Joe Biden’s Mind-Control Propaganda Twitter

When you read a President Trump tweet, you know damn well that it came from him. With Joe Biden’s tweets, it’s pretty clear that one of his aides sent it because he can barely speak, let alone type or read, and he struggles using technology. There’s something else going on with Joe’s Twitter account however, as it seems like some kind of mind-control propaganda experiment. His handlers keep tweeting the same thing over and over again in hopes of hypnotizing people into obedience..

Generally speaking, when a person has an important point to make on Twitter, they pin a tweet so everyone visiting their timeline will see it. Biden however just keeps sending similar tweets day after day, week after week. Maybe he’s hoping that the repetitive nature of his tweets will wear people down mentally and make them obey.

There are thousands of tweets since Biden announced his candidacy in which he tells us that he will “unite” the country. These came in between his outbursts of calling people “fat” “ugly” “chumps” and disparaging half the country, but he assures us that he will bring the country together. This is just from the last month:

Similarly, he wants us to come together:

Because after 4 years of democrats throwing a spaz fit over Trump’s presidency, it’s time to stop acting like babies:

Those 3 things, which are the same thing, are repeated hundreds of times on Biden’s Twitter over the past 2 years to hypnotize you into accepting him as your master.

The propaganda really ramps up when it comes to Biden trying to control your behavior:

Sometimes people with dementia get caught in a loop but there’s no way Joe Biden is actually composing these tweets. That means his Twitter is an Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” propaganda thought and behavior control apparatus:

Losing is winning.

Hating is loving.

Dividing is uniting.

Sniffing is rubbing.

If Joe Biden does take office in January, he will be the puppet of a freedom-robbing totalitarian regime that demands compliance.