Republican Chip Roy Tells Biden To Kiss His Ass Over Mask Mandate

A lot of conservative cowardice went into allowing Joe Biden and the democrats to steal the 2020 election but at least one Republican is standing up to the illegitimate president-elect. Texas Rep. Chip Roy has told Biden to kiss his ass over Joe’s promised mask mandate. This funny story gets even more hilarious because AOC has inserted her insane stupidity into it.

Biden tried to hide his fascist leanings before the election, but now that he’s successfully stolen the White House, he’s letting it all hang out:

Chip Roy, like the brave boy who said the emperor had no clothes, stood up and said what all the rest of the peasants were too afraid to say:

Why does Texas have all of the best Republicans? Add Chip Roy to the list of hilarious  Republicans like Ted Cruz and Dan Crenshaw, who tell it like it is.

Biden won’t address the scandal involving his crackhead son’s tax fraud and money laundering, so it’s doubtful he’ll have anything to say about Roy’s invitation to pucker. Luckily for Joe, dipshit Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is his moronic surrogate and answered for him:

literally no one cares about AOC’s hair or clothes and they’ve never come close to even being a moderate topic of conversation. I’m starting to think she may be a little full of herself.

What AOC missed was how weird it is that she’s incensed that Chip Roy is resisting Biden’s unconstitutional mask mandate because he said “ass” but never had a problem when fellow Loon Squad member Rashida Tlaib called President Trump a “mother*cker.”

Remember this?

Another member of AOC’s band of merry idiots remembers. Here’s Ilhan Omar saying the Rashida Tlaib is the victim of racism because Chip Roy told Biden to kiss his ass:

I’m old enough to remember when Ilhan Omar was married to her own brother.

Roy didn’t address Omar, but he had this to say about AOC:

There’s no doubt that Joe Biden will eventually threaten to take Chip Roy behind the gym or challenge him to a pushup contest, but his mind is not sharp and information takes a while to register with him. I think Roy could have gotten a quicker response from Crazy Joe if he said “sniff my hair” or “let me rub your hairy legs” but that wouldn’t have been as funny.