Monday Morning Breakfast For The Brain

Happy Monday Deplorables, only four more shopping days until Christmas.

Dictatorship Of “The Billionairiat”

By Ben Garrison/GRRR Graphics

They are all in this together

At the beginning of this scam-demic we heard over and over a line dripping with virtue signaling: “We’re all in this together.” Joe Biden said it. Endless commercials repeated it. But we are not all in this together. Small businesses have been crushed while select global corporations have remained open. They’ve flourished. Amazon, WalMart, and Target for example. The mega billionaire class got even richer while average Americans lost their jobs, their homes, their hope, and their sanity. The billionaire class received windfalls while the average family received a pittance.

Then we witnessed massive corruption at the voting precincts. The presidency was stolen outright. The Deep State Swamp and its host of mega-billionaires ignored the wishes of the American public and decided that Joe Biden should win. Why? After all, Joe wants more taxes and his running mate, Kamala, wants socialism.

It boils down to control. Karl Marx had an initial rule by leaders he called “The Dictatorship of The Proletariat.” He expected it to eventually ‘whither away’ and then the happy workers would work hard at what they do and live in utopia in perpetual peace and without government. His political theory grossly misjudged human nature. The communist party leadership in any country will never whither away voluntarily. It has never come close to withering. In fact, it always does the opposite. The communists running the show will always continually strive for more power and control over humanity. They say you can only vote in Communism once, the only way to vote it out is with a bullet.

Therefore, we know that the mega-billionaires want socialism for us as a means of better control for them. They’re the Dictatorship of The Billionairiat. Their vision involves complete power over the world down to a granular level. American patriots have always thwarted such plans, but unless Trump is restored to his rightful presidency, America as we knew it is lost. An Orwellian police state is at our doorstep.

President Trump interfered with plans long-set by The Billionairiat. Though a billionaire himself, Trump wasn’t part of their ‘Big Club.’ Here is a man who rightfully should have been looking forward to spending time with his family, golfing, and enjoying life in Florida. Instead, Trump knew his country was in dire straits—especially after the destruction wrought by the red diaper baby, Obama. Trump’s patriotism compelled him to do his duty. He offered a refreshing and restorative nationalist vision of “America First.” He wanted to ‘Make America Great Again.’

The globalist Billionairiat are pulling the strings not only on the current scamdemic, but also on Biden and Kamala. Hillary and Obama, too. A great many corrupt politicians do as they’re told. The Billionairiat meets regularly by means of private meetings and forbids any scrutiny by the public. A compliant mass media, owned by The Billionairiat, largely ignores such events.

I couldn’t fit them all in my cartoon. Tim Cook, the Apple CEO, is delighted that China Joe became the president select. He desires better ties with the Chicoms so he can leverage their slave labor for his company. President Trump is the only president in recent history to stand up the the Chinese. Bloomberg is also part of The Billionairiat and he wants your guns. He spends millions promoting gun control and the destruction of our second amendment.

Then comes Mark Zuckerberg who spent millions trying to influence this year’s election. He also made sure that political speech on his Facebook was to his liking. Anything he didn’t like was subject to blatant censorship. A man who limits another man’s free speech (especially political free speech) is a traitor to our country. Mark is good friends with President Xi.

Jeff Bezos bought out the Washington Post in order to use it for his personal anti-Trump blog. He cleaned up with orders from a locked-down nation. Coincidence?

George Soros has long stirred up trouble. He funded the BLM and Antifa. He buys elections for his selected candidates, even at a grass roots level. He chooses prosecutors and judges, therefore controlling our justice system. Soros wants America’s culture and pride gone. He wants chaos on our streets. He thinks that will make it easier to usher in his New World Order socialism. Soros should be arrested for funding terrorism.

Finally we have Bill Gates. I heard CNN refer to him as ‘the pandemic expert’ today. He owns a lot of stock in the vaccine makers and funds many medical agencies, but money can’t buy him expertise. Even though he has no qualifications, we are supposed to blindly obey him and take multiple shots of an untested vaccine that could bring about a myriad of side effects—including death. The fake news media sends out a steady drumbeat of fear designed to prompt us to take the vaccines voluntarily. If that doesn’t work, they’ll try extortion. You won’t get your bailout check without a battery of shots. You won’t be able to travel or go shopping without a chip or card. Maybe you won’t get a social security check or license. If that doesn’t work, we’ll see brute force. It might come down to shots from needles or shots from a gun.

