MSNBC: Trump Supporters Are A Mob, Antifa Rioters Are ‘Protesters’

We may not know who won the election yet but it’s crystal clear who the “impartial” liberal media is rooting for. MSNBC showed what they are all about by continuing to be the propaganda arm of the democratic party and apologists for the violent left. In separate reports, the fake news network described several calm Trump supporters as a “mob” and Antifa rioters in Portland as “protesters.” The fake news industry is becoming increasingly reliant on you not believing your lying eyes.

Prior to the election the liberal media developed a narrative that Joe Biden was going to win in a landslide and that President Trump supporters would take to the streets spastic fits of violence. Neither of those things have happened, but why waste a perfectly good narrative?

Here’s MSNBC’s contribution to the lie:

Mob? That sounds scary.

MSNBC is aware that this is a video report and that we can see what they are calling a mob, right? Maybe they are but sure as shit don’t care.

Clearly there are a couple dozen people in the background, being calm and respecting all laws and societal norms. They’re on the sidewalk, not the streets. Nobody is wearing improvised armor or carrying a weapon. That’s a mob like MSNBC is news. That is to say, it ain’t.

Now let’s compare that to this from NBC reporter Erin McLaughlin, which was retweeted by MSNBC:

In this video, we can see hundreds of gas mask-wearing Antifa thugs with weapons taking over the public streets and somehow that makes them “protesters.” Calm law-abiding Trump supporters are a “Mob” and street terrorists are “peaceful protesters.” Again, stop believing your eyes and accept what the Ministry of Propaganda tells you.

The thing is, MSNBC never showed what was actually going on with these Antifa peaceful protesters in Portland. Here’s a more realistic portrayal:

So peaceful. It’s like watching bunny rabbits frolicking in a meadow with Spring blooms and a rainbow gently kissing a unicorn.

What I don’t understand is why Twitter didn’t delete these MSNBC tweets for being deceptive content. The “mob” of Trump supporters is very obviously not a mob and the peaceful protesters are very obviously a leftist insurrection. Actually, I’m just kidding. I understand completely why Twitter didn’t block these tweets: they’re part of the propaganda network.

The liberal media was wrong about the election. They were wrong about the Trump-supporter violence following that election. They flat-out lie about the leftist violence that has been raging for most of the year. What are the chances they can be trusted to deliver anything that remotely resembles the truth?

MSNBC would have described the Russian Revolution as a “peaceful transition of power by progressives.” They would have described the Tiananmen Square massacre as “right-wing mob threatens peaceful government tank maneuvers.” There is literally no difference between the liberal media in the U.S. and the propaganda ministries of communist regimes.