Hunter Biden Keeps Papa Joe As “Pedo Peter” in His iPhone Contacts

While Hunter Biden’s laptop continues to leak embarrassing and criminal information, there’s a new source of shame for the illegitimate president’s son. Someone on 4chan managed to hack Hunter’s iCloud backup for several devices including his iPhone. There’s a lot of data to go over but already some pretty sick stuff is coming out. One of the more interesting tidbits of info is that Hunter has his dad Joe as “Pedo Pete” in his phone contact list.

We learned from Hunter’s laptop is that Joe Biden asked his son to call him “Peter Henderson,” after a fictional KGB spy in Tom Clancy novels. Thanks to this Hunter iCloud hack, we know Joe is listed as “Pedo Peter” in his son’s phone and tablet:

Even Hunter knows what a pedophile his dad is. Then again, one of the other things to come from the hack is Hunter searching for “12-year-old girl” on a porn site. Speaking of which, Hunter made plenty of his own porn:

That last one appears to be pics he sent to his dad “Pedo Peter.”

And of course there’s plenty of crack smoking:

And here’s one in which Hunter engages in scintillating crack-realted banter with a prostitute:

He’s so high he can’t even tell how much crack he really has.

In a racist text exchange with an escort service, Hunter let’s it be known he doesn’t like Asians:

Plus this:

Keep in mind that this hack just happened and there is hundreds of GBs of data to go through so there is likely much worse stuff coming.

An interesting thing here is that 4chan has actually deleted alot of this stuff, but it’s all over Twitter. Twitter, if you will remember, suspended The NY Post’s account when they broke the Hunter Biden laptop story because, as they claimed, they don’t allow hacked material on their platform. The laptop wasn’t hacked, but this stuff sure is.

What blows my mind is that after Hunter’s laptop fiasco the White House handlers didn’t seize all of Hunter’s electronics and delete all of his insane shit. Apparently the hacker got into Hunter’s iCloud because his password was a woman’s name and her age, which was easy to guess.

Another thing that is difficult to fathom is why Hunter films himself so much doing drugs and banging hookers. The only conclusion I can come to is that he wants to get caught.

As we wait for the rest of this iCloud hack to come out, hopefully the “Let’s Go Brandon” thing will become “Let’s Go Pedo Peter!” I sincerely hope that some reporter has the guts to ask Joe Biden about this, but I’m not going to hold my breath.