Michelle Obama Screams That ‘Racist’ Trump Will Destroy The Nation

Michelle Obama made an infomercial for Joe Biden and it she called President Trump a racist, ignoring all of the former VP’s glaring racism. She also said that racism will destroy this country, ignoring the fact that her husband was in the White House for 8 years and did absolutely nothing to address this problem. Presumably this systemic racism has been a problem for quite some time and yet Biden’s 47 years in Washington and Barack Obama’s two-terms as POTUS failed to even address it. Perhaps we shouldn’t hand power over to these lazy motherf*ckers.

Here’s Michelle Obama with what she calls her “Closing Argument” for a Biden Presidency. If you don’t think you can sit through 24 minutes of her squawking, don’t worry, I cued it up for you:

“Let’s be very real right now. America is divided right now and a lot of people are being sold lies from those who want to get rich or stay in power or sometimes both. And as I’ve said before, we must all empathize with those who might not look like us or vote like us,” started Michelle.

Since most people outside of the NBA don’t look like Michelle Obama, she has an awful lot of people to empathize with. As it turns out, she’s not about empathy for people who look and vote differently, she just wants to call them racists:

“Right now, the President and his allies are trying to tap into that frustration and distract from his breathtaking failures by giving folks someone to blame other than them. They’re stoking fears about Black and Brown Americans, lying about how minorities will destroy the suburbs, whipping up violence and intimidation and they’re pinning it all on what’s been an overwhelmingly peaceful movement for racial solidarity. It’s true; research backs it up. Only a tiny fraction of demonstrations have had any violence at all,” Michelle said.

Black Lives Matter will kill people for saying “All Lives Matter” so I don’t think “racial solidarity” is the right phrase to describe their hate whitey/f*ck the police agenda. Also, what research shows that the violent riots that have ravaged the cities across the nation have been overwhelmingly peaceful? The CNN and MSNBC Institute for Fake News and Democratic Party Propaganda?

After some whoppers of lies, Michelle called President Trump a lying racist:

“So what the president is doing is, once again, patently false, it’s morally wrong, and yes, it is racist,” proclaimed Michelle.

And finally since Michelle likes to make everything about her, she made everything about her:

“I also feel it as a black woman who has, like the overwhelming majority of people of color in this nation, done everything in my power to live a life of dignity and service and honesty, the knowledge that any of my fellow Americans are more afraid of me then the chaos we are living through right now, well that hurts,” Michelle said.

People aren’t afraid of her blackness, it’s because she’s built like a Sasquatch power forward and that unsightly bulge doesn’t help either..

“So I want to appeal for some empathy here too. I want everyone who is still undecided to think about all those folks like me and my ancestors. The moms and dads who worked their fingers to the bone to raise their kids right. The teenagers who wear hoodies while working hard to get their diplomas. The millions of folks who look like me and fought and died and toiled as slaves and soldiers and laborers to help build this country. Put yourselves in our shoes for just a moment,” said Michelle.

I’m starting to think that Michelle Obama has never actually met a black person outside of her rich elite circle. The problems in the black community aren’t that they all raised their kids the right way or that they work too hard to get diplomas and anyone who thinks that is completely out of touch with reality. Also, I’m a size 12 so I don’t think I’d fit in her gunboat shoes.

Michelle went on to say that 4 more years of Trump will literally kill black people, finishing with this self-awareness fail:

“Racism, fear, division. These are powerful weapons and they can destroy this nation if we don’t deal with them head on,” said Michelle.

Why didn’t Barack Obama deal with these things head on when he was President of the United States for 8 f*cking years? Why didn’t Joe Biden deal with these things as a U.S. Senator and VP for almost a half-century?

Listen, Joe Biden fought against racial segregation, fawned over an Exalted Cyclops of the KKK, and was shocked that Barack Obama was clean and articulate. Trump on the other hand brought record levels of unemployment to the black community. One of these guys is racist and it ain’t the one currently in the White House.