Antifa ‘Commander’ Cried Like A Baby When He Got Arrested

Antifa terrorists are real brave when they sucker punch people and in engage in outnumbered attacks, but when you peel away the masks, there’s nothing but sissy-ass soy boys under there. A self-proclaimed Antifa commander was arrested recently in Wisconsin and when police approached, he dropped to the ground and started crying like a bitch. Since Antifa stands for “anti fascism” but they are decidedly fascist and come from Opposite Land, “commander” must mean “weak little baby” to them.

WBAY reports:

A Neenah man had a flamethrower, smoke grenades and fireworks during a demonstration in Green Bay Saturday night, according to police and prosecutors.

Matthew Banta, 23, is charged with obstructing an officer and two counts of felony bail jumping.

The criminal complaint says Banta “is known to be a violent Antifa member who incites violence in otherwise relatively peaceful protests.” Police say he’s known as “Commander Red.”

Green Bay police say they were called for “a whole bunch of white people with sticks, baseball bats and helmets headed… towards the police” on Walnut St. near Webster Ave.

Fear him:

And here’s easily the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time:

A responding officer says he saw four individuals walking towards a protest with baseball bats. One man was wearing a metal helmet with goggles and military-style gear with multiple pouches, and was carrying an Antifa flag. When the officer pulled his squad car in front of the group, they ran away. The officer caught Banta, who was carrying the flag, and says Banta “dropped into the fetal position and began crying.” He accused the officer of lying on him; the officer replied nobody was on him.

Pretty women with large breasts can cry their way out of a speeding ticket but a zit-faced ginger soy boy ain’t getting out of riot-related felonies like this. In this guy’s defense, I bet this ploy works when he demands mom bring him some Hot Pockets in the basement.

Banta acknowledged he was headed to the Green Bay protest but denied he was planning to incite a riot.

Peacefully protesting with a flamethrower, smoke grenades, and rockets? The story checks out with the liberal media, but unfortunately the Green Bay Police Department didn’t get the memo.

And it looks like Commander Crybaby is actually in some deep shit:

Banta is accused in Waupaca County of pointing a loaded gun at a police officer and biting and kicking an officer during a protest earlier this month. He’s charged there with second-degree recklessly endangering safety and four other charges. He posted a $10,000 cash bond. A condition of his bond was that he can’t have a dangerous weapon, according to the Brown County district attorney’s office.

In fact, it’s quite the story. This happened during a “protest” in Waupaca County, Wisconsin on August 1:

Officers came in contact with Matthew Banta. He was carrying a rifle and repeated the phrase: “is that what you call protecting and serving?”

An officer approached the group and asked them to get out of the street. Banta got in front of the officer and said, “You can do what you want, but we are going to continue to march.” The officer said he told Banta that if he did not get out of the roadway, he would be arrested.

The officer reached for Banta’s left arm to attempt to arrest him. Banta stepped back and started down a ditch. The officer reached for Banta’s backpack. That’s when Banta “began raising his rifle.” Banta fell back and kicked at the officer, making contact with the officer’s legs. Banta tried standing and “he again began raising his rifle toward [VICTIM OFFICER],” reads the complaint. The officer said he feared for his life and those around him. The officer grabbed Banta by the shoulders and “threw him onto the ground and held him to the ground.”

“Banta was laying on his hands and the rifle was now underneath him,” reads the complaint. “Banta was then moving his hands around and as though he was trying to manipulate the gun.”

Police say they told Banta to get his hands off the gun. The crowd started screaming for police to get off Banta. The officer reached for Banta’s hand. Banta bit the officer in the right forearm, according to the complaint.

Police were able to secure Banta and put him in handcuffs.

Police say Banta’s rifle was loaded and a bullet was in the chamber. They found 117 rounds of ammunition on Banta. He was also carrying an eight-inch straight blade knife in a sheath on his belt, according to the complaint.

I would think that Black Lives Matter would be pissed at this soy boy for the fact that he’s white and cops didn’t kill him.

So there you have it: the great Antifa commander bites and he cries on the ground in the fetal position. It’s the toddler revolution. I guess when you live in mom’s basement your whole life you get the “terrible twos” in your 20’s.