Have a Happy Thanksgiving Deplorables!
How to Celebrate Thanksgiving in the Midst of Toxic Politics and COVID-19 Lockdowns | By John W. Whitehead https://t.co/UDJavby7lq
— John W. Whitehead (@JohnW_Whitehead) November 24, 2020
How to Celebrate Thanksgiving in the Midst of Toxic Politics and COVID-19 Lockdowns
By John W. Whitehead
If ever there were a year filled with an abundance of bad news and a shortage of good news, 2020 would take the prize. Between the toxic political theater, pandemic scares, nationwide lockdowns that smack of martial law, a rollercoaster economy, and the ever-present menace of the police state, it’s been a hard, heart-wrenching, stomach-churning kind of year overrun with too much hate and too little tolerance.
It’s been a year in which tyranny took a few more steps forward, freedom got knocked down a few more notches, and politics and profit margins took precedence over decency, compassion and human-kindness.
Now we find ourselves at this present moment, overwhelmed by all that is wrong in the world and missing the fellowship of family and friends kept apart by COVID-19 restrictions and concerns.
No wonder this Thanksgiving finds so many struggling to reflect and give thanks for what is good. After all, how do you give thanks for freedoms that are constantly being eroded? How do you express gratitude for one’s safety when the perils posed by the American police state grow more treacherous by the day? How do you come together as a nation in thanksgiving when the powers-that-be continue to polarize and divide us into warring factions?
Here’s what I’ve learned from living in a small community (population 1500) for the past year: you don’t have to agree on politics, or subscribe to the same religious beliefs, or have the same demographic makeup in order to live peaceably with one another.
These small-town people don’t have a preponderance of fancy cars or advanced degrees or six-figure salaries or committees aimed at discussing problems to death, and yet they have mastered the art of getting along. They make no secret about their views on politics and religion and anything else on their minds, and yet they remain friendly—neighborly—respectful of those with opposing views, even when they wholeheartedly disagree.
Yes, America, there is life beyond politics and it can be wonderful if you just give it a chance.
Here’s what I suggest: this Thanksgiving, do yourselves a favor and turn off the talking heads, tune out the politicians, and take a deep breath. Then try this exercise in gratitude: find something to be thankful for about the things and people in your community for which you might have the least tolerance or appreciation. Instead of just rattling off a list of things you’re thankful for that sound good, dig a little deeper and acknowledge the good in those you may have underappreciated or feared.
When it comes time to giving thanks for your good fortune, put your gratitude into action: pay your blessings forward with deeds that spread a little kindness, lighten someone’s burden, and brighten some dark corner.
Engage in acts of kindness. Smile more. Fight less. Build bridges. Refuse to let toxic politics define your relationships. Focus on the things that unite instead of that which divides.
Do your part to push back against the meanness of our culture with conscious compassion and humanity. Moods are contagious, the good and the bad. They can be passed from person to person. So can the actions associated with those moods, the good and the bad.
Even with COVID-19 restrictions in place throughout the country, there is still so much good that can be done to help those in need.
Be a hero, whether or not anyone ever notices.
Read the entire article HERE.
Latest #BenGarrison cartoon #GATESvaccine cemetery – the cure is worst than the disease! #BillGatesBioTerrorist https://t.co/01n3mJQutc pic.twitter.com/UuYO9nOGsd
— Real Ben Garrison Cartoons (@GrrrGraphics) November 23, 2020
Bill Gates’ Vaccemetery
By Ben Garrison/Grrr Graphics
he Cure is worse than the Disease
Bill Gates, like his father, is a eugenicist. His dad was the head of Planned Parenthood and friends with the Rockefellers. The elitists at the top want us dead. Even Prince Phillip said if he was reincarnated he wanted to come back as a virus to wipe out mankind.
Gates isn’t waiting for reincarnation. He wants us gone from his planet now. Yes, that’s right. The elitists including Bill Gates believe they own the planet and most of humanity are useless eaters who are mucking it up for them. Especially under the great reset which means people won’t have jobs. That’s why Gates funds Planned Parenthood, Monsanto (GMO foods kill humans), the WHO, the CDC, a spate of big vaccine makers, and globalism.