The Billionairiat can funnel almost endless money to further their goals. We didn’t elect them, but they think they get to decide our elections. Let’s lock up The Billionairiat, confiscate their wealth and distribute it to American citizens as a penalty for their traitorous mischief making.

Check out all of Ben’s great cartoons and commentary HERE.

COVID, Woke Science—and Death

Via American Greatness

In this brave new world of ours, will we be pruning back the elderly altogether by credentialed “ethicists,” whether because of their longevity or race?

In May and June, thousands of Antifa and Black Lives Matters demonstrators hit the streets of some of our largest cities, initially at least, protesting the death of George Floyd while in police custody. Within days often mass looting and arson ensued.

Most states were under strict quarantines. The logic of the lockdowns forbade large outdoor gatherings, and demanded strict social distancing and the use of masks.

But when tens of thousands simply ignored these state guidelines, many health care providers lost all credibility by ignoring their own prior stern health advice.

Now suddenly they claimed that the angst occurring from not protesting was a greater health threat to would-be demonstrators than violating the quarantines and spreading the disease. So much for their concern over friends and families of the protestors at home, who might come in contact each pre-protesting morning with the soon out and about woke. So much for science.

In June over 1,200 health and medical professionals penned an open letter objecting that protests around the United States should not be shut down because of fears of spiking the disease. Yet it was not as though they conceded their prior advice was now entirely fallacious. Instead, it just needed a tweak and update.

Or as the progressive signees put it in good Foucauldian fashion, “We wanted to present a narrative that prioritizes opposition to racism as vital to the public health, including the epidemic response. We believe that the way forward is not to suppress protests in the name of public health.”

Translated, that meant some doctors, nurses, and health technicians felt protests and rallies—even those quite dangerous to all involved and that had propensities to result in violence, death, arson, injuries and massive property damage—were, well, necessary for public health. Suddenly forbidding assembling in mass was not public spiritedness, but was a sort of suppression.

The risk of infecting someone with the virus, then, was less a public health crisis than advising a protestor not to hit the streets. We will never know how many thousands subsequently became infected, after weeks on end of marching in mass, shouting, screaming in the faces of police, violating social dissenting, and often ignoring mask and hand cleansers—and then returning home to infect others likely more elderly and vulnerable. Rioting, looting, burning, and demonstrating en masse seems a likely more risky proposition for spreading the virus than, say, eating outside, with tables six feet apart.

Once again, of course, the exemptions of the medical experts were selective. If a deplorable watching the massive protests and rioting, later felt that it was now OK to attend an open-air rally to ensure that jobs would remain in America or border security might enhance the wages of the working poor, this Trump-support was given no such deference. Instead, subjectively invoke the now loaded noun “racism,” and science in Medieval fashion was warped to serve an ideological agenda.

More recently, a number of doctors have advised that the new coronavirus vaccinations not be disseminated to the public on sound scientific principles that the first to receive it should be health-care providers. These, after all, are the linchpins of the health-care system, while those over 65 are statistically the most likely to die from COVID-19.

But instead of prioritizing these two groups, some of our most credentialed experts now want vaccination queues to be governed by race. If a particular racial group, of any age, for any purported reason, has had a disproportionate rate of COVID-19 lethality, then it collectively should go to the head of the line before the elderly.

Or as medical “ethicist” Dr. Harald Schmidt put it:

Older populations are whiter. Society is structured in a way that enables them to live longer. Instead of giving additional health benefits to those who already had more of them, we can start to level the playing field a bit.

But why only “leveling” only “a bit”? Why not “lots”—like denying them COVID-19 vaccinations in timely fashion?

Read the entire article HERE.

You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either


If you experience severe side effects after getting a Covid vaccine, lawyers tell CNBC there is basically no one to blame in a U.S. court of law.
The federal government has granted companies like Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.
“It is very rare for a blanket immunity law to be passed,” said Rogge Dunn, a Dallas labor and employment attorney. “Pharmaceutical companies typically aren’t offered much liability protection under the law.“

You also can’t sue the Food and Drug Administration for authorizing a vaccine for emergency use, nor can you hold your employer accountable if they mandate inoculation as a condition of employment.

Congress created a fund specifically to help cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses for people who have been irreparably harmed by a “covered countermeasure,” such as a vaccine. But it is difficult to use and rarely pays. Attorneys say it has compensated less than 6% of the claims filed in the last decade.
Immune to lawsuits

In February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.
That means that for the next four years, these companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against Covid.

HHS declined CNBC’s request for an interview.

Read the entire article HERE.

