Breaking: Stacey Abrams Wins 2020 Presidential Election In Her Mind

Last November Stacey Abrams lost the Georgia election for governor against Republican Brian Kemp. She has yet to concede and has gone on a tour claiming she actually won. It’s so ridiculous that many other democrats, including Hillary Clinton, have proclaimed that she did win and is the legitimate governor of Georgia. She is now considering running for president in 2020, which can only mean that she already won. Say hello to your new big fat ignorant piece of shit president from the future.

Former Obama retards have a podcast called Pod Save America. They recently hosted Stacey Abrams and asked her if she’s considering running in 2020.

“It has been reported that you are still considering joining the ever-growing democratic presidential field. Is that true?” asked the host.

“Yes,” replied Abrams.

See, I think this is brilliant. Given Abrams delusional state of denial, in her mind she’s already won. Since she refuses to accept the results of a free and fair election, no matter what happens in 2020, she can simply declare herself the vicvictorim and assume the office of the presidency.

I think Abrams is wasting her awesome power. She could be the Super Bowl champion, the Nobel peace prize winner, and the new pope. If she was really smart, she’d declare herself the Power Ball winner and show up at the lottery office to demand a giant check for $250 million. If you’re going to bullshit, bullshit big.

There were rumors that Joe Biden was going to name Abrams as his vice president candidate, so he can sweep his racism under the rug. Abrams however shot those rumors down, and it’s apparent that she did this because she is also going to run for presidnet.

Abrams is obviously suffering from delusions brought on by liberals hysteria. She thinks she has a legitimate shot at the presidency because when she was locked in the election battle with Brain Kemp, liberals went crazy to support her. What she doesn’t get is that libs were only supporting her because she is a democrat and they wanted to flip the Georgia governors seat to blue.

Now that she’s lost, liberals don’t give a flying fart about Abrams. It’s the same thing that happened with Beto O’Rourke when he was opposing Ted Cruz for a Texas Senate seat. Liberals didn’t necessary love Beto, they just hated Ted Cruz.

Beto O’Rourke confused Ted Cruz hatred for Beto love. He threw his hat in the 2020 ring expecting to still have all of that liberal support. Instead, he’s polling in the low single digits because liberals don’t give a crap about him since he lost to Cruz and discovered he’s a slacker doofus completely devoid of personality or substance.

Abrams too thinks that all of the support she got from Hollywood liberals and hastag progressives was is legit, but it wasn’t. Liberals loved Abrams when she was running against Kemp. Now that she’s lost, nobody cares about her at all and if she launched a 2020 presidential campaign she’d be in the basement of the 22 other democrats fooling themselves that they have a shot.

Abrams does have one big advantage over the rest of the democratic field in that she can just say she won. She can claim all of the delegates before the primaries even start and declare herself the democratic party nominee. From there she can say she won both the popular vote and the Electoral College and become POTUS in her own mind. While she’s at it, she can win her reelection in 2024 and save the trouble of a lengthy campaign.

People stigmatize mental illness but it’s made Stacy Abrams the most successful politician in US History. If only Hillary Clinton had thought if this, she’d be president right now, instead of the broken down loser that she’s become since losing to Donald Trump.