Non-White Proud Boys Disagree With Joe Biden That They Are White Supremacists

During the debate earlier this week, Joe Biden labeled a group known as the Proud Boys as white supremacists. Since then he has been lying that President Trump refused to denounce white supremacy and dragged the Proud Boys into his bullshit. Several members of the Proud Boys, who are decidedly not white, are calling Biden out for his complete misrepresentation of their organization. Naturally the liberal media is ignoring all of this and going with Biden’s lies.

In Tuesday’s presidential debate, moderator Chris Wallace asked President Trump to denounce white supremacy, which he did twice. Joe Biden then jumped in and said Trump should also denounce the Proud Boys, who the former VP claimed were white supremacists. In subsequent interviews, Biden has characterized the group as racist white supremacists.

“My message to the Proud Boys and every other white supremacist group is: cease and desist,” said Biden.

This guy begs to differ with Crazy Joe:

So does this guy:

As well as Afro-Latino Enrique Tarrio, who happens to be the international chairman of the Proud Boys. He laid it out with an interview with Sky News:

Enrique Tarrio, international chairman of the group, told Sky News he did not see the president’s words as an endorsement of his group, and that Mr Biden had made a “crucial mistake” in naming them as racists.

“We’ve been called many names, but probably the most inaccurate name you can call us is white supremacists,” said Tarrio. “I’m a ‘person of color’, I’m a brown person, I’m chairman of the organization [and] I got voted in.”

I’m no fancy expert in white supremacy like the Southern Poverty Law Center or Joe “I delivered the eulogy for the Exalted Cyclops of the KKK” Biden but it seems to me that the first non-negotiable requirement for being a white supremacist is being white. These guys are all clearly not white and it doesn’t seem likely that a white supramacist group would have non-whites in their ranks. They certainly wouldn’t have non-whites in positions of power.

Joe Biden doesn’t know where he is, what day it is, or even what office he is running for, so what are the chances he knows a white supremacist group from a hole in his head? In reality, he is a member of the original white supremacist group known as the democratic party, so he should be fairly knowledgable on the subject, but his mind is shot so no dice.

Meanwhile, the liberal media continues to help Biden promote his false narrative that Trump is a racist and the Proud Boys are white supremacists. They are also giving Crazy Joe an assist by pretending that Antifa doesn’t exist and if they do they aren’t a radical left-wing terrorist group.