WaPo: Autopsies Are Racist!

If you had “autopsies” on your racial grievance Bingo card, you just scored. The Washington Post informs us that autopsies are a tool of white supremacy, which is exactly as crazy as it sounds. Apparently because of something that may or may not have happened in 19th Century India, autopsies are racist in 21st Century America. Hey that sounds pretty f*cking crazy too. This bombshell came out 2 months ago and I have no idea why nobody noticed it until now, but I’m glad they did.

Here’s a headline that managed to pass the intense scrutiny of the WaPo editorial staff: Autopsies can uphold white supremacy

With an equally fun subheading: “They have long provided scientific and medical excuses for white killings of nonwhite people.”

This all starts off with George Floyd, the black guy who overdosed on drugs and died from a heart attack as he resisted arrest in Minneapolis:

On Friday, the state of Minnesota filed a criminal complaint against former police officer Derek Chauvin, charging him with third-degree murder in the death of George Floyd. The charge sheet presented the preliminary findings of the Hennepin County medical examiner’s autopsy, which asserted that Floyd’s death was caused by a combination of factors, including his underlying health conditions such as “coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease.” Minnesota’s complaint states that “the autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.” Three days later, an independent medical examiner hired by Floyd’s family determined that the cause of death was asphyxia from neck and back compression that led to a lack of blood flow to the brain. Within a few hours, the Hennepin County medical examiner released its final public report, which stated that the manner of death was homicide.

The WaPo left out that part where the Hennepin County ME also found that Floyd had a fatal amount of fentanyl in his system and would have died no matter what.

So how does this make autopsies racist, you ask. Well…

Why do autopsy reports matter? Because they are often the most critical piece of evidence in murder cases. Autopsy reports produced by specially trained medical personnel are seen as neutral and objective documents, which give them political power. The preliminary findings of the Hennepin County medical examiner’s report, for example, used the veneer of scientific respectability to advance the outrageous claim that Floyd was partly responsible for his own death — something we know is untrue, given the subsequent reports. This has happened before. Over 100 years ago in India, the use of medical evidence in legal proceedings, which was supposed to secure justice, actually helped white murderers get off the hook. And it threatens to undermine justice again today.

Wait. What? Autopsies are racist because 100 years ago in India they were used to help get white murderers off the hook? Apparently so and to prove this point the WaPo gives one single example of something that maybe happened. You know, because one thing that may have happened a century ago proves shit in America today is racist as hell.

The autopsy should be viewed with this historical context in mind: white power in 19th-century India and 21st-century America, both former British colonies, are built upon the twin piers of law and violence. The autopsy uses the idea of the inwardly weak, the unknowingly frail, the invisible “underlying health conditions” to exonerate white murderers who kill out of disregard for black lives.

Crazy enough for ya? No? How about this:

The past is neither dead nor past. The threat of white violence, which sustains white power in subtle and imperceptible ways, sometimes erupts hideously into plain view.

Liberals always say that they believe in science but what they really mean is they believe in anything that supports their twisted worldview and everything else can f*ck off.

“Autopsies are racist” joins “wearing a dress determines gender” and “abortions save lives” as some of the seriously unscientific shit the left believes in.