BLASPHEMY! Creepy Joe Criticizes Socialist Twitter Diva AOC

Joe Biden appears to have developed a sense of urgency as he tries to pull out of what may be an unrecoverable tailspin after a disastrous few weeks capped off by an ugly debate ambush by Senator Kamala Harris.

Lunchbucket Joe has gone from the overwhelming favorite for the 2020 nomination to a ridiculed figure who has faced widespread mockery and accusations that he just may be a racist as his competitors continue to push the attack over his position on busing in the 1970s, well before millennials were even born.

The former vice president made the critical mistake of joining Beto O’Rourke in pandering to the wokesters by practically begging for forgiveness that he is a white mail out of the foolish belief that it would make any difference with the increasingly powerful socialist radicals who have hijacked the Democratic party.

There is nothing that quite gets one’s attention more than a brutal public beatdown and on Friday, Biden tweaked his strategy to once again appeal to moderate voters and in what may prove to be a suicidal act, he picked a fight with superstar Twitter diva Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez which is not likely to go over well with the notoriously thin-skinned ex-bartender who hit the jackpot when she won a primary last year.

In a reversal of his earlier failed strategy of trying to appease the party’s young extremists, Biden is hoping to regain his footing by picking a fight with the socialists which he did during his sitdown with CNN’s Chris Cuomo that aired Friday.

Said Biden:

“That’s what this election is about. I’m happy to debate that issue and all those issues with my friends because guess what, look who won the races. Look who won last time out,”

“By the way, I think Ocasio-Cortez is a brilliant, bright woman, but she won a primary. In the general election fights, who won? Mainstream Democrats who are very progressive on social issues and very strong on education and health care.”

He also dared to defy the thoroughly dishonest 29-year-old demagogue’s determination to bully her party into submission on wide open borders, decriminalizing illegal immigration and nuking the private health insurance industry in favor of Medicare for all which is already drawing fire from the true believers.

The ex-veep also became the first major candidate who refused to kowtow to the socialist Twitter mob like his other competitors to insist that his party is still “center-left” which are fighting words to the likes of AOC and her fellow freshman radicals as well as communist cadaver Bernie Sanders and his angry army of fast food workers.

Looking to regain the momentum, the CNN interview may be a Hail Mary pass for Biden who by damning the polarizing Ocasio-Cortez with faint praise may be on the way to his own Sister Souljah moment like when Bill Clinton denounced the racist rapper in what would prove to be a critical turning point in his quest for the White House.

Desperation or genius? Time will tell and Ocasio-Cortez has yet to respond but you can bet that she has steam pouring out of her ears right now.

When you whack a hornet’s nest, chances are that you’re going to be stung by the angry swarm so old lunch pail Joe may soon be back on the defensive.