Indian Imposter Elizabeth Warren Accuses Republicans Of Cheating

For much of her life, Elizabeth Warren pretended to be an Indian princess. She used this ruse to advance her career in education, which I think we can all agree is cheating. She is also a democrat, the sneakiest most dishonest political party known to mankind. Somehow, she has the wigwams to accuse the Republicans of cheating. Once again, democrats project their horribleness on others.

You can almost hear her whiny deflating ballon-like voice in this tweet:

Obviously she’s still reeling from the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, but it doesn’t excuse how truly full of shit this tweet is.

The Republican Party did not cheat. President Trump nominated someone for a Supreme Court vacancy and the Senate confirmed this nominee, just like how the Constitution says it supposed to go.

The democrats tried to cheat by making up rules like it’s illegal for President Trump to nominate a judge in an election year. To be clear, no such rule exists anywhere outside of the democrats angry little minds. They also tried to cheat by questioning ACB’s race, gender, and religion, saying these things disqualify her from the SCOTUS. Again, this is not a rule and in fact the Constitution strictly forbids excluding people based on race, gender and religion.

Warren says that Republicans are scared they can’t win when the American people decide the outcome. Didn’t the American people elect Donald Trump as President as well as giving Republicans a majority in the Senate? Is there some other way that the American people decide on who their representatives in government are that I’m not aware of?

Further, Warren says Republicans can’t win when elections matter. When don’t elections matter?

Did the 2014 midterm elections matter when the Republicans took the majority in the Senate? Did the 2016 election matter when Donald Trump won the presidency and Republicans expanded their Senate majority?

This is Elizabeth Warren trying to say that Republicans don’t actually have the elected positions they clearly have. She must have spent too much time with Joe Biden because his lunacy is rubbing off on her. Republicans have won elections that matter and have earned the seats they occupy.

Democrats are the ones who can’t win elections that matter and they’re the ones that have cheated to get the seats they have. There’s a pretty good reason democrats always insist that voter fraud doesn’t exist. There’s also a pretty good reason why they want to flood this country with third world illegal alien scumbags. Without illegal aliens, dead people, and ballot harvesting, democrats couldn’t win many elections.

And while we are on this subject, Donald Trump, a Republican, is the victim of countless acts of democratic party cheating. Hillary Clinton tried to beat him in 2016 with Russian disinformation. Then-President Obama took that Russian disinformation and used it as a pretext to spy on Trump’s campaign. That then became the Russian-collusion hoax that democrats used to delegitimize Trump’s presidency. When that didn’t work, democrats impeached Trump for unspecified and nonexistent crimes. Does that sound like playing fair?

Which brings us back to Elizabeth Warren who is a fake Indian democrat who has cheated for her entire life. Her accusing the Republicans of cheating is like Joe Biden accusing Trump of being mentally unfit. Oh wait, Biden actually did that because he’s a cheating democrat too.