The Purge and Reeducation – How Radicals Are Quickly Implementing a Communist Coup of America

Are you prepared to be forcefully disarmed?  Or to be sent to a work camp?  Or to a re-education camp?  Are we moving into the “killing fields” of the 21st Century?  As extrapolated by John L. Kachelman, Jr. in the Gateway Pundit, “the purge is coming.”  He implores us to prepare ourselves and our families.  “Anticipate the ‘reeducation’ centers your children and grandchildren will be forced to attend.”

“If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.” (Joseph Stalin)

View entire article by John L. Kachelman, Jr. in the Gateway Pundit

(Photo: The “Killing Fields” of Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge in Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. During that time millions of Cambodians died of starvation, execution, disease or overwork during the reeducation and “transformation” of Cambodia into the “ideal” society. Pol Pot was ideologically a Marxist–Leninist and a Khmer nationalist. He applied the horrors of Marxist philosophy just as the communist playbook directed. Those who could not be “reformed” and “reeducated” were murdered.)


  • The American populace has become complacent.  We have come to take our comfort for granted.  As stated by George Orwell, “The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better.”


  • Removal of Free Press is being advocated.

The Purge is verbalized–“Here is a sitting member of Congress [AOC] saying that her party intends to shut down any media that they disagree with and nobody from the liberal media has a problem with it at all. That’s probably because they know the democrats aren’t coming after them, and censorship and speech suppression don’t count when it happens to conservative media.”

  • There have been numerous calls for ALL Trump supporters to be identified as “Domestic Terrorists.”

There is a hit list targeting Trump and his supporters. It has been confirmed that there are lists of those who need to be punished and reeducated.

  • Efforts are ongoing for a “fundamental transformation” of the USA.

Obama announced his intentions of “fundamentally transforming America.” Most shrugged at his devious evil objective and said “that will never happen in America!” They were blind and ignorant of the historical pattern he was following. Life in the USA will be fundamentally transformed.  We are in the early stages of the Purge but a more devilish agenda lies ahead.

  • The Purge is being directed by the Political Elite.

“The will of the American people has to be subordinate to the will of Pelosi” — Newt Gingrich

  • Americans are in a terrible predicament.

Our political process has been in a failed state for some years. There is no longer civil debate and reasoned laws based upon our Constitution. Foreign governments have compromised national legislators and suborned the integrity of the House of Representatives and Senate—and such is met only with shrugs and reelection of the failed politicians!

  • Is there anything we as Americans can do to save our way of life?

Are you concerned enough for your nation, your family, your children and your grandchildren to take action?  The decision will be difficult because as Orwell observed many will opt for ‘happiness’ instead of ‘freedom.’   “The choice for mankind lies between freedom and happiness and for the great bulk of mankind, happiness is better” (George Orwell).

Please check-out the original article by John L. Kachelman, Jr. in the Gateway Pundit by clicking here.  References and advice are provided.