Gates has already killed a great many in India and Africa with his experimental vaccines. He did not face justice. Like all of the elitists, he’s above the law. Now he’s pushing a vaccine for COVID-19. He already owns the patent for the virus and the vaccine is probably already made. He’s just waiting for the right moment to release it. First, he and his operatives—people such as Dr. Fauci, bought-out politicians, and the corrupted mass media—all want us to be miserable. They want us masked up, and joyless. “Safe,” but not really living. No job, no church, no holiday get togethers. They’re isolating us. They’re forcing degradation upon us. They’re humiliating us. They’re exhausting our will to resist. Gates wants us to beg for his vaccine. Politicians will see to it that we are forced to take it in order to work and travel and possibly even use financial services. It’s the mark of the beast.
Once nearly everyone takes the foul concoction, people will begin mysteriously dying in a few years because of it. Gates and the corporate shill media will say it’s not due to his vaccine, but rather a new strain of the virus. Gates has already warned about a new, stronger viral wave that’s coming. He’s got it all planned out. He even smiled when he said it. So did his wife, Melinda. They couldn’t help but smile. They are, after all, sadistic fiends. Regardless, more and more vaccines will be mandated. More death will result. A lot of people will have to die to satisfy their magic spell that’s written on the Georgia Guidestones.
Even if you choose to disbelieve my ‘conspiracy theory,’ do not take the vaccine. Big Pharma and the so-called medical experts who march under the banner of ‘science,’ are paid to cherry pick data and ignore the myriad deleterious side-effects. Vaccine makers can’t be sued. Taxpayers pay damages in a special vaccine court. It means Big Pharma is unaccountable and reckless. They don’t care about you or your family. They care about money. A cure would stop the money flow, so there will be endless virus waves and endless rushed out vaccines.
Forget about taking their vaccine cure. It will be worse than the disease.
Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.
All Those Supporting Lockdowns and Compliance Have Blood on their Hands
By Gary D. Barnett
There is one thing that is perfectly clear about this predicament we are in today concerning the tyrannical takeover of this country and the world by the controlling few. That is that the people of this country are their own worst enemy, and have no claim to the ‘victim’ argument, because all their problems are self-induced. Every order taken has been voluntary, and that idiotic behavior has led to disaster and death. The powerful have not used guns and bombs to gain the submission of the American people; the people simply did as they were instructed, down to destroying their livelihoods, harming their own families, hiding under their beds, wearing deadly masks, and allowing their lives to lose all meaning. Cowardice at this level is so pathetic as to border on insanity. What happened to this society to make the inhabitants act in such a pitiful and sorry manner? Is it simply fear? I think not, as real fear drives people to protect themselves, not voluntarily allow for their own slavery and death.
But there is much more to this mob reaction than meets the eye. Most of the people in this country not only comply with every single draconian mandate, but also demand that others do so as well. This means that most of the citizenry are not only destroying themselves, but also wish to inflict the same result on everyone else, especially those courageous dissenters with brain cells and the ability to see through this deception. This gives new meaning to the idea of the herd choosing ‘equality’ by wanting everyone to be slaves, so that they can continue to wallow and complain about their chosen lot in life while hoping for their rulers to save them by dominating them. What this exposes is that many of your neighbors are your enemy more so than any government. The people themselves are to blame for this travesty.
It is brutally obvious that this general population cannot see past a television screen locked on to CNN or Fox, and since both sides of the political spectrum believe almost identically, what chance is there of any awakening by large numbers of people? It seems that the ruling members of society have carte blanche in their efforts to complete this communistic and technocratic takeover, because not only is there little if any real resistance to autocratic rule, but the sheep are actually helping those that wish to control them. They have become the state, as they promote tyranny against all, and are willing to monitor and surveil their neighbors on behalf of the government. This country has become a breeding ground for state sponsored stooges. The term that “people are basically good” has been turned on its head!
The lockdowns alone are responsible for massive death and destruction, and are now being ramped up around this country and the world in gleeful anticipation of the coming flu season. The upcoming holidays will be used as fodder to blame all those who wish to be with family and friends for causing new outbreaks of a fake virus, this while the state’s favored donors like Walmart, Costco, Amazon, and many other claimed ‘essential’ businesses, will welcome millions into their stores while commoner’s businesses will be closed due to the bogus risk of spreading a fake virus. New orders, mandates, sanctions, and decrees are coming very soon, and any that wish to enjoy the holidays will be cursed for their selfish desires by the state and their neighbors as well.
