Liberal Media Declares ‘No Voter Fraud’ Found In Stolen Election

The liberal media who anointed Joe Biden the next President of the United States has also declared there was no voter fraud in the 2020 election. Despite the overwhelming evidence that the election was stolen for Biden, the democratic party’s propaganda ministry can find no evidence of the crime. What are the chances?

Check out this headline from The New York Times:

Whether you believe that there was enough fraud to swing the election to Biden or not, it is complete bullshit to declare that absolutely no voter fraud took place at all. Dead people vote, people double vote, and ineligible people vote in every single election. It is a fact.

This is literally how propaganda works in dictatorships.

In the non-shocker of the year, the NYT headline is disproven by their article. After claiming…

Election officials in dozens of states representing both political parties said that there was no evidence that fraud or other irregularities played a role in the outcome of the presidential race, amounting to a forceful rebuke of President Trump’s portrait of a fraudulent election.

…they reluctantly admit…

Some states described small problems common to all elections, which they said they were addressing: a few instances of illegal or double voting, some technical glitches and some minor errors in math. Officials in all states are conducting their own review of the voting — a standard component of the certification process.

So there was absolutely no voter fraud, except that there actually was voter fraud? And since the NYT admits there was voter fraud, it’s a given that they are vastly downplaying the level of illegal voting.

The Washington Post is also doing their part to sell the lie that there was no voter fraud in the 2020 election:


Not only didn’t Richard Hopkins recant his sworn affidavit that he witnessed ballot tampering, postal inspectors tried to intimidate him into changing his story. The WaPo just invented this story to help sell the lie that there was no voter fraud.

The fact is, there are dozens of reports of widespread voter fraud, it’s just that the liberal media isn’t covering the stories. Fake news isn’t just publishing lies, it’s ignoring the truth.