Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

GROAN, It’s Monday again…

Release The Kraken

By Ben Garrison/GRRR Graphics

Sydney Powell, General Flynn’s powerful attorney, claims she will ‘release the Kraken’ in reference to show overwhelming evidence of voter fraud associated with the glitchy software that was widely used in swing states. The software is known as “Dominion.”

Now there are reports that claim servers containing US election votes were seized in Germany. Why are our votes being counted in foreign countries?

Because Dominion is easy to hack.

Besides multiple ballots on pallets that magically showed up during the wee hours–all for Biden–and the votes changed outright from Trump to Biden, and dead people voting for Biden, the Deep State Swamp also made sure the software was easily hacked to hand Biden the victory.

Even the name “Dominion” is sinister. Do we want China and other foreign countries having dominion over our elections? Of course not.

We must go back to the old analogue way of voting. Paper ballots filled out by qualified people showing up at polls in person to cast their votes. Instead, we have illegal aliens voting and mailed in ballots that missed the deadline being approved by election officials—as long as those ballots were for Biden, of course.

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Enough talk. C’mon, Sydney. Release that beast of evidence. NOW.

I’m tired of hoping 17 is right and “patriots really are in charge”. Right now it seems like the Deep State remains in charge.

Let’s see some results. Trump started drained the Swamp during his first term.But Hillary and her corrupt gang was not locked up. The coup perpetrators have not been punished. Instead they’re all on CNN and MSNBC pushing their books and viciously attacking our president. They all need to be locked up, but first…let’s make sure Trump wins the second term that he has earned and deserves.

Release the Kraken! Truth will NOT be denied!


‘We’re fixin’ to overturn the results of the election in multiple states, and President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose.  We have sworn witness testimony of why the software was designed.  It was designed to rig elections.  He was fully briefed on it.  He saw it happen in other countries.  It was exported internationally for profit by the people that are behind Smartmatic and Dominion.

They did this on purpose.  It was calculated and they’ve done it before.  We have evidence from 2016 in California.  We have so much evidence I feel like it’s coming in through a fire hose.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Democrats Hold Big, Fancy Dinners While Telling America To Cancel Thanksgiving

Via The Federalist

While leftist lawmakers and unelected bureaucrats are hard at work canceling Thanksgiving for Americans, congressional Democrats are holding big, fancy dinners on Capitol Hill to welcome new members ahead of the fall holiday.

“It’s very spaced,” though, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reportedly told NBC correspondent Leigh Ann Caldwell to justify the dinner. The dinner comes several months after the Democratic leader was caught getting an illegal haircut in San Francisco without a mask.

The congressional dinners fly in the face of Democrats urging Americans to stay home instead of visiting relatives for the holidays as coronavirus cases increase across the United States.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who declared war on Thanksgiving with sweeping restrictions limiting household gatherings, was also caught attending dinner with “a dozen attendees from several different households” just last week, according to the Daily Beast.

“I should have modeled better behavior and not joined the dinner,” Newsom said following news of the dinner taking place days after he banned California residents from hosting Thanksgiving.

Washington Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee has also demanded residents “re-think” their holiday plans, while Chicago’s Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot launches new restrictions ahead of the November holiday.

“While this is tough, and of course this whole year has been tough, we must tell you, you must cancel the normal Thanksgiving plans,” Lightfoot said Thursday, several days after attending crowded celebrations in her city after news organizations called the presidential race for Democrat Joe Biden.

To justify her promotion of the mass demonstrations while shutting down others such as protests on her own block, Lightfood said, “that crowd was gathered whether I was there or not.”

Lightfoot preceded Pelosi this year in receiving a quarantine hair treatment in April while her city was shut down, ordering a salon re-opened because she’s important after admonishing residents for wanting the same service.

“Getting your roots done is not essential,” Lightfoot said before getting her hair done. Her reason? She goes on television.

“I’m the public face of this city,” Lightfoot later explained. “I’m on national media, and I’m out in the public eye.”

Read the entire article HERE.

Oregon strippers of color eligible for federal COVID-19 relief funds

Via The Oregonian

Nearly $600,000 in federal COVID-relief funds is available for Oregon strippers and sex workers of color who have been financially impacted by the coronavirus pandemic.

Anyone “who has made income from using their or other people’s sexuality to financially assist themselves” can apply, said Cat Hollis, founder of PDX Stripper Strike and Haymarket Pole Collective, which is administering the grant. Priority will be given to Black, Indigenous and transgender applicants, those with minor dependents living in the household and those experiencing homelessness.

The funds are part of $45 million in health equity grants distributed by the Oregon Health Authority to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in tribal communities and communities of color, which have been disproportionally affected by the virus.

The grants will allow Haymarket Pole Collective to provide financial assistance to 75 people, who can receive up to $1,600 in rent assistance, $500 in utility assistance and $150 toward internet services.

Another 200 applicants will receive a wellness tote, which will include a mail-in COVID test and sexually-transmitted infection test, reusable masks, personal hygiene supplies, sanitizer products, gas and grocery gift cards, thermometers and blood oximeters.

