Last Night’s Debate – Open Thread

Joe Biden earned raves from the media after he showed up for the debate in Cleveland and managed to not shit in his pants on national television.

As expected, the deck was stacked against President Trump who not only had to contend with Biden’s lies and defense of domestic terrorist organization ANTIFA but was tag-teamed by smarmy Fox News anchor Chris Wallace who served as moderator for the event.

The entire thing was a shit show of epic proportions with Biden not answering questions, accusing Trump of racism and lying his ass off while Wallace had his back.

This morning, the entire crooked media is touting Biden as the winner in an undisputed knockout against “Orange Man Bad” even though Trump mopped the floor with both of them.

Now the push is on to cancel any future debates in order to allow lunchbucket Joe to hide in his Delaware basement until after the election.

Ok Deplorables, this is your chance to throw in your two cents, provide your brilliant and incisive insight or just call out this grotesque travesty as the carnival of perversion that it was.