Once Again Biden Said Cops Should Shoot People In The Leg

Joe Biden once again said that cops should shoot armed attackers in the leg to deescalate the situation. In his softball town hall on Thursday the democratic party nominee reiterated his insane ‘justice reform’ plan to force cops to confront dangerous criminals by trying to hit their legs as they charge with deadly weapons. Just in case that doesn’t work, Biden says unarmed psychologists should be the ones confronting armed lunatics. He should go out on the streets and demonstrate the effectiveness of these techniques.

Thursday there were dueling presidential town halls, but they were not equal. On NBC President Trump was harangued by an activist journalist while Joe Biden was served up meatballs by a friendly liberal media ally. After being asked how come he’s so awesome for black people, Biden was asked why his very public record of failing the black community doesn’t matter and how come he’s so awesome for black people.

Like all pre-approved questions asked of Biden, he rambled for minutes at a time, off-topic, and didn’t come close to answering it. At one point during this particular non-answer, he talked about how he will “fix” those racist police officers:

“We can do this. You can ban chokeholds, but beyond that you have to teach people how to deescalate circumstances. Deescalate. So instead of anybody coming at you the first thing you do is shoot to kill, you shoot ‘em in the leg,” said Biden.

And this terrible advice was definitely in reference to armed attackers because he followed by referencing “like what happened not long ago with that guy with the knife.”

For some reason, Biden thinks cops are guns and also want a background check system or something.

“You have to do more background checks in terms of whether or not the person coming in pass a certain psychological test,” Biden said.

Form there, Biden laid down a sentence that a lazy 6th grader would use to make sure the book report had enough words to meet the minimum requirement:

“You have to be in a position where you are able to identify, identify, the things that have to change and one of things that has to change is that so many cops get called into circumstances where somebody is mentally off,” said Biden.

Speaking of people who are mentally off, Biden offered this bonkers plan to deal with dangerous criminals:

“That’s why we have to provide within police department, psychologists and social workers to go out with the cops on the calls. Those 911 calls. To deescalate the circumstance. Deal with talking them down,” said Biden.

The first time a social worker gets stabbed, I bet Biden rethinks this plan. Then again, thinking the first time isn’t his strong suit so going back to rethink probably isn’t something that is in his bag of tricks. And here’s the proof:

“But we can’t, cops are like school teachers now. You know school teacher has to know everything from white how howda howda howda handle hunger in a household and how to teach how to read. Well, cops don’t have that breadth,” stammered Crazy Joe.


Clearly Biden needs to work on his analogy skills as well has his articulation. What I got out of that last thing is that cops are like school teachers except that they aren’t and for some reason teachers have to know how to deal with hunger in the household.

Once again the liberal media didn’t give Joe Biden one single tough question and once again he made it tough with his lack of ability to think or speak. He says cops shod shoot people in the leg, but really he should stop shooting himslef in the foot. especially since his foot is often in his mouth.