Joe Biden’s Generation is One Simple Reason Why He Shouldn’t Be President

There’s a mountain of hard evidence that Joe Biden stole the 2020 election but there are also dozens of things that don’t make any sense pointing to the fact that he shouldn’t be president. There is however one simple reason why he shouldn’t be president: his generation. People of similar age to Biden stopped being POTUS 28 years ago and it makes no sense that he was elected now.

Joe Biden is old. So old in fact that when he was born, Adolf Hitler was still in power. There’s nothing wrong with being old, but Biden’s age doesn’t match up with a clear pattern of presidential generations.

Biden was born in 1942, which makes him a member of the Silent Generation. Let’s take a look at all of the U.S. Presidents in Biden’s lifetime and see if we can detect a pattern:

The presidents from 1942-1961 were born before the turn of the century and don’t have a cool generational name. Maybe we can call them the Civil War Generation:

Franklin Delano Roosevelt -born 1882

Harry S. Truman – born 1884

Dwight D. Eisenhower – born 1890

The presidents from 1961-1993 were from the G.I. Generation or the Greatest Generation which are people born between 1901-1927:

John F. Kennedy –  born 1917

Lyndon Baines Johnson –  born 1908

Richard M. Nixon –  born 1913

Gerald Ford – born 1913

Jimmy Carter – born 1924

Ronald Reagan – born 1911

George Bush – born 1924

The Silent Generation, people born between 1928-1945, never had a president, mostly because they refused to speak up.

From 1993 to the present, U.S. presidents have been from the Baby Boomer generation, which are people born between 1946-1964:

Bill Clinton – born 1946

George W. Bush – born 1946

Barack Obama – born 1961

Donald Trump – born 1946

As you can see, there has never been a generational skip-back with United States Presidents, at least not in the modern era. History says that whoever is inaugurated in January of 2021 has to be either a Baby Boomer or possibly a Gen Xer.

If Joe Biden, born in 1942, becomes the next president that means we are making a generational skip-back to 28 years ago. It makes absolutely no sense and defies history that after 7 terms of Baby Boomers, we’d go back in time and finally have a Silent Generation guy in the White House.

As an ancient relic, Joe Biden would make a great exhibit at the Smithsonian, but being President of the United States defies logic.

I was going to say that Generation X (my generation) probably won’t get a U.S. prez because we’re just as awful as the Silent Generation, but then the thought occurred to me that sooner or later we’re going to have a Millennial president. That actually makes my argument against Biden’s presidency even stronger.

Imagine how absurd it would be if Biden really does become the 46th President of the United States and then the next president is a Millennial. That would mean we would go from a guy born before the end of WWII to person born when the Macarena was a thing. that would be a 2-generation skip forward.

There are a lot of reasons why it doesn’t make any sense that Joe Biden “won” the 2020 election. If he were in any way extraordinary, it might not seem so suspicious, but he just plain sucks so clearly he stole the White House.