WaPo admits that Latinos hate the term ‘Latinx’

Via The Blaze

Stop trying to make Latinx happen; it’s not going to happen

Leftists want to abolish gender identity, and that presents a problem since most Romance languages, including Spanish, have masculine or feminine gender nouns. Progressives attempted to take the gender out of the Spanish language by changing “Latino” to the term “Latinx” around 2004. The only problem is that Latinos and Latinas hate the word “Latinx.”

The word “Latinx,” which is nearly a “term used exclusively within the United States,” has been rejected by the vast majority of actual Latinos. A 2019 poll found that a whopping 98% of Latinos do not identify with the Latinx term. Of those surveyed, 44% preferred to be called “Hispanic,” followed by 24% who would like to be classified as “Latino/Latina.”

A 2020 Pew Research survey found that only 23% of Hispanics had even heard of the term “Latinx,” and a minuscule 3% said they used the word to describe themselves.

This week, a Washington Post writer finally admitted, “Stop trying to make Latinx happen; it’s not going to happen.”

WaPo published an article titled, “‘Latinx’ hasn’t even caught on among Latinos. It never will.” Writer Jose A. Del Real outlined all of the reasons why Hispanics have rejected the progressive agenda to take gender out of their language.

Real noted that despite the word “Latinx” being widely used in progressive mediums and by left-wing politicians, they could be “accused of being out of touch with working-class Latino communities,” who dismiss the woke machinations. The writer also points out that “Latinx” doesn’t roll off the tongue and “plural derivatives like ‘latinxs’ and ‘amigxs’ and ‘tixs, are impossible to pronounce.”

Real suggests that pushing the term “Latinx” may have hurt Democrats in elections.

“Some strategists and journalists argue that progressives’ embrace of ‘Latinx’ lost some votes among Latino communities in Florida and Texas by imposing a label on people who do not use it to describe themselves,” Real wrote.

Read the entire article HERE.

Butt-Lift Surgery Kills Mexican Kardashian Look-Alike Instagram Model

Via The National File

A Mexican Instagram model, famous for being physically compared to socialite Kim Kardashian, has died following an unsuccessful butt-lift surgery in Colombia, according to a report by the Daily Mail.
29 year-old Joselyn Cano, a Mexican-American woman residing in Newport Beach, California, traveled to Colombia for a butt-lift surgery that took place on December 7. Her Instagram profile boasted over 12 million followers, leading to lucrative branding deals with large corporations.

The surgery she was undertaking was a Brazilian-style butt-lift, where fat is essentially redistributed from the abdomen and flanks and then injected into the buttocks. This type of surgery is particularly popular among those wishing to replicate Kardashian’s figure. It is currently the fastest-growing form of plastic surgery in the United States, given the growing social fetishization of buttocks in American society.

Over 1 in every 3000 butt-lifts of this kind results in death, according to statistics on This happens when the injected fat accidentally enters the bloodstream and subsequently blocks blood vessels, leading to fat embolism.

Many travel to Colombia to get this surgery done, due to its relatively lower costs there. However, sub-par medical standards in Colombia have led to dozens of plastic surgery related deaths, as well as long-term health issues and bizarre looking botched surgeries.

France 24 reports that in 2016, 30 people died in Colombia as a result of botched plastic surgery. A Colombian journalist described to France 24 how doctors who have not completed medical school training are offering cheap surgeries without having the prerequisite skills to perform them…

Read the entire article HERE.

Old, Failed Idea Repackaged As New, Progressive Idea

Via The Babylon Bee (Satire)

U.S.—An old, failed idea — one that spread countless misery long ago when people were ignorant enough to implement it — has once again been repackaged as a new, progressive idea.

“Wow! This will solve everything!” said an enthusiastic young liberal about an idea proven by history to make everything worse.

“This is the way of the future!” said another leftist about the idea that most people thought had been buried in the past, but continues to rise again like a monster from a horror movie.

The idea, which completely ignores human nature and depends on lots of oppressive, top-down government controls, has already been embraced by the more left-wing members of the Democratic Party. “I’m going to add this to the Green New Deal,” said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has always been expected to sign on to the latest left-wing fad with complete credulity. Bernie Sanders has also announced his support for the idea, but being 500 years old, he was around the last time the idea was tried and should know better.

Some people on the Right have been vocally opposed to the idea — which is objectively terrible and should be opposed by anyone with even a remedial understanding of history — though liberals have dismissed the resistance as “racist.”

Check out all of the Bee’s takes on politics and culture HERE.

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