Michelle Obama Congratulates Biden By Trashing ‘Racist’ Trump Supporters

As Michelle Obama prepared to leave the White House in 2017, knowing that America rejected her husband’s agenda and that Donald Trump would wipe out his legacy, she uttered the words, “When they go low, we go high.” Now that the democrats think they have won back the White House, she is taking the “high road” by calling all Trump supporters a bunch of racist haters. In all fairness, democrats do have different definitions for things than normal people.

Here’s something Michelle Obama has been waiting 4 years to tweet:

The guy who creeps on women and lets little kids rub his hairy legs is going to bring dignity to the White House? See, democrats do have opposite definitions for every word and phrase.

And then this is where Michelle goes “high.”

As you can see, according to high horse-rider Michelle Obama, the 70 million plus Americans  who voted for Trump are all lying hateful racists.

Let’s see how many problems we can find in this tweet:

Donald Trump is not the “status quo” he’s the antithesis of that who challenged the political establishment. Joe Biden has been in Washington for 50 years, not upsetting the business as usual, and is the walking personification of the status quo.

Trump supporters didn’t vote for lies and hate because they voted for Trump, not Biden. Maybe Michelle means that there was so much voter fraud that tens of millions of Trump supporter votes went to Biden. She possibly wins this point on a technicality.

Trump supporters also didn’t vote for division as that’s the democratic party’s thing. And the proof af that is that Michelle Obama just called roughly half the country a bunch of racists.

Michelle is also wrong about the democrats having a lot of work to do. Since when do democrats work? Also, Michelle must remember her husband’s presidency in which he took an 8 year vacation of the taxpayers’ dime, right?

She’s also wrong that democrats will be reaching out to Trump voters and, again, the proof is this tweet trashing them.

Finally, Michelle says that democrats are going to connect with Trump supporters in the coming years to unify the country. According to Joe Biden, the country has already magically united because 70 million people he calls “ugly chumps” voted against him.

In related news, here’s another first lady with a stupid tweet celebrating Joe Biden’s pseudo election win:

Does that mean that the 2016 election was a repudiation of Hillary Clinton and if so, shouldn’t she shut the f*ck up?

I can’t wait to see the tweets after all of the recounts show that Joe Biden did not in fact win the 2020 election. Suddenly they won’t be hailing all the people who voted for Biden as heroes and it’ll probably be right back to some kind of Russian conspiracy thing.