Wednesday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Good morning Deplorables, it’s now pretty clear that the election is being stolen and that Biden wants to make us all into slaves.

The Deep State Vs The Deep Country

Via Zero Hedge

I need to begin with the obvious: in spite of all the deep state, propaganda and “deep empire” (transnational) resources being used to declare that “Biden” (i.e. Harris) has won, as of right now nobody knows who got most votes and where.

I would even suggest that we will never really find out who won, because who won depends on a large number of local laws and regulations and because it will probably never be possible to separate the fake votes from the legal ones.

Finally, neither side will ever gracefully admit to having lost the contest. So now the country will enter a profound crisis.

That is the bad news.

But there is also very good news.

First, it has now become clear to the entire planet that the US “democracy” is anything but: the USA is an oligarchic plutocracy, plagued with a myriad of antiquated laws and corrupt to the bone. The special “trick” of this US oligarchic plutocracy is that is masquerades as an ochlocracy: there is *pretend* mob rule which serves as the microscopically small fig leaf hiding the real nature of the regime.

Second, while the Dems did their best to hide this, and they still are, it is now becoming evident that the sheer magnitude of the fraud made it impossible to conceal it. Now if we think of how the AngloZionist Empire has handled equally non-believable nonsense (9/11, Syrian gas attacks, Skripal, Navalnii, etc.) we know what they are going to do next: double down, which will reassure the brainwashed zombies, but will even further infuriate those still capable of critical thought.

Third, the behavior of the US media in this entire operation is so obviously disgraceful that nobody will ever take them seriously again (at least amongst the thinking people, the zombies glued to the Idiot Tube are beyond any rational arguments anyway). This is particularly important in regards to FoxNews who has shown that it was a pseudo-conservative propaganda outlet which, in reality, is completely committed to the political agenda of Rupert Murdoch and his family.

At this point in time, it is impossible to predict what will happen next, but the murder of JFK or the 9/11 false flag strongly suggest that the US deep state will win.

There seems to only be one way for Trump to stay in power and it will probably look similar to this:

Giuliani, who I was told won over 4’000 lawsuits in his career, is a very tough guy (look at what he did to the mob in NY!) and he must realize that the lawsuits he will file this week will be the most important ones in his career. They will even probably define his legacy. The notion that he would go to the courts with no solid evidence in his files is simply ridiculous. I don’t see any mechanism which can stop Giuliani now, so the ball will now go to the state and federal courts next and, after that, to the Supreme Court. There the situation is hard to predict.

In theory, Trump probably has enough conservative Justices, especially with Ruth Bader Ginsburg gone and Amy Coney Barrett replacing her. That’s only in theory. In reality, things are much more complex. On one hand, the pressure of the deep state on the Justices will be immense, but on the other hand, once you are a SC Justice you cannot be attacked, at least not legally. Amy Coney Barrett will also face immense pressure to “prove” her “independence” (meaning, if she sides with Giuliani’s side she will be called a Trump shill and even much worse than that!). One thing is certain, any Justice siding with Giuliani will face immense pressures followed by a vicious denigration campaign. Who knows how many Justices would have the courage to face this?

However, there is also the possibility that any Justice siding with Giuliani’s conclusions will go down in history as yet another “profile in courage”, so I would not completely discard that possibility either.

Read the entire article HERE.

Totalitarian Left Promises Purges And Punishment For All Trump Voters

Via The Federalist

By trying to name and shame Trump supporters, the ‘Trump Accountability Project’ betrays a preference for Soviet-style retribution over a commitment to basic decency.

If 2020 didn’t already feel enough of a Kafkaesque nightmare, the latest bit of depravity from the “hate has no home here” totalitarian left is a ghoulish scheme announced by three former Barack Obama and Pete Buttigieg staffers on Twitter last week called “The Trump Accountability Project.” Aspiring apparatchiks Emily Abrams, Michael Simon, and Hari Sevugan lauded the website whose stated mission is to “never forget those who furthered the Trump agenda.”

According to the now privatized site, whose internet archives were captured, anyone associated with the Trump administration, including those who elected him, staffed his government, funded him, endorsed him, worked in law firms for him, and who supported him in general, should be “held accountable.”

The site includes a comprehensive list of “known collaborators,” including U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, White House Chief of Staff Mike Meadows, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany, campaign advisors Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon, and the 56 federal judges, including U.S. Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, appointed by President Trump. No one is spared: assistants, receptionists, stenographers, calligraphers—our diligent Comrades know how to name names.

The idea of punishing people who have supported Trump also surfaced among media types including Jake Tapper of CNN and Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post. All of them have called for at least social recriminations such as keeping the “guilty” from being able to support themselves and their families through paid employment.

So what exactly are these Trump deplorables going to be “held accountable” for? The reasons cited are the administration’s purported assault on democracy, separation of children from their families, encouragement of racism, and “the country’s failed response to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Is this reasonable? Has the Trump administration, aided and abetted by its staff, supporters, donors, endorsers, and even independent judges, produced so horrific an environment that, even as we enter our glorious post-Trump One Party era, we should implement a program of purges and punishment?

