Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables, it’s Monday and darkness is falling on America.

Joe Biden, President-Elect?

Via American Greatness

The people who put Biden in office are aspiring totalitarians and their unwitting, brainwashed tools. Never underestimate the deadly seriousness of aspiring totalitarians.

This was the weekend on which the Democratic Party and mainstream media, totally ignoring legitimate concerns about widespread vote fraud in several states, declared Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

Almost nobody said, “Hey, wait.” A friend of mine in Manhattan reported that people outside his window were cheering.

Even the New York Post, recently demonized in other media for its Hunter Biden exposé, joined the chorus with a front-page headline reading “It’s Joe” and articles referring to him as the president-elect.

Ditto Fox News. On Greg Gutfeld’s Saturday evening program, a Biden victory was taken for granted by the host and all four guests—except for Tom Shillue, whose reminder that fraud was still under investigation was greeted by the other panelists with something that felt like unease.

One regular part of Fox News’ Saturday lineup was strangely missing. Only the next morning was it reported that Judge Jeanine Pirro’s show had been canceled because she had been planning to discuss the vote fraud. Fox News denied this.

On the same evening, in Wilmington, Biden and Kamala Harris took part in a public event at which they effectively declared themselves president- and vice president-elect.

The whole thing was bizarre. Trump hasn’t conceded; in several states, the numbers are very much in doubt. It’s getting hard to keep track of all the fraud claims.

And yet the media, and the political and cultural establishment generally, all bought into it—the idea obviously being to present the whole thing as a fait accompli and thereby make it harder for the Supreme Court to hand the election to Trump.

On Sunday, I looked at the Wikipedia page titled “President-elect of the United States.” It stated: “If the result of an election is unclear or disputed, no person is normally referred to as president-elect until the dispute is resolved.” Next to this sentence was a picture of Joe Biden with the caption: “As of November 7, 2020, Joe Biden of Delaware is the president-elect of the United States.”

Although Biden’s Wilmington speech was predictably semi-coherent, one point came through clearly enough. “Stop treating our opponents as our enemies,” he said. “They’re not our enemies. They’re Americans.”

That was rich, coming from a man who, on the rare occasions when he’d spoken up during the past couple of years, had parroted his party’s line that Trump voters are bigots, morons, and “ugly folks.” A man who’d taken part in the unprecedented, treasonous conspiracy to push the Russian-collusion lie and thereby unseat an elected president.

Forgive and Forget?
Biden wasn’t alone in pushing this forgive-and-forget line. On Facebook, my page filled up with memes like this one: “Don’t lose friendships today over two men who don’t even know your names. It’s OK to have different political views and still be OK with each other.”

That meme, and the others like it, were all posted by Trump supporters. But I had to respectfully dissent. These people, however pure their intentions, were calling for forgiveness without repentance. They were asking their fellow Trump voters to pretend that none of this ugliness had ever taken place—the years-long coup attempt, the rhetoric about “deplorables,” and finally, yes, the vote fraud.

It was asking Trump voters to believe if they only affirmed the idea that Biden had won, their longtime Democratic tormentors would shed socialism, corporations would drop globalism, the deep state would quit its partisan perfidy, and journalists would go back to being journalists.

As former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer tweeted on Saturday night: “Resist. Overturn. Boycott. Surveil. Leak. Impeach. And now they tell us it’s time to heal. Where were they for the last four years?”

Read the entire article HERE.

The Comrade Biden Show Is Already Kinda Creepy

Via PJ Media

Biden Is Gonna Heal Us or Something

I know, I know…we’re not supposed to be pretending that Joe Biden is the president-elect but you all know that I’m the resident pessimist. I do think the president’s legal team should keep at it but I’m not really feeling it. It would probably be wise for us to start packing for the Harris-Biden gulag.

Like every other American conservative, I’m not buying Biden’s healing and unity spiel. It’s quite stunning how out of touch with reality the Democrats are. They truly believe that we’ve all just been waiting over here for them to stop calling us racists and light the unity candle.

Joe Biden is, and always has been, one of the most divisive politicians in Washington. That’s not going to change. He doesn’t like us. He never will. Frankly, I wish he’d just give up the charade and stop the benevolent grandpa garbage.

Even though the legal challenges to vote counts are still going on, Biden is preparing what is sure to be an odious agenda. He’s going to keep the COVID panic porn going for a while, most likely to use is as an excuse for the government to be heavy-handed. Rick wrote about Biden’s announcement of a COVID task force:

Joe Biden’s campaign announced that he would name a task force of prominent Democratic public health experts to a coronavirus task force that will supposedly act in concert with the White House Coronavirus Task Force.

Biden’s announcement comes as European nations were revealing record-breaking numbers of coronavirus cases. It raises the question about why any coronavirus “experts” who advocate for lockdowns and business closings should be believed?

Europe “listened to the scientists” and, for a while, the number of coronavirus cases dropped. But as European nations reopened their economies, the virus came back with a vengeance.

