Nancy Pelosi’s Reign Of Terror May Be Over

The House democrats once again nominated Nancy Pelosi for the House Speaker, but her quest to retain the gavel is not guaranteed. The Democrats have a very slim majority and any dissent would cost her the position. And let’s face it, even democrats hate her. There could be a scenario where the minority party, the Republicans, could have the Speaker of the House and Nancy Pelosi’s reign of terror would be over.

In a secret ballot in which Pelosi ran unopposed, House democrats nominated Nancy Pelosi for speaker. They also nominated Steny Hoyer for Majority Leader and Jim Clyburn for Majority Whip. All three are over 80-years-old so the democrats are going with 241 years of uselessness for their leadership.

Just because democrats hold a majority doesn’t mean Pelosi is automatically the House Speaker. That will be voted on in January when the new Congress convenes. The Republicans will nominate House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and the full House will vote. Pelosi needs 218 votes to retain the Speaker’s gavel.

There are 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives. If the election results hold up, democrats will have 223 of those seats and Republicans 213. That means Pelosi can only lose 5 votes if she is to retain the Speakership. Actually, Louisiana democrat Cedrick Richmond just resigned to take a position in Joe Biden’s sham administration and his replacement won’t be seated until after the new Congress convenes, so Pelosi only has 4 votes to play with.

In 2019, when Pelosi became the Speaker of the House, 15 democrats voted against her. At the time the democrats had a much larger majority so she still won. With only a 4-vote cushion in 2021, she may not make it.

The “Loon Squad” of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and the black skinhead hate Pelosi and are too stupid to understand that voting against her would negatively affect their party’s power. Hell, AOC already thinks democrats lost the majority, so she might not even show up to vote at all. That’s 4 votes right there.

It looks worse for Pelosi because the moderate members of her caucus are also pissed at her, blaming her for democrats losing seats. They are also angry that Pelosi allowed socialism and “Defund the Police” to creep into the party’s platform. If even one of a dozen of these moderate democrats votes against her, Pelosi is done.

Basically the radial leftists of the democratic party and the moderate members dislike Pelosi and that spells disaster for her. I’m not sure what faction of the party actually supports her. I would say the dumbshits, but that’s the entire caucus, so it’ll have to remain a mystery.

Another thing working against Pelosi is that the 2022 midterm election map is disastrous for democrats, with many of them facing defeat. The only thing democrats really stand for is power and in an attempt to keep their seats, many vulnerable democrats may not want to align with Pelosi as a matter of survival. Again, any of these democrats voting against Pelosi puts her out to pasture.

On the plus-side for Pelosi, she is a democrat and they are quite adept at rigging elections. She will probably threaten her way back into the Speaker’s seat as most of her caucus are terrified of her. Still, how hilarious would it be if democrats held the majority but Pelosi lost the Speakership?