Sad Trombone: Fox News Rejects Eric Swalwell’s Request For A Town Hall

Elizabeth Warren turned down an offer for a town hall on Fox News because she says the network is racist and kills people. Kamala Harris followed suit, also turning down a chance to appear on the #1 cable news channel. Eric ‘Duke Nukem’ Swalwell would love the chance to reach such a huge audience but Fox responded by asking, “who are you?” The California Rep. actually begged Fox News for a town hall and they rejected him, which yet another reason why this clown shouldn’t be running for president.

Swalwell is running for president on a platform of taking away our guns and nuking us if we resist. It seems like something that would appeal to democrats but so far he is polling at 0%. With the liberals uninterested in his campaign, he thought he’d like to see if conservatives would embrace his unconstitutional insanity. He recently told CNN how he tried and failed to get a town hall on Fox News:

California Rep. Eric Swalwell, for instance, told CNN on Wednesday that he would like to do a town hall with Fox, but said the network turned him down last week.

“I would absolutely do a Fox town hall, but they told us we can’t have one which is a little bit confusing to us because they have given them to people who are polling at the same place as us,” said Swalwell.

Fox has hosted town halls with Bernie Sanders and Amy Klobuchar, both of whom are polling above 0%. They also have scheduled town halls with Pete Buttigieg and Kirsten Gillibrand, two more above the 0% threshold.

Technically Swalwell didn’t say “people who have the same poll numbers as me” he said “people who are polling at the same place” as him. It may not be a lie if he’s saying that the polls which show him with no support were conducted in the same place as the polls showing Sanders and Klobuchar above him.

Luckily Swalwell has a really good excuse as to why Fox would reject a candidate polling at 0% that doesn’t involve his campaign being a complete failure:

Swalwell told CNN that he found it “frustrating” Fox News was “bemoaning that the Democrats won’t do the debates” on the network while it simultaneously rejected his offer for the town hall. He said the network did not provide criteria it was using to determine which candidates it offered town hall events to, adding, “I can only conclude that they are afraid to give me the opportunity.”

Yeah, that’s totally it, bro. Fox is terrified of a guy who doesn’t have one single supporter in the entire country. They must be afraid that he will turn his legion of followers against the network and they’ll be run out of business.

How does this make any sense? The reason Fox won’t give Swalwell a town hall is because he is a nobody. Town halls are already a ratings losers. The network does these things as a public service, not to make money. A town hall with Swalwell would be a ratings black hole that would suck all of the other successful Fox News shows into the abyss.

Fox rejecting Swalwell should be a big wake up call that “President of the United States” is not in his future. If the 0% polling didn’t clue him in, getting kicked to the curb by a network willing to give Kirsten Gillibrand air time should. Then again, Swalwell doesn’t come across as all that bright.