The state and every single person supporting the state are fully responsible for all the carnage happening today. Massive poverty is upon us, as purposely-created food shortages are causing great havoc. Loss of income due to shutdowns is literally taking food out of the mouths of children worldwide. Government lockdowns have devastated most of this population, and caused job loss, destruction of livelihoods, and tremendous psychological damage. Suicides are completely out of control, and getting worse every day, all caused by the response to this false flag coup called Covid.
Read the entire article HERE.
America's Economy Cannot Survive Another Lockdown, And The Cult Of The Reset Knows It https://t.co/By0Cg1Tux5
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) November 23, 2020
America’s Economy Cannot Survive Another Lockdown, And The Cult Of The Reset Knows It
Via Zero Hedge
The U.S. economy has been on the verge of collapse for at least a decade, ever since the crash of 2008 and the subsequent explosion in fiat stimulus from the Federal Reserve. While the mainstream media has always claimed that central bankers “saved” us from another Great Depression, what they actually did was set us up for a far worse scenario — a stagflationary implosion of our society.
Here is the primary problem: By injecting trillions of bailout dollars into the system, the Federal Reserve prevented the economy from going through its natural purging cycle. This cycle would have been painful for many, but survivable, and it would have removed large amounts of excess debt, parasitic corporations that produce little or nothing of use, as well as numerous toxic assets with no legitimate value. For a real free market to function, weak or corrupt elements must be allowed to fail and die. Instead, central banks around the world and most prominently the Fed kept all of those destructive elements on life support.
This has created what amounts to a “zombie economy:” a system that needs constant outside support (stimulus) in order to continue moving forward. In the process of keeping zombie corporations and other parts of the body alive, healthy parts of the economy, like the small business sector, get devoured.
The zombie economy is, however, highly fragile. All it takes is one or two major shocks to bring it down, and the moment this happens the whole facade will disintegrate, leaving the public in panic and disarray. This is what is happening right now in 2020, and it will get much worse in 2021.
Bailouts encourage and reward unhealthy financial behavior, and this is why national debt, corporate debt and consumer debt have recently hit historic highs. When every pillar of the economy is encumbered with the weight of debt, any instability has the possibility of bringing all those pillars down at once. The Federal Reserve turned the U.S. into an economic time bomb, and the Fed is itself more like a suicide bomber than some kind of fiscal savior.
The “Great Reset”
I first heard the term “global reset” or “great reset” back in 2014/2015. I wrote an article about how the reset was actually a long term process in my article The Global Economic Reset Has Begun. Christine Lagarde was the head of the IMF back then, and she mentioned it briefly in multiple interviews.
I made a mental note of it because it seemed planted into the discussion very awkwardly, as if it was scripted. I rarely heard it mentioned for years after that. In 2020, as we descend into social and economic chaos, I’m seeing the phrase used everywhere in the media and by globalists.
Over the past decade, globalist institutions have come up with numerous phrases that seem to refer to a worldwide planned and dramatic shift in human society sometime in the near future. The “great reset” is just another phrase for “the new world order.” It is important to understand that the reset these people are talking about has actually been engineered and staged for many years. This is not something that just popped up in 2020 — they have been talking about it since at least 2014. And before that, they talked about the new world order, and “multilateralism,” and the “multi-polar world order,” and Agenda 2030, etc.
The reset is the catalyst phase of an agenda that has been in the works for a long time now. The goal, as they have openly admitted many times, is to centralize the entire globe into one monetary structure, one highly interdependent and socialized economy, and eventually one faceless and unaccountable governing body.
One of the biggest obstacles to the finalization of the reset and the formation of the new world order has been liberty-minded populations across the planet — most of all, the liberty-minded people within America. The U.S. has to be destabilized or eliminated; the old world order has to be brought down before the new world order can be introduced. The people have to be beaten down and desperate, so that when the globalists offer their “reset” as the solution, the people will gladly accept it without question — simply because they want the economic pain and uncertainty to stop.
