Gov. Newsom Locks California Down Again, Considers Saudi-Style Curfew

Most of California has been locked down since March, with very few businesses allowed to reopen. As of Monday, the state is going back on full-lockdown to ensure nobody can earn a living in the state or exercise their freedom. Even crazier, Governor Newsom says he’s considering a statewide curfew based on things he sees going on in Saudi Arabia.

Unlike much of the rest of the country, California never really lifted coronavirus restrictions and yet now somehow the state is seeing a spike in cases. To an intelligent observer, this would suggest that lockdowns, mask mandates, and social distancing requirements don’t work to slow the spread of COVID-19. To an unintelligent observer, Gavin Newsom, it means he should do more of the thing that has been proven to not work.

KCRA reports that 94% of California’s population is about to get seriously f*cked:

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday that most California counties will soon be in the state’s most restrictive COVID-19 tier amid a surge in cases and that the state is considering a curfew.

…indoor operations for places like museums, houses of worship, gyms and restaurants are not allowed.

“California is pulling an emergency brake,” said Newsom.

When you pull the emergency break on a moving vehicle, that usually sends it spinning out of control and crashing. I can’t think of a better metaphor for Newsom’s latest lockdown of the state.

“We are sounding the alarm. California is experiencing the fastest increase in cases we have seen yet — faster than what we experienced at the outset of the pandemic or even this summer. The spread of COVID-19, if left unchecked, could quickly overwhelm our health care system and lead to catastrophic outcomes,” Newsom said.

But COVID-19 wasn’t left unchecked in California. Everyone except the “social justice” rioters were obeying the mask mandates and social distancing rules. Businesses were either closed or adhered to the strict state guidelines to operate. Face it, moron, this stuff doesn’t do shit to stop the Kung Flu.

Speaking of which…

California is also strengthening its face covering guidance to require people to wear a mask whenever outside their home, with limited exceptions.

The state is also weighing the possibility of a curfew.

“Now, before you jump in terms of your mindset and whether that’s a good idea or a bad idea, we are assessing that as well. There are a lot of cities, large and small all across the country, that also are promoting certain kinds of curfews. All of that’s being assessed,” Newsom said.

KCRA didn’t have the balls to print everything that Newsome said on the subject of curfews, so here’s Bill Melugin from FOX LA to help finish the governor’s sentence:

Yes, let’s look at how Saudi Arabia handles curfews, given their record on human rights and personal freedom. If I didn’t know better I’d say Newsom is going to ban women from driving and legalize stoning people who refuse to wear a mask.

Of course this new lockdown is just for normal law-abiding productive people. Antifa and Black Lives Matter can still riot and loot because their violent leftist ideology makes them immune to the coronavirus somehow. Also, Newsom and the other liberal elites are still allowed to party because their rules are for the common folk only.