, of course, because they did it.

The Democrats have made a Devil’s bargain
If the Democrats lose this election, it is not difficult to imagine that they will go nuts, slash out at anything that moves in the wrong direction. The mobs are sufficiently riled and waiting for orders.

To partly paraphrase Victor Davis Hansen: The Democrats have made a Devil’s bargain. Marxists under Sanders provide the anarchy and chaos while Democrats watch their cities burn, having agreed to do almost nothing. They will keep COVID-19 alive as long as possible to keep the economy down. Never mind the human toll. When Democrats win, and at the time they were convinced they would win, Sanders will halt the rioting, having delivered a destroyed middle class, a badly wounded America. The Democrats will take the credit, looking like peacemakers. Sanders will then demand payment, a socialist America ready to be delivered to the globalists. And he will get it.

I believe the Democrats are in a pickle. They can’t reverse course and know that after the election or before, when the Durham investigations are over, there will be arrests and a call for their disbandment.

It started as a race struggle, accusing almost everyone of racism, but it was a feint. It now has morphed into a battle of the classes. A true Bolshevik Revolution. The battle to destroy the middle-class, the essence of America and Americanism. Marxism can never survive in a country with a strong middle-class. These are the hard working, and above all, self-reliant people that make America what it is, filled with opportunity for upward mobility, allowing people the fruit of their labor, a basic Biblical concept. The Left must eradicate them for Marxism to take hold. The globalists have demanded it, the Left has promised to deliver it. California has been the most successful with 4 million of their middle-class having exited these past 15 years.

The Democrat Speaker of the House calls Republicans ‘enemies of the state’. Biden says that President Trump wants more violence
The division between political camps is growing wider every day, if that is possible, but only one party is widening the distance. The Democrat Speaker of the House calls Republicans ‘enemies of the state’. Biden says that President Trump wants more violence. These accusations make no sense, of course, but they make it easy for us pundits to figure out Democrats. If you always translate what they say in opposite terms you will find their truth. When Pelosi says Republicans are enemies of the state, it is the opposite. When Biden says Trump wants more violence, it is the opposite. When Democrats say that Trump is working with the Russians, it is the opposite. They make it so easy.

Mobs are murdering people while private and public property is being destroyed. Families have lost their livelihoods. COVID-19, an historically minor pandemic, has been allowed to infect our society, shutting down the greatest economy we have ever seen. The human cost of expanding the power of Democrats grows daily, but they remain willing for hard-working Americans to pay the bill.

But now, the mood of the American people is beginning to change. Lest the polling organizations look foolish, they are forced to show the changing emotion of the country going against them. Once again, the Democrats have gone too far and took too big a bite.

There is no greater threat to evil than an aroused American public. We are beginning to see it. No more turning cheeks. No more being mere spectators. No more watching hoodlums attack innocent people. If the government will not or cannot protect you, you must decide to protect yourself and your family. Evil will always back off when confronted with equal or greater force.

If you don’t like what you see, wait until October

Don’t think it can’t happen here. It is happening here. The Left has thought of everything…a pandemic to shut down the economy, mandatory face masks that psychologically turn people into faceless sheep, Trump rallies halted, race riots because several Blacks resisted arrest resulting in the police being neutralized, giving the rioters carte blanche.

If you don’t like what you see, wait until October. This is not the America as we knew it. There are forces at work that will do anything to rid themselves of Donald Trump. And they don’t care about you. The police have been effectively neutered, are under siege and most likely will just show up after the fact to pick up the bodies left by the mob.

We have to decide that we will not be led as sheep to the slaughter.

For the most part, you will be dealing with a mob. A mob is nothing but a dangerous, brainless herd. A mob will do things the individual taking part would never think of doing. A mob does not consider consequences, it has no empathy, and certainly hasn’t thought of any alternatives.

You must defend yourself. How you do that is your affair. Stay away from any crowds. Stock up on groceries. If the Leftists go postal, the trucks will stop rolling. Find out what kind of self-defense laws your state has. They will either be Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine, or Duty To Retreat. Vermont is listed as having ‘Other Defense Laws’. States like Montana, Wyoming, New Hampshire, and 23 other states have Stand Your Ground Laws where a person has no duty to retreat before using deadly force. A Castle Doctrine state generally will allow deadly force in one’s home or car. A Duty To Retreat state is the most restrictive of self-defense. They require you to retreat no matter where you are, IF POSSIBLE. States like New York, Massachusetts, and Wisconsin are Duty To Retreat states. Do your homework and learn your particular states’ defense laws. They do change.

There is room enough for everyone in this country, but no room for traitors

We must not be driven down this path by scheming politicians, a sanctimonious and ignorant media, and cigar smoking men in dark places whose only interest is garnering more power and treasure.

We need to put this uprising to bed. We must decide that to remain as divided as we are will ultimately destroy this nation and millions of lives. If you think this all sounds irrational, again, wait until October. We can only hope and pray that thinking Americans on both sides of the political fence will find common ground and help put down this rebellion.

The Southern Democrat uprising in 1860 saw much pounding of chests and visions of glory. Four years later that glory faded with only death, suffering, and destruction enduring. There is room enough for everyone in this country, but no room for traitors.

History has been thrust upon us. We will either be a witness to a greater America or the greatest catastrophe this nation and the world has ever experienced. Without America, there will be no where else to go.

Read the entire article HERE.

Antifa are the Ugliest Americans to Have Ever Existed — A Deep-Dive Into the Physiognomy of Antifa

Via Red Elephants

Antifa are undoubtedly the ugliest Americans to have ever existed. It is no wonder why they are angry, they look like some of the most miserable people you would ever meet. In this article, we will present to you some of the sorriest looking Americans you have ever seen.

Thanks to investigative journalist, Andy Ngo, we have unlimited images of Antifa mugshots.

Read the entire article HERE.

Journalists Rush To Get Story Out Before It Can Be Ruined By The Facts

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

KENOSHA, WI—Journalists across the country rushed to cover a hot, breaking story this week before the facts could come to light and possibly ruin the entire thing.

“This is a powerful narrative. Just the kind of story we want to tell! But we have to get this out before the facts come out! Hurry! The facts are closing in!” screamed a CNN reporter as he jumped in his news van to rush over to the site of the incident.

The CNN crew worked faster than ever before, but it was not enough. By the time they completed the story, a bunch of evil facts had made their way onto Twitter, completely messing up the awesome black and white narrative CNN wanted to tell.

“NOOOOOO! Not the facts! It’s always the facts. CURSE YOU, FACTS!” the reporter cried while shaking a clenched fist.

Fortunately, CNN’s producers still green-lighted the story, which was just too good to pass up. After a mob of hateful facts forced a retraction, CNN just sold the story to Hollywood. Win-win!

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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