Team Harris-Biden also announced that Biden would be contacting governors and mayors to talk about mask mandates. You can tell he’s really looking forward to re-energizing the petty tyrants who have ruined the economy.

Depending on what happens in Georgia, there is a very real possibility that Biden won’t be able to implement his agenda via anything but executive order. He’s already working on that.

As I’ve been saying since election day, we’re going to be even more grateful for the way President Trump has packed the courts with conservative judges once Crazy Joe hits the Oval Office.

Of course, the scariest part of all of this is that a President Biden will probably be having his strings pulled by multiple puppeteers. Let’s face it, the guy was never the sharpest tool in the shed even before he mentally checked out. Heck, there is already speculation in the media about what happens if he dies before his inauguration.

Read the entire article HERE.

Biden To Name COVID-19 Task Force Monday – Here’s His Plan

Via Zero Hedge

While the Biden campaign has declined to discuss potential Cabinet posts after the MSM declared him the projected winner of the 2020 election, Joe Biden is planning to announce the creation of a 12-member coronavirus task force, according to Axios.

“On Monday, I will name a group of leading scientists and experts as transition advisers to help take the Biden-Harris COVID plan and convert it into an action blueprint that starts on Jan. 20, 2021,” Biden said during a Saturday night speech.

According to the report, “By announcing a COVID task force even before unveiling his senior White House staff or a single cabinet appointment, Biden is signaling that addressing the coronavirus will be the immediate priority for his transition, and then his potential administration.”

The task force will be led by three co-chairs: former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, former Food and Drug Administration Commissioner David Kessler and Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith from Yale University. -Axios

“We have to function as one nation. That means having a national plan,” said Murthy, former surgeon general.

Several members of the task force have been advising Biden during his bid for presidency – adopting health protocols for the Biden campaign while also discussing public policy challenges.

Biden’s plan: According to NPR, “Biden’s plan calls for empowering scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help set national, evidence-based guidance to stop outbreaks as well as making significant investments in vaccine distribution, testing and the creation of a public health workforce to carry out contact tracing and other services.”

“What you’re going to see is a laser focus on ensuring that people get … adequate testing and clear information,” said Murthy.

So – ‘more testing and clear information’ – and CDC scientists will now be ’empowered’ to dictate national policy.

Ezekiel Emanuel – brother of former Obama Chief of Staff and ex-Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel – has been advising Biden on health policy, and told NPR: “You’re going to have rigorous evaluation and constant refinement” of policies and strategies.

Specifics of Biden’s plan per NPR:

1. Set shared guidance for slowing community spread

Under Biden’s plan, the CDC will be directed to provide specific guidance — based on the degree of viral spread in a community — for “how to open schools, open businesses,” Emanuel says, or when to impose restrictions on gathering sizes or when stay-at-home orders may be called for.

It would create a national “pandemic dashboard” to share this information with the public. This is a strategy recommended by a top group of public health experts, who released a framework for assessing community risk.

And Biden says he’d work with every governor to make mask-wearing in public mandatory in their state. Many states already have mask mandates, but though research suggests that universal masking could save more than 100,000 lives, there’s currently no nationwide coordination or requirement.

2. Seriously ramp up testing

The Biden campaign has said the goal is to “ensure that all Americans have access to regular, reliable and free testing.” His administration will work to double the number of drive-through testing sites and invest in “next-generation testing,” including home tests and instant tests.

“It’s not enough to know in seven days or five days or three days whether or not you have COVID,” Biden recently said on CBS’ 60 Minutes. If there’s a long lag time, a person may spread the disease unwittingly while waiting for results.

There are currently several home test kits that give quick results without being sent to a laboratory in development, but none are yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration. While there has been a significant expansion in testing, “testing is still not available and affordable to all people across the country,” Murthy told NPR.

3. Hire thousands of public health workers

The Biden team pledges to “mobilize” 100,000 Americans to work with local organizations around the country to perform contact tracing and other health services for populations at high risk for COVID-19.

The idea is to empower local communities and health departments to assist people with challenges such as food insecurity and affordable housing.

“Imagine a public health workforce that was also helping train school officials in how to reopen safely,” Murthy told NPR. Or helping run public education campaigns about a vaccine and how to stay safe in the pandemic. “Think about a workforce that was diverse, that looked like the country that we’re trying to serve,” Murthy said.

4. Help people get health insurance

Millions of American have lost health insurance during the pandemic. Biden’s coronavirus plan proposes to have the federal government cover 100% of the costs of COBRA coverage for the duration of the crisis. “So when people lose their employer-based health insurance, they can stay on that insurance, given the moment we are in,” Stef Feldman, Biden’s national policy director, told NPR.

In addition, Biden will push to strengthen the Affordable Care Act, expanding coverage by making more people eligible for premium subsidies. Biden hopes also to push for expansion of Medicaid in states that have yet to do so, and he has proposed making Medicare coverage available to Americans beginning at age 60 (instead of 65).