Applications will be taken through Dec. 1, and funds will be distributed by Dec. 30.

So far, 93 people have applied for grants.

PDX Stripper Strike was founded earlier this year by strip club dancers advocating for equitable scheduling for dancers of color. It evolved into the group Haymarket Pole Collective.

“PDX Stripper Strike is the verb,” Hollis said. “Haymarket Pole Collective formed out of PDX Stripper Strike realizing that we needed something that would be more long-term. Our strategy is to empower workers in our industry to have advocacy and agency and safety in their workspaces.”

Hollis said the collective’s goals include providing educational services, support groups and childcare for those in the adult entertainment industry.

Read the entire article HERE.

The Twin Paths to Socialism: ‘Equity’ and ‘Climate Change’ Alarmism

Via American Greatness

Supporters of President Trump’s bid for reelection accurately depicted his agenda as one of America’s last chances to stop—or at least slow down—the nation’s drift toward socialism. Joe Biden’s candidacy has been depicted as the attempt by globalist corporations to reassert their control over American politics, wherein they will impose socialist redistribution schemes that devastate the middle- and working classes, making them dependent on government and rendering their citizenship irrelevant. This, too, is mostly accurate, although slowly-boil-the-frog protocols shall be followed to obscure the transition.

When roughly half the electorate recently chose Biden to be the next U.S. president, however, they weren’t consciously endorsing corporate socialism. Biden voters, to the extent they believe in socialism, haven’t yet figured out that the socialist movement in the United States is largely controlled by corporations. What they believe, thanks to relentless propaganda and censorship of dissenting viewpoints, is that President Trump is a racist and a “denier” of climate change. As such, President Trump is perceived as a menace, an object of hatred and fear, and anyone would be a better choice for president.

President Trump is not a racist, and he cares about the environment as much as any reasonable person ought to, but these two issues are much bigger than Trump. The issues of racial equity and environmental protection are marketed as the existential challenges of our time. In response to these challenges, we are told the only effective answer is socialism, whether in the form of the Green New Deal, deference to international organizations and treaties, or submission to critical racial theory retraining.

To fight socialism, you can’t just convince people that it is an inherently flawed system. You have to destroy these two premises; that America is a racist nation, and that climate change poses an imminent threat to the survival of humanity. If you don’t, people will take their chances with socialism because they will see it as the only option.

Guaranteeing Equal Outcomes No Matter What
Anti-racism leads inevitably to socialism as soon as you move from offering equal opportunity to mandating equal outcomes. Despite pervasive propaganda to the contrary, equal opportunity has been institutionalized in America for several decades. But despite this fact, there remain significant disparities in aggregate group achievement by race. Conscientious liberal anti-racists look at these disparities and conclude they are the consequence of America’s historical legacy of racism that up until recently denied nonwhites access to jobs and housing and education. They add to that a belief that “unconscious racial bias” and ongoing “systemic racism” further hinders black achievement, and explains the underachievement by Hispanics.

The problem with demanding racial “equity” to counter alleged ongoing racism is simple: What if the explanation for the underachievement of certain groups has little or nothing to do with racism? And what if, no matter what is done to counter alleged racism, significant gaps in group achievement persist? In that case, the only way to achieve equity, if that happens, is through socialist redistribution of wealth.

The good news, or what ought to be good news, is that America is not a racist nation. America is the least racist nation on earth. Many of the people spreading the racist narrative know this, but they are socialists (or corporate socialists) and they understand that complete racial equity can only be achieved via socialism. The end is socialism, and the means is convincing Americans they are racists and must atone. But it is a lie, for many reasons.

Read the entire article HERE.

Read the entire article HERE.

Evolution In Action? This Baby Was Born With A Mask On His Face

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

SANTA CLARITA, CA—Creationist parents Matt and Zoey Zimmerman got the surprise of a lifetime this morning when their baby boy came out of the womb wearing a cute little mask on his face.

Jared Elija Zimmerman entered the world this morning at 4:51 A.M., and even though he had evolved into a Covid-immune, mask-wearing superhuman, his father still wasn’t convinced that evolution is real.

“Oh, give me a break,” Mr. Zimmerman said. “There’s no such thing as evolution. This is obviously just a gross mutation. I mean, look at this kid. That’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Jared’s mom, however, had other feelings.

“All this time I thought God created the universe in six days. But now, now I understand what they were trying to teach me at public school. Humans came from monkeys, and monkeys came from trees. We adapted to our environment, and now my little Jared has adapted to his: the strange new world we live in where everyone has to wear a mask until they die.”

After further investigation, doctors discovered a few more mutations in little Jared Zimmerman. The newborn had self-washing hands, which washed themselves every ten minutes; the little guy was also born with a bottle of Lysol attached to his hip; and most impressive of all, the newborn emitted a strong magnetic force which kept anyone from outside of his household six feet away from him at all times.

It’s now completely obvious: evolution is real.

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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