4 Years Later Hillary Clinton Is Still Crying That The Election Was Stolen From Her

Today is Hillary Clinton’s birthday and the 4 year anniversary of her sending out a tweet congratulating herself for winning the 2016 presidential election days before she lost. It’s also 4 years and 2 since she said Donald Trump refusing to accept the results of the election was a threat to our democracy. 4 years later she still ain’t president and she still can’t accept her defeat. According to Hillary’s sour grape whine, the presidency was stolen form her and Trump is illegitimate.

This was 4 years ago today and for some reason is still up:

This was 4 years and 2 days ago and for some reason is still up:

Hillary was on some who-gives-a-shit podcast and proved the only reason for her existence is to be butthurt that America soundly rejected her.

“I can’t entertain the idea of [Trump] winning, so let’s just preface it by that,” said Hillary. “Because it makes me literally sick to my stomach to think that we’d have four more years of this abuse and destruction of our institutions, and damaging of our norms and our values, and lessening of our leadership, and the list goes on.”

She’s certainly handling this well. First she curled up in the fetal position, then she wandered aimlessly in the woods, and 4 years later she’s throwing up.

Hillary also has a frightening obsession with the man who beat the pantsuits off of her:

“I don’t think he has any conscience. He’s obviously not a moral, truthful man. So he will do whatever he can to lift himself up. And remember, as I said, he lives with this specter of illegitimacy. He knows more about how he got really elected than we still do. Hopefully, we’ll learn more in the years ahead,” Hillary said of Trump.

It’s no secret how Trump got elected. He campaigned in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. It’s weird that Hillary still hasn’t figured this out.

And finally, Hillary destroys our democracy:

“Because I was the candidate that they basically stole an election from,” said Hillary.

Gee, that sounds like Hillary is still not accepting the results of the election. Her rules state very specifically that if a candidate refuses to accept the results of an election, democracy is destroyed. Also, how do you basically steal an election? You either do or you don’t.

We know that the 2016 loss was devastating for Hillary but it seems like things are just getting worse for her. It was embarrassing for sure to get her ass kicked, but now she has to deal with her waning relevancy. She no longer on 60 Minutes but rather an obscure podcast. Instead of glowing New York Times profiles, she gets a blurb in Bumf*ck Daily Shopper.

Did anyone notice that Joe Biden did not ask her to campaign for him? Hillary noticed and she’s pissed. In her mind, she’s not only the rightful president but also the heart and soul of the democratic party so it’s particularly crushing that she has been frozen out of this entire election cycle.

She somehow believes if she keeps insisting that she really won the 2016 election people won’t see her a pathetic has-been. Much like her B-day tweet congratulating herself for winning, she is wrong.