Thursday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables, not much longer until the weekend.

The Chinese Gutting of America

Via American Greatness

Just as China has gutted America’s manufacturing base, it has gutted most of our nation’s foundational institutions.

When President Trump imposed import duties on a wide range of Chinese goods, we discovered just how reliant our nation had become on the communist People’s Republic of China for a wide array of manufactured and finished goods.

A parade of American businesses petitioned the U.S. government to exempt some 13,000 different items from tariffs.

We are by now familiar with the empty factories across the country that once turned out auto parts, appliances, and consumer electronics, all shuttered by cheap imports from China.

But who knew that the officially atheist nation whose regime persecutes people of faith prints most of the Bibles we read at home and in church? Our worship services depend on China.

Or that China produces the specialized drill bits used to extract oil and gas from the ground? Our energy industries depend on China.

And of course, the Chinese virus revealed just how dependent our health care had become on China.

But more than just these hard industries have been hollowed out. We see the same pattern repeated in academia, finance, media and government.

We have long regarded our institutions of higher education as the crown jewels of America, shrines of academic freedom and free inquiry as well as technical expertise. When they returned home, the story was that students from across the globe would carry the bedrock Western values inculcated by our universities and liberalize the world.

A nice fantasy; but the reality is quite different.

A Chinese student at the University of Minnesota was arrested in China and sentenced to six months in prison for tweets he posted while in the United States, Axios reports. According to Chinese court documents, the student used his Twitter account to post pictures of a cartoon villain that resembles Xi Xinping and of Winnie the Pooh, a character Chinese netizens use to lampoon Xi.

In response, the University of Minnesota has said … nothing. Add academia to the list of the hollowed out.

This is far from the only example of how American universities have become so dependent on Chinese money they have abandoned all standards and values.

Leading China-watcher and CCP critic Christopher Balding describes the China exclusion rule and how it’s corrupted so many institutions.

“Universities and political science professors will talk at length about foreign interference and disinformation and rightfully so. Ask them to ensure their own universities and departments are following the laws for foreign donations and we get the [China exclusion] response: trust me,” Balding writes.

We do not know the full extent of the university programs dedicated to everything from foreign relations to climate science that have been tainted by Chinese money.

Read the entire article HERE.

What Could They Put in the COVID Vaccine?

Via Lew

Tiny, tiny biosensors?

From nanotechnology: “The branch of technology that deals with dimensions and tolerances of less than 100 nanometers, especially the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules.”

We begin with excerpts from an important article at Children’s Health Defense, “Microchips, Nanotechnology and Implanted Biosensors: The New Normal?” by Pam Long. [1]

Buckle up.

“U.S. military personnel will be the first subjects in nanotechnology trials in the pursuit of optimizing health and early detection of disease outbreaks. Profusa has research contracts for bio-integrated sensors with the U.S. Department of Defense and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), pending U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval in early 2021.”

“Profusa’s promotional video shows how the bio-integrated sensor enables a soldier to be tracked by remote computers using GPS in addition to monitoring real-time biomarkers, such as oxygen levels and heart rate. While this biotechnology is portrayed as potentially lifesaving to a soldier on the battlefield, the implications of GPS tracking individuals is a terrifying step towards a surveillance state in the general population. Furthermore, tracking people in stages of sickness can only result in medical tyranny in the hands of any government. The Profusa influenza study requires patients to wear the wearable version of the reader 24 hours a day, with continuous biomarker information collection into a database, and aims to detect four stages of infection: healthy, infected, asymptomatic and recovery stage. These unreliable detection stages could become the criteria for different levels of individual participation in society as experienced in the unsustainable COVID-19 state-level lockdowns for the masses.”

“This Profusa nanotechnology has three components: an inserted [implanted] sensor called hydrogel, a light-emitting fluorescent sensor reader on the surface of the skin and an electronic software component that transmits to an online database…and there is no information on how the technology could be removed, if at all. ‘Tiny biosensors that become one with the body’ could imply a lifetime commitment.”

So…implanted nano-bio sensors. Could this be taken a step further? Instead of placing the sensors just under the surface of the skin, could they be injected with a vaccine?

Are researchers interested in marrying nanotechnology and vaccines?

