Battleground Rochester – Open Thread

This weekend, citizens of Rochester NY are getting an introduction to the terrorist tactics of the Black Lives Matter scum…

Law-abiding citizens were menaced while they dined at restaurants by an angry mob that was triggered over the death of a black man at the hands of police back in March.

In what could be called a Shaun King Special for the way that Talcum X routinely releases months old videos that are selectively edited in order to portray police in the worst possible light and then use Twitter to stir up the mob, the video succeeded in the rapid mobilization of thousands who overran police and as has been common practice in Democrat-controlled areas, are given free rein to run amok.


This shit is totally out of control but they aren’t trying this crap in Alabama, Texas, Mississippi, Florida, Idaho or other red states – at least not yet.

The floor is yours Deplorables…