The allegations regarding democracy are preposterous. The Democratic Party’s various policies and tactics since 2016 overwhelmingly surpass the most exaggerated allegations of Trump “authoritarianism,” and the left knows it.

Read the entire article HERE.

Why We Must Fight: Democrats Plan to Investigate Trump Even if He Loses

Via The New American

If President Trump needed a reason to keep fighting, he has it.

Democrats plan to continue investigating the president even if Joe Biden ultimately wins and Trump leaves the White House, according to a report from Business Insider.

As the outlet notes, “Lawmakers armed with subpoena power could also turn up information that federal prosecutors might not know about as the Justice Department under Joe Biden weighs whether to pursue a criminal case against Trump, who as a former president will no longer have immunity from such matters.”

Additionally, “Democrats may also get a helping hand in their efforts once Biden gets sworn in and installs new leadership atop the federal government. At that point, agencies like the IRS and Treasury that have often ignored record requests from House lawmakers over the past four years could start sending them reams of long sought-after documents.”

For years now, Democrats have relentlessly investigated President Trump, his administration, his family, and his business dealings in an effort to remove him from office and destroy his reputation.

The same people who repeatedly said it was inappropriate for the president to probe a political rival (Joe Biden, over his family connections to Ukraine) are now salivating at the thought of having total control of the executive branch with which to go after President Trump. They can’t wait to see the president reduced to an ordinary citizen, without the powers that currently allow him to fight off their efforts.

And it isn’t only the president himself whom the Left would seek to ruin if given the chance. They are already making it clear that they want to go after the president’s supporters.

Just this week, CNN host Jake Tapper called for Trump supporters to concede or be blacklisted.

“I truly sympathize with those dealing with losing — it’s not easy,” he tweeted Monday, adding that “at a certain point one has to think not only about what’s best for the nation (peaceful transfer of power) but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity.”

In other words: “Concede or we will smear you at your place of work to get you fired.”

Other popular left-wing voices are calling for “lists” of Trump supporters to be made for similar purposes. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) asked on Twitter: “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future?”

Then there’s Jennifer Rubin, the neocon columnist who went full liberal and joined the Washington Post after Donald Trump entered American politics. According to Rubin, those who support the president should never be allowed to hold public office, serve on corporate boards, or participate in other avenues of society.

In a since-deleted tweet, a twitter user who calls himself an “Antifa Leader” claimed that he will be launching a new website that will allow users to see a map with all of their neighbors who donated to Republicans, with the aim of leftists “aggressively” confronting them and ensuring they have “no safety.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Joe Biden Proposes Hiring at Least 100,000 ‘Culturally Competent’ Contact Tracers

Via Breitbart

Joe Biden’s website states he wants to hire 100,000 “culturally competent” contact tracers as part of his plan to “beat” the coronavirus.

The plan said a Biden administration will “ensure all Americans have access to regular, reliable, and free testing.”

Under that section, one point read:

Establish a U.S. Public Health Jobs Corps to mobilize at least 100,000 Americans across the country with support from trusted local organizations in communities most at risk to perform culturally competent approaches to contact tracing and protecting at-risk populations.

Biden did not elaborate on what the “culturally competent approaches” would entail, but California contact tracers began receiving training in “cultural humility” in September, according to the Institute for Global Health Sciences (IGHS).

Contact tracers ask questions related to topics that can be sensitive, including health, work, living arrangements and food resources. Public health communications require a balance between providing clear instruction, asking productive questions and listening empathetically. If those exposed to the coronavirus are to quarantine successfully, contact tracers must successfully strike this balance. The balance is made even more important, and even more challenging to find, when racial, ethnic and economic diversity are at play.

According to the IGHS, “cultural humility became an area of important focus.”

The Biden document said he will “implement mask mandates nationwide” by pressuring governors and mayors to “step up in a time of crisis.”

Biden said he wants “every American to wear a mask when they are around people outside their household.”

If governors refuse to issue his mask mandates, he said he would go to mayors and county executives to create such orders.

Read the entire article HERE.

Party Against Fascism Begins Creating Lists Of Undesirables

Via The Babylon Bee

In the latest effort to defeat fascism once and for all, Democrat operatives have begun to compile a list of people who disagree with them politically so they can destroy their lives forever.

“These undesirables must be held accountable,” said AOC, Biden’s new Secretary of Holding Fascists Accountable. “They are complicit in all the fascist fascism that has been living in my head for four years! I won’t rest until Trump’s supporters are rounded up and held accountable with, like, swift and furious accountability.”

According to AOC’s new accountability plan, Trump supporters will be tried in special accountability courts before being herded into special accountability cars and sent to accountability camps. Those who resist being held accountable will be administered special accountability with accountability guns loaded with high-powered accountability bullets.

“This is just about holding people accountable,” said AOC. “Accountability is the only way to defeat fascism and protect human rights.”

Trump supporters are outraged by all the accountability and have vowed to hold AOC accountable.

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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