A common statement made by globalists from Klaus Shwab at the World Economic Forum to the current Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, is that the coronavirus pandemic is the “perfect opportunity” to trigger the “great reset.” As globalist Rahm Emanuel is famous for admitting, in crisis there is opportunity to do things you were not able to do before.
In other words, when people panic in the face of crisis, they become easy to manipulate. And, if a crisis doesn’t happen naturally, then why not create a crisis from thin air and use that to cause panic?
Enter the economic lockdowns…
Read the entire article HERE.
Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn outfoxed the entire New York City government to hold an indoor wedding ceremony attended by thousands with no social distancing or mask wearing. https://t.co/364U0owcrq pic.twitter.com/6MO60YqqNl
— The New American (@NewAmericanMag) November 24, 2020
Brooklyn Jews Hold Massive Indoor Wedding; City Government Clueless
Via The New American
Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn outfoxed the entire New York City government to hold an indoor wedding ceremony attended by thousands with no social distancing or mask wearing.
According to the New York Post, “Guests crammed shoulder to shoulder inside the Yetev Lev temple in Williamsburg for the Nov. 8 nuptials — stomping, dancing and singing at the top of their lungs without a mask in sight, videos obtained by The Post show.”
The Yiddish newspaper Der Blatt, published by the Satmar sect of Hasidic Jews, reported on the wedding on November 13. The groom was Yoel Teitelbaum, grandson of Satmar Grand Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum; the bride was unnamed, though a relative told the Post her first name is Miriam.
“Due to the ongoing situation with government restrictions, preparations were made secretly and discreetly, so as not to draw attention from strangers,” wrote Der Blatt (as quoted by the Post).
“In recent weeks, organizers worked tirelessly to arrange everything in the best way possible. All notices about upcoming celebrations were passed along through word of mouth, with no notices in writing, no posters on the synagogue walls, no invitations sent through the mail, nor even a report in any publication, including this very newspaper.”
The secrecy was necessary, of course, because both New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo have issued orders restricting the size of indoor gatherings and mandating social distancing and face masks in such gatherings. In October, the state prevented another Williamsburg wedding — this one for a grandson of another grand rabbi — from taking place. That event had been well publicized and was expected to draw a crowd of 10,000.
The Jews learned from that experience and kept the next big event under wraps. “The days leading up to the wedding were filled with tension, not knowing what the next day, or the next moment, will bring; which disgruntled outcast might seize this opportunity to exploit even what hasn’t been written or publicized, to create an unnecessary uproar, and to disrupt the simcha [joy], God forbid,” reported Der Blatt.
The November 8 wedding filled the 7,000-seat Satmar synagogue to capacity; and, as mentioned above, it was hardly a quiet affair. According to the Post, “The Sunday night wedding capped a three-day affair, which began Friday night with four hours of festivities, and continued Saturday with Sabbath services, including a bris [circumcision] of an 8-day-old boy.”
Nevertheless, the government never caught on.
Read the entire article HERE.
State Governor Frees All Drug Dealers To Provide Prison Space For Families Celebrating Thanksgiving https://t.co/laYB8rKkTL
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) November 24, 2020
State Governor Frees All Drug Dealers To Provide Prison Space For Families Celebrating Thanksgiving
Via The Babylon Bee
SALEM, OR—To prepare for the influx of Thanksgiving rulebreakers, Oregon Governor Kate Brown has ordered all drug dealers to be freed from prison to make room for all the families who violate COVID restrictions.
“Drugs are legal now anyway,” said Governor Brown. “I hereby pardon all drug offenders currently doing time in Oregon prisons. I can do that right? Whatever — I’m doing it. The real menaces to society are the families who try to gather with their loved ones to share food and give thanks. These violent science-deniers must be stopped!”
According to sources, Oregon State Police have been ordered to go door to door and round up all families trying to celebrate Thanksgiving. Any person or persons not found alone on a couch crying into a clamshell container of take-out food will be arrested on the spot.
Governor Brown has assured the public that this zero-tolerance policy will do something “very important and science-y” to stop the spread of bad sicknesses.
“Losing Thanksgiving isn’t a huge loss anyway,” said Governor Brown. “Thankfulness makes people feel content which can inhibit social progress. We can’t have that! If we’re lucky we’ll find a reason to cancel it next year too!”
Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.
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