‘Vote Reparations’ In Which Black Votes Are Double-Counted Is Now A Thing

Liberal toxic waste dumping site, The Nation, says in order to be a more just and equal country, we must double-count the votes of black people. Isn’t that what happened in the 2020 election already? No seriously, isn’t that how Joe Biden was able to steal the White House? Despite this already being a thing, The Nation believes “vote reparations” should be an official thing.

Democrats like tossing around the idea that America should pay back black people for  democratic party slavery and democratic party racism. They of course want reparations to come from people who had nothing to do with any of that, instead of their own coffers like it should. Now, The Nation feels like reparations should ensure that democrats, the people responsible for slavery and segregation, win every election and have total power in this country by double-counting black votes.

First, here’s the problem as The Nation sees it:

Black votes in this country are worth less than white votes. Joe Biden won the Electoral College because Black voters in Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia turned out in significant numbers. But even with overwhelming Black support—94 percent of Detroit voted for Biden!—the outcomes in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania were worryingly close.

One core problem is the Electoral College. Wyoming, which has just 580,000 residents and is 93 percent white, gets three electors because of its two senators and one representative in the House. By comparison, Georgia’s Fifth Congressional District—which includes Atlanta, has 710,000 residents, and is 58 percent Black—has no dedicated electors or senators and can only occasionally overcome the mostly white and conservative votes from elsewhere in the state. This devaluation of Black votes allows our political system to ignore Black lives, and the consequences are devastating. Unequal representation has led to unequal health care outcomes, which the Covid-19 pandemic has only worsened. Without sufficient voting power, Black communities receive substandard education, and politicians are free to appoint judges who sanction mass incarceration, abusive policing, and electoral disenfranchisement.

Representation. How does it work? Wyoming is a state, thus they have Senators, while Atlanta is a city within a state and therefor have no dedicated Senators. Also, didn’t Joe Biden pass all of that “systemic racism” stuff when he was a Senator? Why in the hell did black people vote for him if he’s the one behind their oppression? And why in the hell should we give people who vote that stupidly, double the vote?

And here’s the solution to this made-up problem as The Nation sees it:

But there’s another way to undo the damage of the Electoral College and other structurally racist political institutions: We can implement vote reparations by double-counting ballots cast by all Black residents. The poisonous legacy of slavery applies to Black people regardless of when we or our ancestors arrived in this country. Vote reparations should also extend to Native Americans.

One of the largest objections to monetary reparations is the impracticality of implementing them on a scale that would meaningfully address the injustices. Vote reparations, in contrast, would be a simple, low-cost way to begin to make amends.

Vote reparations would create possibilities to build what W.E.B. Du Bois called “abolition democracy,” or the practice of achieving a racially just society.

Vote reparations would empower us to replace oppressive institutions with life-affirming structures of economic, social, and political equality. And if our elected representatives did not prioritize this transformational work, we could vote them out.

Equality means treating everyone the same. It is literally impossible to achieve equality by treating people differently. This is a very simple concept that The Nation can’t seem to understand:

Because white votes currently count more than Black ones, double-counting Black votes would restore electoral balance. Vote reparations would be a giant step toward remedying our nation’s long history of denying and devaluing Black votes. To address systemic racism, we must transform how we choose our government.

White votes count more than black votes because there are more white people in this country. Math. How does it work?

As dumb as this piece is, voter reparations is already a thing in this country. In Detroit, 72% of the districts got back more ballots than were issued. In Milwaukee, many districts had over 100% voter participation. In Philadelphia and Atlanta Joe Biden got tens of thousands of mystery votes. These 4 cities, which are predominately black, stole the 2020 election for Joe Biden by counting tons of fraudulent black votes.

This article is obviously a preemptive excuse for when the election theft is ultimately exposed. They’ll say, yes, Joe Biden won the White House with fraudulent votes, but that’s okay because it was simply vote reparations to elect a white democrat to undo the injustices of white democrats.