During the pandemic, several governors asked the Trump administration to reopen the federal Obamacare marketplace for a special enrollment period. Feldman has told NPR that Biden would do so immediately after his inauguration to allow those who’ve lost insurance to sign up for new plans. She called it “a basic step that President Trump has refused to do.”

5. Create a caregiving workforce

During the pandemic, Biden says many families are struggling to find affordable care for their children, aging relatives or loved ones with disabilities. “At the same time, professional caregivers have either lost their jobs or continue to work while putting their lives at risk without sufficient pay,” his campaign plan noted.

Biden plans to work with states to speed up waiting lists for Medicaid-paid care in homes. In addition, the president-elect supports a variety of steps to expand caregiving, including ensuring access to preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds and supporting caregivers through job training and improved benefits and protections.

Expanding opportunities in the female-dominated caregiving workforce would play a dual role in both helping families, and helping improve women’s employment outlook, said Sherry Glied, dean of New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, noting that this pandemic-fueled economic crisis has hit women harder.

6. Boost vaccine distribution and personal protective equipment production

States will need a lot of money to distribute a vaccine and make sure it gets to everyone who wants it. There are complex logistics that will require planning and resources. Currently state governors are asking for more guidance and financial assistance.

The Biden team proposes investing $25 billion in a vaccine manufacturing and distribution plan “that will guarantee it gets to every American, cost-free.”

The president-elect also wants to solve the shortages of personal protective equipment that have plagued the U.S. health care system since the pandemic began. The Biden team says after the inauguration, it will work to make sure more of these critical supplies are produced and distributed “rather than leave states, cities, tribes, and territories to fend for themselves.”

Biden says he’d use the Defense Production Act to increase production of masks, face shields and other personal protective equipment so that supply exceeds demand.

And with that Biden will wipe out COVID-19, which has apparently killed “230 million thousand Americans”.

Read the entire article HERE.

Civil War It Is Then

By Tom Luongo/Gold, Goats & Guns

It is one thing to know your opponents have no soul. It is quite another to watch in real time their depravity play out with gleeful disdain.

Anyone saying that what is happening right now in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan etc. is not a conscious effort to rig an election is either a victim of propaganda or being willfully obtuse.

Because they told us this is what would happen. Through the Transition Integrity Project and bread crumbs left throughout the campaign, we knew it would come to this.

For weeks I’ve been saying I hope Trump’s performance is strong enough and his coattails long enough to preclude the Democrats and The Davos Crowd from trying to pull off the theft of the election.

That they would see the magnitude of the problem in front of them and be stopped short by little things like math.

And then realize that even if they did try and cheat it would be so transparent that nothing good for them would be gained by it. But they didn’t listen.

Trump almost pulled it off. His numbers across the board were excellent, stunning even given everything that’s happened.

He may yet pull this out and I support any and all efforts to do so, but it is looking quite grim today.

The potential is there for the Republicans to pick up as many as twelve seats in the House while holding the Senate if not picking up a seat, depending on how the courts rule on the already well-documented fraud.

Coattails that long are prima facia evidence that what’s happening with the presidential election is fraud. I won’t go into the list of red flags here, others have done a far better job (and are, frankly, more entertaining), but they are big enough and red enough to get even the laziest, porn-besotted bull in the world angry.

And that’s what should be scaring the crap out of everyone on ‘the Left’ today. Because as we heard yesterday, with coattails that long and the amount of obscene behavior on display, the remaining members of the Democratic caucus in the House are scared… and not just for their political lives.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in damage-control mode, saying “but we held the House” — which they were supposed to expand their majority in — and are “on track to win the presidency,” which no one will take even remotely seriously.

I’ve had visions of seeing Pelosi dragged out of the Capitol by her expensive dyed hair choking on her dentures while being arraigned for sedition, but her getting beaten with the ‘awesome power of the Speaker’s gavel’ and lynched by her own caucus for incompetence will be even more delicious.

At around 2am Tuesday evening I realized that they were actually going to do this and I texted a friend the next morning. His response?

“Civil war it is then.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Pandemic Officially Over

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

U.S.—After almost a year of suffering under a devastating killer pandemic, America was relieved to learn that the pandemic is officially over.

“We knew Joe Biden was the great healer who would bind all our wounds, open the eyes of the blind, and restore freedom to the captives,” said Brian Stelter in a tear-filled monologue. “But we truly underestimated just how powerful Biden’s healing powers were. We are proud to declare this pandemic officially over. It went away. Just like a miracle. Praise be!”

As it turns out, Biden’s secret plan to deal with the pandemic was simply to get elected. At this point, it’s not entirely clear how Biden’s election is related to the departure of COVID, but scientists said they don’t really feel like looking into it because they’re so tired from doing so much science all year without any breaks.

Biden has been awarded the Nobel Prize in every category for his brilliant handling of the virus. In a speech to a captive audience that was actually captive because they were there under contract, Biden said: “I’m glad I was finally able to deliver you all from the horrible, you know — the thing!”

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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