Trump Calls Out CNN For Fake Poll Showing Him Losing Badly To Biden

Remember back in 2016 when all of the liberal media polls had Hillary Clinton winning in a landslide? Well, those same fake newsers are starting early this election cycle with polls showing Joe Biden beating President Trump by double digits. CNN put out a fake poll giving Biden a 14-point lead over Trump. Needless to say, the President has called CNN out for this BS and it is wonderfully brutal.

CNN’s new poll gives Biden a 14-point advantage over Trump and puts the President’s approval rating at a historic low of 38%. The rest of the liberal media is reporting breathlessly on this poll but President Trump recommends taking a deep breath and look at the flaws:

Trump also shared a letter from McLaughlin & Associates, who analyzed the CNN poll.

“The latest skewed media polls must be intentional. It’s clear that NBC, ABC and CNN who have Democrat operatives like Chuck Todd, George Stephanopoulos and other Democrats in their news operations are consistently under-polling Republicans and therefore, reporting biased polls,” reads the letter. “This bias seems to be an international strategy to suppress your vote…It has to be a strategy to counter the enthusiasm of Trump voters.

McLaughlin & Associates pointed out that CNN’s poll only included 25% of people who identified as Republicans and that nobody polled was asked if they were registered or likely voters. With this kind of skewed demographics, CNN ended asking 1,200, mostly liberal Trump-haters, if they will vote for Trump or Biden. It’s actually kind of surprising this poll didn’t give Biden a 50-point lead, which is another reason to doubt its accuracy.

Yet another reason to be suspicious of this poll, besides the fact that it comes from Resistance media CNN, is that Joe Biden is still Joe Biden. Nothing has changed. He’s still the mumbly-mouth senile gaffe machine holed up in his basement, spewing utter nonsense. Nobody in the democratic party is excited by him and neither are independents. He hasn’t done anything to suddenly get people juiced about his sad and doomed campaign. Huge jumps in poll numbers are tied to something tangible, while this is not.

McLaughlin & Associates calls this fake poll an attempt to suppress the votes of Republicans and they are absolutely right. When the liberal media constantly broadcasts falsely that Joe Biden has an insurmountable lead, they are trying to get Republicans to stay home on Election Day because there’s no point in voting.

Luckily, Trump voters are energized and this attempt to keep them away from the polling places will fail as badly as it did in 2016. The only thing this fake news/voter suppression campaign will do is give Crazy Joe and the liberals a false sense of security and set them up for disappointment in November as badly as it did in 2016.