Biden Invents New Word ‘Trueandanashdasuffaprzur’ And Says He’ll Stop The ‘Trillionaires’

We know that Joe Biden was in the bottom of his class in college, but I wonder what his SAT scores looked like. Neither verbal nor math are not his strong suits. He recently invented the word “trueandanashdasuffaprzur” and then claimed he was going to stop the “Trillionaires.” Neither of these thing exist and my spell-check is flipping me the bird right now trying to type them.

Earlier this week at a Pennsylvania rally, Biden decided to share the made-up language from his fantasy world with the 12 people who showed up:

“I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trueandanashdasuffaprzur,” said Biden.

I watched that a dozen times and that’s the best I can figure what he was saying. The question is, what exactly is trueandanashdasuffaprzur? A Google search brought back zero results. Whatever it is, you can bet your ass Biden has an effective stagey to mobilize it. Whether this country needs an effective strategy to mobilize trueandanashdasuffaprzur or not remains to be seen.

At a rally in Des Moines, Iowa Biden got down to the nitty gritty on his plan to pay for all the socialism his handlers are hoping to unleash on us:

“It’s about time the wealthiest people in America, the billionaires and trillionaires, the multibillionaires, the big corporations, start paying their fair share,” said Biden.

And who are the trillionaires? The richest American and the richest person in the world is Jeff Bezos with an estimated worth of $179 billion. He’s $821 billion shy of being a trillionaire.

There are no trillionaires in this country or the world and there never has been, but if Biden wants to make them pay their fair share, by all means do it.

Despite even more incoherence and confusion from Joe , he tried to question President Trump’s cognitive ability with a series of lies:

“Donald Trump, when they say climate change, he thinks ‘hoax,’ and the stable genius, as he calls himself continues to say, wind power causes cancer. The same guy who said, by the way, and you think I’m making this up, when he was advised about the increasing hurricanes coming across the Atlantic because of the warm water, he said, ‘Maybe we should drop a nuclear weapon on them,’” said Biden. “This also is a guy, you may recall, the stable genius, said the problem with the Revolutionary War was we didn’t have enough airports. He talks about mental acuity? Whoa.”

During the last debate, President Trump quoted Joe Biden as saying he would end fracking. Biden claimed he never said that and dared Trump to put the video on his website, which the President did, because Biden certainly did say he would end fracking.

Biden should put the videos of Trump saying all of the things he just claimed he said, but he can’t because they don’t exist. All of those supposed quotes are from fake news articles citing anonymous sources lying about President Trump or things taken wildly out of context.

Trump never said wind power causes cancer but Biden did say he would end fracking and the oil industry. Trump never said to drop a nuclear weapon on hurricane, but Biden did say, “trueandanashdasuffaprzur.” Trump never said the problem with the Revolutionary War was we didn’t have enough airports, but Biden did say the trillionaires should pay their fair share.

Donald Trump’s lack of mental acuity is a figment of Joe Biden’s imagination, while his own cognitive decline is very very real.