Here is a quote from Frontiers in Immunology, 24 January, 2019, “Nanoparticle-Based Vaccines Against Respiratory Viruses” [2]: A new generation of vaccines based on nanoparticles has shown great potential to address most of the limitations of conventional and subunit vaccines. This is due to recent advances in chemical and biological engineering, which allow the design of nanoparticles with a precise control over the size, shape, functionality and surface properties, leading to enhanced antigen presentation and strong immunogenicity. This short review provides an overview of the advantages associated with the use of nanoparticles as vaccine delivery platforms to immunize against respiratory viruses…” [such as the purported COVID-19 virus?]

Here is another quote, also from Frontiers in Immunology, October 4, 2018, “Nanoparticle Vaccines Against Infectious Diseases” [3]: In the last several years, the use of nanoparticle-based vaccines has received a great attention to improve vaccine efficacy, immunization strategies, and targeted delivery to achieve desired immune responses at the cellular level…Nanocarriers composed of lipids, proteins, metals or polymers have already been used…This review article focuses on the applications of nanocarrier-based vaccine formulations and the strategies used for the functionalization of nanoparticles to accomplish efficient delivery of vaccines in order to induce desired host immunity against infectious diseases.”

There can be no doubt that nanotechnology is, indeed, very much involved in cutting-edge vaccine research.

Read the entire article HERE.

Pope Francis slams trickle-down economics, advocates for redistribution of wealth: ‘For the good of all’

Via The Blaze

Pope Francis denounced trickle-down economics, private property, and advocated for the redistribution of wealth in a new letter to Roman Catholic leaders.

Writing in an 86-page papal encyclical — which, according to Reuters, are “the most authoritative form of papal writing” — Francis said the coronavirus pandemic proved the failure of free-market economics, such as the “trickle-down” theory.

Francis wrote, “There were those who would have had us believe that freedom of the market was sufficient to keep everything secure.”

From Reuters:

Francis denounced “this dogma of neo-liberal faith” that resorts to “the magic theories of ‘spillover’ or ‘trickle’ … as the only solution to societal problems”. A good economic policy, he said, “makes it possible for jobs to be created and not cut”.

The 2007-2008 financial crisis was a missed opportunity for change, instead producing “increased freedom for the truly powerful, who always find a way to escape unscathed”. Society must confront “the destructive effects of the empire of money”.

The pope also advocated the redistribution of wealth and denounced the absolute right of private property.

“The right to private property can only be considered a secondary natural right, derived from the principle of the universal destination of created goods,” Francis said.

The wealthy should “administer [their wealth] for the good of all,” Francis wrote. The pope also said he believes “that if one person lacks what is necessary to live with dignity, it is because another person is detaining it.”

However, Francis claimed he was “certainly not proposing an authoritarian and abstract universalism.”

Read the entire article HERE.

California Governor’s Office: When You Go Out To Eat, Wear A Mask ‘In Between Bites’

Via Hot Air

Yes this is real, as you’ll see in a moment. But first, let me describe the current situation in California, at least where I live in southern California, with regard to restaurants.

Restaurants here are open for take out and in some cases for seating. The seating can either be inside at a reduced capacity or outside under a tent. My family still picks up to-go food from our favorite restaurants but in the last three months we’ve only gone out to dinner twice I think. In both cases the restaurants had converted a portion of their parking lot into table seating with the tables spaced out to create social distance from other diners.

Both times we went out the protocol was the same. Everyone arriving had to be wearing masks. Once you were seated there were no physical menus handed out because those would be touched and would then run the risk of spreading something to a server or potentially to another guest. In one case, the restaurant I went to used a QR-code on the table which would automatically bring up the menu on your phone. After ordering, most people took off their masks and waited for their food. People going out were generally with the same group of people they were with all the time, usually their own family. And obviously you can’t eat with a mask on anyway.

But over the weekend Governor Newsom’s office put out a message which surprised and confused a lot of people. It said that if you go out to dinner you should “keep your mask on in between bites.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Man Who Believes He’s On The Right Side Of History Announces Crackdown On The Jews

Via The Babylon Bee

ALBANY, NY—Governor Andrew Cuomo believes he is on the right side of history. He also just announced a plan to target and crack down on Jewish activity in his state.

“We’re on the right side of history,” said the man who announced a crackdown on Jewish synagogues. “Nothing bad has ever come from targeting Jews. They’re Jews, for goodness’ sake. If they didn’t want to get harassed, they shouldn’t have become Jews.”

Cuomo briefly considered whether he was actually the bad guy.

“You, uh, targeted the Jews, my man,” said one reporter.

“Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?” Cuomo answered thoughtfully.

“No,” he finally concluded after several moments’ thought. “It’s the Jews who are wrong.”

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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