GSA Administrator Okays Biden Transition After Receiving Threats

General Service Administration administrator Emily Murphy has finally okayed Joe Biden’s transition team to receive briefings and federal money for a smooth transition of power. Democrats are rejoicing, saying this means Trump lost the election but the President is vowing to fight on against the election theft and the GSA administrator only made this move after receiving threats. There’s still plenty to go before the 2020 winner is official.

In a letter to the Biden camp, Emily Murphy said she would begin the transition process but noted that the “GSA administrator does not pick or certify the winner of a presidential election.”

Murphy also said in the letter, “I did however receive threats online, by phone, and by mail directed at my safety, my family, my staff and even my pets in an effort to coerce me into making this determination prematurely.”

And here are some of that harassment now:

This is hardly the concession that liberals think it is as President Trump encouraged Murphy to begin the transition of power:

Murphy was harassed, coerced, and threatened into clearing Biden for transition and the GSA doesn’t declare winners in elections, but liberals think this means it’s over and Joe is the president. Here’s the actual President, setting them straight:

There is no question that Joe Biden hasn’t been officially declared the winner of the 2020 election, but one thing still needs an answer: Will Joe give back all the money he panhandled to fund his transition now that the feds are footing the bill?

Actually, that doesn’t need an answer because when has a democrat ever given money back to the people?